
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway provides interface for communicating between your custom applications and Oracle EBS. This component is already included in the Oracle E-Business installation but requires configuration to be enabled. This post is an attempt to share my experience enabling ISG and to provide clear step by step instructions.


1311068.1 – Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway, Release 12.2
1317697.1 – Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Troubleshooting Guide, Release 12.2

Apply required patches

Perform the required patches analysis as per the Doc 1311068.1. Check if all the patches listed in the doc are applied in your EBS 12.2 instance. Here is the example for my EBS 12.2.12:

[-]34766982: ISG Consolidated Patch for 12.2 (23_1_1)
	[-]17428617 - XDK patch (Opatch applicable for FMW versions &
	[-]34856303 - Weblogic Smart update patch [ENUU]

Start the new patching cycle

 . ~/EBSapps.env run
{ echo $appspass; echo $systempass; echo $wlspass; }|adop phase=prepare workers=8

Apply patch 17428617

Download and unzip the patch 17428617 for FMW or depending on your FMW version.

 . ~/EBSapps.env patch
export ORACLE_HOME=$FMW_HOME/oracle_common
cd /stage/17428617
opatch apply

Patching Oracle WebLogic Server (WLS)

For Patch 34856303 the instructions to be followed :

Download the latest Fusion Middleware consolidated zip file patch mentioned in

MOS Document 2877607.1 : Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2: Consolidated List of Oracle Fusion Middleware Patches and Bug Fixes.

“Section 3: Application Tier Patching Guidance”


Obtain this WebLogic Smart Update Patch 34856303 from the downloaded consolidated zip file through the following path:


Per the following doc: Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2: Consolidated List of Oracle Fusion Middleware Patches and Bug Fixes (Doc ID 2877607.1)

If Patch 25333306 (SUY4) or Patch 17495356 (CIH8) or Patch 26795917 (DN1F) or Patch 33560682 (9UNH) is installed it must be manually rolled back before applying Patch 34856303 (ENUU).

Change memory allocation to prevent bsu fail

vi $FMW_HOME/utils/bsu/

Change from

MEM_ARGS="-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:+UseParallelGC"


MEM_ARGS="-Xms1024m -Xmx4096m -XX:+UseParallelGC"
. ~/EBSapps.env patch
$ cp -v ENUU.jar patch-catalog_27940.xml $FMW_HOME/utils/bsu/cache_dir/
$ cd $FMW_HOME/utils/bsu
$FMW_HOME/utils/bsu/ -remove -patchlist=9UNH -prod_dir=$FMW_HOME/wlserver_10.3
$ $FMW_HOME/utils/bsu/ -install -patch_download_dir=$FMW_HOME/utils/bsu/cache_dir -patchlist=ENUU -prod_dir=$FMW_HOME/wlserver_10.3

Apply the EBS ISG consolidated patch

Download and unzip the patch 34766982.

 . ~/EBSapps.env run
$ { echo $appspass; echo $systempass; echo $wlspass; }|adop phase=apply patches=34766982 patchtop=/backup_bx10/patches/ISG_12.2
$ { echo $appspass; echo $systempass; echo $wlspass; }|adop phase=finalize workers=4
$ { echo $appspass; echo $systempass; echo $wlspass; }| adop phase=cutover

Run the REST configuration script and finish the adop cycle

The script does not run autoconfig but restarts the applications.
You may want to stop the concurrent managers before running to make the services restart quicker:

. ~/EBSapps.env run
./ abort apps/****
$ perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/

Review the script logfiles.

It is required to run the only on one EBS node. There is no need to rerun the scripts on the other nodes in a multi-node installation.

Finish the adop cycle:

$  { echo $appspass; echo $systempass; echo $wlspass; }|adop phase=cleanup workers=4
$  { echo $appspass; echo $systempass; echo $wlspass; }|adop phase=fs_clone workers=4

Create GLOBAL user

Create the GLOBAL user per MOS Doc 2287614.1 via the Security > User > Define form.

Check whether the GLOBAL user exists in Security > User > Define form.
If the user is not present, create the GLOBAL user via the Security > User > Define form.
It is not required to assign any responsibility to the user.

ISG GLOBAL user configuration

Run the ‘Workflow Directory Services User/Role Validation’ concurrent request to propagate the changes. Specify the parameters as shown on the below screenshot:

ISG run wf dir user validation

Verify that REST is configured successfully and active




When prompted, provide Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration user credentials. You should see a response, similar to the following in the browser:

ISG verify REST login status

Configure token authentication

To make sure that token authentication works perform the following checks:

Check the value of the profile option “Applications Database ID” at the site level:

sqlplus apps/****
select fnd_profile.value('APPS_DATABASE_ID') from dual;

Open the following configuration file:


Make sure that ISG_AGENT_JNDI_NAMES is set to the same value as the profile option. Example:


Note: If you change the parameter value, it is also required to change the prefix of the following parameters:


If you performed any changes, restart the oafm managed server.

[applmgr@demo ~]$ cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME
[applmgr@demo scripts]$ ./ stop oafm_server1
[applmgr@demo scripts]$ ./ start oafm_server1

Configure ISG for TLS

If your EBS instance is TLS enabled check if the required ISG TLS configuration steps are performed.

Increase oafm servers Java Heap Size.

How To Increase The Java Heap Size For EBS Applications Release 12.2.10 and above ? (Doc ID 2990462.1)

Increasing Java Heap Size may be required to increase the OAFM servers performance. If the Integrated SOA Gateway services are accessed by a large number of users in your EBS instance the default heap size may not be enough. Please perform the following steps:

1) Login into Weblogic admin server and click on servers and then click on “Lock & Edit” button.

2) Click on oafm_server1.

3) Click on server start.

It is recommended that you configure oafm to be between 2G and 4G. You could start with 2 G and increase as necessary.

For example: To change –Xms and –Xmx parameter values to 4096m use:

-Xms4096m -Xmx4096m

Click on Save button.

4) If you have more oafm servers, redo the steps to change the heap size for each server.

5) Click on “Activate Changes” button.

6) Restart oafm manages servers.