CAC WIP Pending Cost Adjustment

Categories: Enginatics
Repository: Github
Report showing the potential standard cost changes for WIP discrete jobs, for the WIP completions, WIP component issues and WIP resource (labor) transactions. (Note that resource overheads / production overheads are not included in this report version.) The Cost Type (Old) defaults to your Costing Method Cost Type (Average, Standard, etc.); the Currency Conversion Dates default to the latest ope ...  Report showing the potential standard cost changes for WIP discrete jobs, for the WIP completions, WIP component issues and WIP resource (labor) transactions. (Note that resource overheads / production overheads are not included in this report version.) The Cost Type (Old) defaults to your Costing Method Cost Type (Average, Standard, etc.); the Currency Conversion Dates default to the latest open or closed accounting period; and the To Currency Code and the Organization Code default from the organization code set for this session. And if you choose Yes for "Include All WIP Jobs" all WIP jobs will be reported even if there are no valuation changes.

Cost Type (New): enter the Cost Type that has the revised or new item costs (mandatory).
Cost Type (Old): enter the Cost Type that has the existing or current item costs, defaults to the Frozen Cost Type (mandatory).
Currency Conversion Date (New): enter the currency conversion date to use for the new item costs (mandatory).
Currency Conversion Type (New): enter the currency conversion type to use for the new item costs, defaults to Corporate (mandatory).
Currency Conversion Date (Old): enter the currency conversion date to use for the existing item costs (mandatory).
Currency Conversion Type (Old): enter the currency conversion type to use for the existing item costs, defaults to Corporate (mandatory).
To Currency Code: enter the currency code used to translate the item costs and inventory values into.
Category Set 1: the first item category set to report, typically the Cost or Product Line Category Set (optional).
Category Set 2: The second item category set to report, typically the Inventory Category Set (optional).
Include All WIP Jobs: enter No to only report WIP jobs with valuation changes, enter Yes to report all WIP jobs. (mandatory).
Item Number: specific buy or make item you wish to report (optional).
Organization Code: enter the inventory organization(s) you wish to report, defaults to your session's inventory organization (optional).
Operating Unit: enter the specific operating unit(s) you wish to report (optional).
Ledger: enter the specific ledger(s) you wish to report (optional).

/* +=============================================================================+
-- | Copyright 2020 - 2024 Douglas Volz Consulting, Inc.
-- | Permission to use this code is granted provided the original author is
-- | acknowledged. No warranties, express or otherwise is included in this
-- | permission. All rights reserved.
-- +=============================================================================+

-- | Version Modified on Modified by Description
-- | ======= =========== ============== =========================================
-- | 1.0 04 Dec 2020 Douglas Volz Created initial Report based on the Pending
-- | Cost Adjustment Report for Inventory and Intransit.
-- | 1.1 11 Dec 2020 Douglas Volz Corrected cost adjustments for assemblies
-- | 1.2 16 Dec 2020 Douglas Volz Change SIGN of completion quantities to match
-- | the Oracle WIP Standard Cost Adjustment Report.
-- | 1.3 10 Feb 2021 Douglas Volz Fixes for WIP completion quantities, needed to
-- | change the SIGN of completion quantities.
-- | 1.4 17 Feb 2021 Douglas Volz Add absolute difference column.
-- | 1.5 13 Dec 2021 Douglas Volz Add parameter to report all WIP jobs, even
-- | if there is no valuation change.
-- | 1.6 12 Feb 2024 Douglas Volz Remove tabs, simplify G/L conversion rates,
-- | added inventory org access security.
-- +=============================================================================+*/

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select  nvl(gl.short_name, Ledger,
-- ==========================================================
-- Get the Material_Cost and Value Cost Adjustments
-- ========================================================== Operating_Unit,
        mp.organization_code Org_Code, Organization_Name,
        sumwip.class_code WIP_Class,
        ml1.meaning Class_Type,
        we.wip_entity_name WIP_Job,
        ml2.meaning Job_Status,
        sumwip.date_released Date_Released,
        sumwip.date_completed Date_Completed,
        sumwip.last_update_date Last_Update_Date,
        msiv.concatenated_segments Item_Number,
        msiv.description Item_Description,
        fcl.meaning Item_Type,
        misv.inventory_item_status_code_tl Item_Status,
        ml3.meaning Make_Buy_Code,
        ml4.meaning Supply_Type,
        sumwip.transaction_type Transaction_Type,
        sumwip.resource_code Resource_Code,
        sumwip.op_seq_num Operation_Seq_Number,
        sumwip.res_seq_num Resource_Seq_Number,
        ml5.meaning Basis_Type,
        gl.currency_code Currency_Code,
        muomv.uom_code UOM_Code,
-- ==========================================================
-- Select the new and old item costs from Cost_Type 1 and 2
-- ==========================================================
        round(nvl(cic1.material_cost,0),5) New_Material_Cost,
        round(nvl(cic2.material_cost,0),5) Old_Material_Cost,
        -- Revision for version 1.1, remove tl_material_overhead for
        -- assembly completions and only for WIP Standard Discrete Jobs
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic1.material_overhead_cost,0) - nvl(cic1.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
           else round(nvl(cic1.material_overhead_cost,0),5)
        end New_Material_Overhead_Cost,
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic2.material_overhead_cost,0) - nvl(cic2.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
           else round(nvl(cic2.material_overhead_cost,0),5)
        end Old_Material_Overhead_Cost,
        -- End revision for version 1.1
        round(nvl(cic1.resource_cost,0),5) New_Resource_Cost,
        round(nvl(cic2.resource_cost,0),5) Old_Resource_Cost,
        round(nvl(cic1.outside_processing_cost,0),5) New_Outside_Processing_Cost,
        round(nvl(cic2.outside_processing_cost,0),5) Old_Outside_Processing_Cost,
        round(nvl(cic1.overhead_cost,0),5) New_Overhead_Cost,
        round(nvl(cic2.overhead_cost,0),5) Old_Overhead_Cost,
        -- Revision for version 1.1, remove tl_material_overhead for
        -- assembly completions and only for WIP Standard Discrete Jobs
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic1.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
           else round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0),5)
        end New_Item_Cost,
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic2.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
           else round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5)
        end Old_Item_Cost,
-- ========================================================
-- Select the item costs from Cost_Type 1 and 2 and compare
-- ========================================================
        -- New_Item_Cost - Old_Item_Cost = Item_Cost_Difference
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic1.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
           else round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0),5)
        end -
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic2.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
           else round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5)
        end Item_Cost_Difference,
        --  when round((nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic2.item_cost,0)),5) = 0 then 0
        --  when round((nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic2.item_cost,0)),5) = round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0),5) then  100
        --  when round((nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic2.item_cost,0)),5) = round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5) then -100
        --  else round((nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic2.item_cost,0)) / nvl(cic2.item_cost,0) * 100,1)
        --end Percent_Difference,
           -- when new cost - old cost = 0 then 0
           when case
                   when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                        round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic1.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
                   else round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0),5)
                end -
                   when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                        round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic2.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
                   else round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5)
                = 0 then 0
           -- when new cost - old cost = new cost then 100
           when case
                   when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                        round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic1.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
                   else round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0),5)
                end -
                   when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                        round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic2.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
                   else round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5)
                end =
                   when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                        round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic1.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
                   else round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0),5)
                then 100
            -- when new cost - old cost = old cost then -100
           when case
                   when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                        round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic1.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
                   else round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0),5)
                end -
                   when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                        round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic2.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
                   else round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5)
                end =
                   when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                        round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic2.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
                   else round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5)
                then -100
           -- else (new cost - old cost) / old cost
                   when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                        round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic1.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
                   else round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0),5)
                 end -
                   when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                        round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic2.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
                   else round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5)
                 end) /
                   when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                        round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic2.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
                   else round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5)
        end,2) Percent_Difference,
        -- End of revision for version 1.1
-- ===========================================================
-- Select the WIP quantities and values
-- ===========================================================
        muomv.uom_code UOM_Code,
        -- Revision for version 1.2
        -- Show the WIP Completion Quantity as a positive number
        -- to match the Oracle WIP Std Cost Adjustment Report
        -- decode(sumwip.txn_source, 'WIP Completion', -1 * sumwip.quantity, sumwip.quantity) WIP_Quantity,
        sumwip.quantity WIP_Quantity,
        -- End revision for version 1.2
        -- Revision for version 1.3
        decode(sumwip.txn_source, 'WIP Completion',-1,1) * (
        -- Revision for version 1.1
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic1.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
           else round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0),5)
        end * sumwip.quantity
           ,2)) New_Onhand_Value,
        -- Revision for version 1.3
        decode(sumwip.txn_source, 'WIP Completion',-1,1) * (
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic2.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
           else round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5)
        end * sumwip.quantity
           ,2)) Old_Onhand_Value,
        -- Revision for version 1.2
        -- Show WIP Completion adjustments as negative to match the Oracle WIP Standard Cost Adjustment Report
        decode(sumwip.txn_source, 'WIP Completion',-1,1) * (
        -- New_Onhand_Value - Old_Onhand_Value = Onhand_Value_Difference
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic1.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
           else round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0),5)
        end * sumwip.quantity
           ,2) -
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic2.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
           else round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5)
        end * sumwip.quantity
           ,2)) Onhand_Value_Difference,
        -- End revision for version 1.1
        -- Revision for version 1.4, show absolute difference
        -- Revision for version 1.2
        -- Show WIP Completion adjustments as negative to match the Oracle WIP Standard Cost Adjustment Report
        abs(decode(sumwip.txn_source, 'WIP Completion',-1,1) * (
        -- New_Onhand_Value - Old_Onhand_Value = Onhand_Value_Difference
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic1.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
           else round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0),5)
        end * sumwip.quantity
           ,2) -
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic2.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
           else round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5)
        end * sumwip.quantity
           ,2))) Abs_Onhand_Value_Difference,
        -- End revision for version 1.4
-- ========================================================
-- Select the new and old currency rates
-- ========================================================
        nvl(nvl(gdr1.conversion_rate,1),1) New_FX_Rate,
        nvl(gdr2.conversion_rate,1) Old_FX_Rate,
        nvl(nvl(gdr1.conversion_rate,1),1) - nvl(gdr2.conversion_rate,1) Exchange_Rate_Difference,
-- ===========================================================
-- Select To Currency WIP quantities and values
-- ===========================================================
-- ===========================================================
-- Costs in To Currency by Cost_Element, new values at new Fx rate
-- old values at old Fx rate
-- ===========================================================
        -- Revision for version 1.3
        decode(sumwip.txn_source, 'WIP Completion',-1,1) * (
        round(nvl(cic1.material_cost,0) * nvl(nvl(gdr1.conversion_rate,1),1)
        * sumwip.quantity,2)) "&p_to_currency_code New Material Value",
        -- Revision for version 1.3
        decode(sumwip.txn_source, 'WIP Completion',-1,1) * (
        round(nvl(cic2.material_cost,0) * nvl(gdr2.conversion_rate,1)
        * sumwip.quantity,2)) "&p_to_currency_code Old Material Value",
        -- Revision for version 1.3
        decode(sumwip.txn_source, 'WIP Completion',-1,1) * (
        -- Revision for version 1.1
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic1.material_overhead_cost,0) - nvl(cic1.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
           else round(nvl(cic1.material_overhead_cost,0),5)
        end * sumwip.quantity * nvl(nvl(gdr1.conversion_rate,1),1)
           ,2)) "&p_to_currency_code New Material Ovhd Value",
        -- Revision for version 1.3
        decode(sumwip.txn_source, 'WIP Completion',-1,1) * (
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic2.material_overhead_cost,0) - nvl(cic2.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
           else round(nvl(cic2.material_overhead_cost,0),5)
        end * sumwip.quantity * nvl(gdr2.conversion_rate,1)
           ,2)) "&p_to_currency_code Old Material Ovhd Value",
        -- End revision for version 1.1
        -- Revision for version 1.3
        decode(sumwip.txn_source, 'WIP Completion',-1,1) * (
        round(nvl(cic1.resource_cost,0) * nvl(nvl(gdr1.conversion_rate,1),1)
        * sumwip.quantity,2)) "&p_to_currency_code New Resource Value",
        -- Revision for version 1.3
        decode(sumwip.txn_source, 'WIP Completion',-1,1) * (
        round(nvl(cic2.resource_cost,0) * nvl(gdr2.conversion_rate,1)
        * sumwip.quantity,2)) "&p_to_currency_code Old Resource Value",
        -- Revision for version 1.3
        decode(sumwip.txn_source, 'WIP Completion',-1,1) * (
        round(nvl(cic1.outside_processing_cost,0) * nvl(nvl(gdr1.conversion_rate,1),1)
        * sumwip.quantity,2)) "&p_to_currency_code New OSP Value",
        -- Revision for version 1.3
        decode(sumwip.txn_source, 'WIP Completion',-1,1) * (
        round(nvl(cic2.outside_processing_cost,0) * nvl(gdr2.conversion_rate,1)
        * sumwip.quantity,2)) "&p_to_currency_code Old OSP Value",
        -- Revision for version 1.3
        decode(sumwip.txn_source, 'WIP Completion',-1,1) * (
        round(nvl(cic1.overhead_cost,0) * nvl(gdr1.conversion_rate,1)
        * sumwip.quantity,2)) "&p_to_currency_code New Overhead Value",
        -- Revision for version 1.3
        decode(sumwip.txn_source, 'WIP Completion',-1,1) * (
        round(nvl(cic2.overhead_cost,0) * nvl(gdr2.conversion_rate,1)
        * sumwip.quantity,2)) "&p_to_currency_code Old Overhead Value",
-- ===========================================================
-- WIP Values expressed in the To Currency, new values at 
-- the new Fx rate and old values at old Fx rate
-- ===========================================================
        -- Revision for version 1.3
        decode(sumwip.txn_source, 'WIP Completion',-1,1) * (
        -- Revision for version 1.1
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic1.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
           else round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0),5)
        end * sumwip.quantity * nvl(gdr1.conversion_rate,1)
           ,2)) "&p_to_currency_code New Onhand Value",
        -- Revision for version 1.3
        decode(sumwip.txn_source, 'WIP Completion',-1,1) * (
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic2.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
           else round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5)
        end * sumwip.quantity * nvl(gdr2.conversion_rate,1)
           ,2)) "&p_to_currency_code Old Onhand Value",
        -- Revision for version 1.2
        -- Show WIP Completion adjustments as negative to match the Oracle WIP Standard Cost Adjustment Report
        decode(sumwip.txn_source, 'WIP Completion',-1,1) * (
        -- USD New Onhand Cost - USD Old Onhand Cost
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic1.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
           else round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0),5)
        end * sumwip.quantity * nvl(gdr1.conversion_rate,1)
           ,2) -
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic2.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
           else round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5)
        end * sumwip.quantity * nvl(gdr2.conversion_rate,1)
           ,2)) "&p_to_currency_code Onhand Value Difference",
        -- End revision for version 1.1
        -- Revision for version 1.4, show absolute difference
        -- Revision for version 1.2
        -- Show WIP Completion adjustments as negative to match the Oracle WIP Standard Cost Adjustment Report
        abs(decode(sumwip.txn_source, 'WIP Completion',-1,1) * (
        -- USD New Onhand Cost - USD Old Onhand Cost
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic1.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
           else round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0),5)
        end * sumwip.quantity * nvl(gdr1.conversion_rate,1)
           ,2) -
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic2.tl_material_overhead,0),5)
           else round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5)
        end * sumwip.quantity * nvl(gdr2.conversion_rate,1)
           ,2))) "&p_to_currency_code Abs Onhand Value Diff",
        -- End revision for version 1.4
-- ===========================================================
-- Value Differences in To Currency using the new rate
-- New and Old costs at New Fx Rate
-- ===========================================================
        -- Revision for version 1.2
        -- Show WIP Completion adjustments as negative to match the Oracle WIP Standard Cost Adjustment Report
        decode(sumwip.txn_source, 'WIP Completion',-1,1) * (
        -- Revision for version 1.1
        -- NEW COST at new fx conversion rate minus OLD COST at new fx conversion rate
        -- New_Item_Cost
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic1.tl_material_overhead,0),5) * nvl(gdr1.conversion_rate,1)
           else round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0),5) * nvl(gdr1.conversion_rate,1)
        end -
        -- Old_Item_Cost
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic2.tl_material_overhead,0),5) * nvl(gdr1.conversion_rate,1)
           else round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5) * nvl(gdr1.conversion_rate,1)
        end) *
        -- multiplied by the total onhand quantity
        sumwip.quantity,2)) "&p_to_currency_code Value Difference-New Rate",
-- ===========================================================
-- Value Differences in To Currency using the old rate
-- New and Old costs at Old Fx Rate
-- ===========================================================
        -- Revision for version 1.2
        -- Show WIP Completion adjustments as negative to match the Oracle WIP Standard Cost Adjustment Report
        decode(sumwip.txn_source, 'WIP Completion',-1,1) * (
        -- NEW COST at old fx conversion rate minus OLD COST at old fx conversion rate
        -- New_Item_Cost
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic1.tl_material_overhead,0),5) * nvl(gdr2.conversion_rate,1)
           else round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0),5) * nvl(gdr2.conversion_rate,1)
        end -
        -- Old_Item_Cost
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic2.tl_material_overhead,0),5) * nvl(gdr2.conversion_rate,1)
           else round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5) * nvl(gdr2.conversion_rate,1)
        end) *
        -- multiplied by the total onhand quantity
        sumwip.quantity,2)) "&p_to_currency_code Value Difference-Old Rate",
-- ===========================================================
-- Value Differences comparing the new less the old rate differences
-- ===========================================================
        -- Revision for version 1.2
        -- Show WIP Completion adjustments as negative to match the Oracle WIP Standard Cost Adjustment Report
        decode(sumwip.txn_source, 'WIP Completion',-1,1) * (
        -- USD Value Diff-New Rate less USD Value Diff-Old Rate
        -- NEW COST at new fx conversion rate minus OLD COST at new fx conversion rate
        -- New_Item_Cost
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic1.tl_material_overhead,0),5) * nvl(gdr1.conversion_rate,1)
           else round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0),5) * nvl(gdr1.conversion_rate,1)
        end -
        -- Old_Item_Cost
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic2.tl_material_overhead,0),5) * nvl(gdr1.conversion_rate,1)
           else round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5) * nvl(gdr1.conversion_rate,1)
        end) *
        -- multiplied by the total onhand quantity
        sumwip.quantity,2)) -
        -- Revision for version 1.2
        -- Show WIP Completion adjustments as negative to match the Oracle WIP Standard Cost Adjustment Report
        decode(sumwip.txn_source, 'WIP Completion',-1,1) * (
        -- NEW COST at old fx conversion rate minus OLD COST at old fx conversion rate
        -- New_Item_Cost
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic1.tl_material_overhead,0),5) * nvl(gdr2.conversion_rate,1)
           else round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0),5) * nvl(gdr2.conversion_rate,1)
        end -
        -- Old_Item_Cost
           when sumwip.txn_source = 'WIP Completion' and sumwip.class_type in (1,5) then 
                round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0) - nvl(cic2.tl_material_overhead,0),5) * nvl(gdr2.conversion_rate,1)
           else round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5) * nvl(gdr2.conversion_rate,1)
        end) *
        -- multiplied by the total onhand quantity
        sumwip.quantity,2)) "&p_to_currency_code Value FX Difference"
from    mtl_system_items_vl msiv,
        mtl_units_of_measure_vl muomv,
        mtl_item_status_vl misv,
        wip_entities we,
        mtl_parameters mp,
        mfg_lookups ml1,  -- WIP_Class_Type
        mfg_lookups ml2,  -- WIP_Job_Status
        mfg_lookups ml3,  -- Planning Make_Buy_Code
        mfg_lookups ml4,  -- WIP_Supply_Type
        mfg_lookups ml5,  -- WIP Basis_Type
        fnd_common_lookups fcl,
        hr_organization_information hoi,
        hr_all_organization_units_vl haou,  -- inv_organization_id
        hr_all_organization_units_vl haou2, -- operating unit
        -- gl_code_combinations gcc,
        gl_ledgers gl,
 -- ===========================================================================
 -- Select New Currency Rates based on the new concurrency conversion date
 -- ===========================================================================
(select gdr.* from gl_daily_rates gdr, gl_daily_conversion_types gdct where gdr.conversion_date=:p_conversion_date1 and gdct.user_conversion_type=:p_user_conversion_type1 and gdr.to_currency=:p_to_currency and gdct.conversion_type=gdr.conversion_type) gdr1, -- NEW Currency Rates
 -- ===========================================================================
 -- Select Old Currency Rates based on the old concurrency conversion date
 -- ===========================================================================
(select gdr.* from gl_daily_rates gdr, gl_daily_conversion_types gdct where gdr.conversion_date=:p_conversion_date2 and gdct.user_conversion_type=:p_user_conversion_type2 and gdr.to_currency=:p_to_currency and gdct.conversion_type=gdr.conversion_type) gdr2,  -- OLD Currency Rates
        -- =================================================
        -- Get the item costs for Cost_Type 1 - New Costs
        -- =================================================
        (select cic1.organization_id,
                -999 resource_id,
                nvl(cic1.material_cost,0) material_cost,
                nvl(cic1.material_overhead_cost,0) material_overhead_cost,
                nvl(cic1.resource_cost,0) resource_cost,
                nvl(cic1.outside_processing_cost,0) outside_processing_cost,
                nvl(cic1.overhead_cost,0) overhead_cost,
                nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) item_cost,
                -- Revision for version 1.1
                nvl(cic1.tl_material_overhead,0) tl_material_overhead
         from   cst_item_costs cic1,
                cst_cost_types cct1,
                mtl_parameters mp
         where  cct1.cost_type_id           = cic1.cost_type_id
         and    cic1.organization_id        = mp.organization_id
         -- Do not report the master inventory organization
         and    mp.organization_id         <> mp.master_organization_id
         and    8=8                         -- p_cost_type1
         and    9=9                         -- p_org_code
         -- Revision for version 1.6
         and    mp.organization_code in (select oav.organization_code from org_access_view oav where oav.resp_application_id=fnd_global.resp_appl_id and oav.responsibility_id=fnd_global.resp_id)
         union all
         -- =============================================================
         -- Get the costs from the frozen cost type that is not in cost
         -- type 1 so that all of the inventory value is reported
         -- =============================================================
         select cic_frozen.organization_id,
                -999 resource_id,
                nvl(cic_frozen.material_cost,0) material_cost,
                nvl(cic_frozen.material_overhead_cost,0) material_overhead_cost,
                nvl(cic_frozen.resource_cost,0) resource_cost,
                nvl(cic_frozen.outside_processing_cost,0) outside_processing_cost,
                nvl(cic_frozen.overhead_cost,0) overhead_cost,
                nvl(cic_frozen.item_cost,0) item_cost,
                -- Revision for version 1.1
                nvl(cic_frozen.tl_material_overhead,0) tl_material_overhead
         from   cst_item_costs cic_frozen,
                cst_cost_types cct1,
                mtl_parameters mp
         where  cic_frozen.cost_type_id     = 1  -- get the frozen costs for the standard cost update
         -- Do not report the master inventory organization
         and    mp.organization_id         <> mp.master_organization_id
         and    8=8                         -- p_cost_type1
         and    9=9                         -- p_org_code
         -- Revision for version 1.6
         and    mp.organization_code in (select oav.organization_code from org_access_view oav where oav.resp_application_id=fnd_global.resp_appl_id and oav.responsibility_id=fnd_global.resp_id)
         -- =============================================================
         -- If p_cost_type1 = frozen cost_type_id then we have all the 
         -- costs and don't need this union all statement
         -- =============================================================
         and    cct1.cost_type_id           <> 1  -- frozen cost type
         and    cic_frozen.organization_id  = mp.organization_id
         -- Revision for version 1.2, parameter to only_items_in_cost_type
         and    13=13
         -- =============================================================
         -- Check to see if the costs exist in cost type 1 
         -- =============================================================
         and not exists (
                         select 'x'
                         from   cst_item_costs cic1
                         where  cic1.cost_type_id      = cct1.cost_type_id
                         and    cic1.organization_id   = cic_frozen.organization_id
                         and    cic1.inventory_item_id = cic_frozen.inventory_item_id
         ) cic1,
        -- =================================================
        -- Get the item costs for Cost_Type 2 - Old Costs
        -- =================================================
        (select cic2.organization_id,
                -999 resource_id,
                nvl(cic2.material_cost,0) material_cost,
                nvl(cic2.material_overhead_cost,0) material_overhead_cost,
                nvl(cic2.resource_cost,0) resource_cost,
                nvl(cic2.outside_processing_cost,0) outside_processing_cost,
                nvl(cic2.overhead_cost,0) overhead_cost,
                nvl(cic2.item_cost,0) item_cost,
                -- Revision for version 1.1
                nvl(cic2.tl_material_overhead,0) tl_material_overhead
         from   cst_item_costs cic2,
                cst_cost_types cct2,
                mtl_parameters mp
         where  cct2.cost_type_id           = cic2.cost_type_id
         and    cic2.organization_id        = mp.organization_id
         -- Do not report the master inventory organization
         and    mp.organization_id         <> mp.master_organization_id
         and    9=9                         -- p_org_code
         -- Revision for version 1.6
         and    mp.organization_code in (select oav.organization_code from org_access_view oav where oav.resp_application_id=fnd_global.resp_appl_id and oav.responsibility_id=fnd_global.resp_id)
         and    10=10                       -- p_cost_type2
         union all
         -- =============================================================
         -- Get the costs from the frozen cost type that is not in cost
         -- type 2 so that all of the inventory value is reported
         -- =============================================================
         select cic_frozen.organization_id,
                -999 resource_id,
                nvl(cic_frozen.material_cost,0) material_cost,
                nvl(cic_frozen.material_overhead_cost,0) material_overhead_cost,
                nvl(cic_frozen.resource_cost,0) resource_cost,
                nvl(cic_frozen.outside_processing_cost,0) outside_processing_cost,
                nvl(cic_frozen.overhead_cost,0) overhead_cost,
                nvl(cic_frozen.item_cost,0) item_cost,
                -- Revision for version 1.1
                nvl(cic_frozen.tl_material_overhead,0) tl_material_overhead
         from   cst_item_costs cic_frozen,
                cst_cost_types cct2,
                mtl_parameters mp
         where  cic_frozen.cost_type_id     = 1  -- get the frozen costs for the standard cost update
         -- Do not report the master inventory organization
         and    mp.organization_id         <> mp.master_organization_id
         -- =============================================================
         -- If p_cost_type2 = frozen cost_type_id then we have all the 
         -- costs and don't need this union all statement
         -- =============================================================
         and    cct2.cost_type_id          <> 1 -- frozen cost type
         and    cic_frozen.organization_id  = mp.organization_id
         and    9=9
Parameter Name SQL text Validation
Cost Type (New)
cct1.cost_type = :p_cost_type1
Cost Type (Old)
cct2.cost_type = :p_cost_type2
Currency Conversion Date (New)
gdr1.conversion_date = :p_curr_conv_date1
Currency Conversion Type (New)
gdct1.user_conversion_type = :p_curr_conv_type1
Currency Conversion Date (Old)
gdr2.conversion_date = :p_curr_conv_date2
Currency Conversion Type (Old)
gdct2.user_conversion_type = :p_curr_conv_type2
To Currency Code
gdr1.to_currency = :p_to_currency_code
Category Set 1
select x.* from (
'(select min(mcb.'||lower(fifsv.application_column_name)||') keep (dense_rank first order by mic.category_id) from mtl_item_categories mic, mtl_categories_b mcb where mic.category_set_id='||mcsv.category_set_id||' and msiv.organization_id=mic.organization_id and msiv.inventory_item_id=mic.inventory_item_id and mic.category_id=mcb.category_id) "'||substr(fifsv.form_left_prompt,1,30)||'",' sql_text
mtl_category_sets_vl mcsv,
fnd_id_flex_segments_vl fifsv
mcsv.category_set_name=:category_set_name1 and
mcsv.structure_id=fifsv.id_flex_num and
fifsv.application_id=401 and
fifsv.id_flex_code='MCAT' and
order by
) x
union all
'(select min(mct.description) keep (dense_rank first order by mic.category_id) from mtl_item_categories mic, mtl_categories_tl mct where mic.category_set_id='||mcsv.category_set_id||' and msiv.organization_id=mic.organization_id and msiv.inventory_item_id=mic.inventory_item_id and mic.category_id=mct.category_id and mct.language=userenv(''lang'')) "'||substr(mcsv.category_set_name||' Description',1,30)||'",' sql_text
mtl_category_sets_vl mcsv
Category Set 2
select x.* from (
'(select min(mcb.'||lower(fifsv.application_column_name)||') keep (dense_rank first order by mic.category_id) from mtl_item_categories mic, mtl_categories_b mcb where mic.category_set_id='||mcsv.category_set_id||' and msiv.organization_id=mic.organization_id and msiv.inventory_item_id=mic.inventory_item_id and mic.category_id=mcb.category_id) "'||substr(fifsv.form_left_prompt,1,30)||'",' sql_text
mtl_category_sets_vl mcsv,
fnd_id_flex_segments_vl fifsv
mcsv.category_set_name=:category_set_name2 and
mcsv.structure_id=fifsv.id_flex_num and
fifsv.application_id=401 and
fifsv.id_flex_code='MCAT' and
order by
) x
union all
'(select min(mct.description) keep (dense_rank first order by mic.category_id) from mtl_item_categories mic, mtl_categories_tl mct where mic.category_set_id='||mcsv.category_set_id||' and msiv.organization_id=mic.organization_id and msiv.inventory_item_id=mic.inventory_item_id and mic.category_id=mct.category_id and mct.language=userenv(''lang'')) "'||substr(mcsv.category_set_name||' Description',1,30)||'",' sql_text
mtl_category_sets_vl mcsv
Include All WIP Jobs
LOV Oracle
Item Number
msiv.concatenated_segments = :p_item_number
Organization Code
mp.organization_code = :p_org_code
Operating Unit = :p_operating_unit
Ledger = :p_ledger
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