CAC Receiving Activity Summary

Categories: Enginatics
Repository: Github
Especially for companies who do not use separate inspection receipt processes, this report nets the initial purchase order receipt into receiving against the delivery into stock and WIP outside processing (OSP). By comparing the Purchasing Receipt transactions with the Purchasing Delivery transactions (for the purchasing receipts, material deliveries and WIP OSP deliveries). Enter the date range ...  Especially for companies who do not use separate inspection receipt processes, this report nets the initial purchase order receipt into receiving against the delivery into stock and WIP outside processing (OSP). By comparing the Purchasing Receipt transactions with the Purchasing Delivery transactions (for the purchasing receipts, material deliveries and WIP OSP deliveries). Enter the date range you wish to compare, typically a monthly date range. Differences may be due to the initial receipt occurring in the prior month, not running Create Accounting in the current month (as this report uses the Subledger Accounting rules to report your Receiving Valuation Activity), the goods never delivered into stock or OSP or perhaps the delivery into stock or into WIP OSP was not processed by Create Accounting.

/* +=============================================================================+
-- | Copyright 2010 - 2022 Douglas Volz Consulting, Inc. |
-- | All rights reserved. |
-- | Permission to use this code is granted provided the original author is |
-- | acknowledged. No warranties, express or otherwise is included in this |
-- | permission. |
-- +=============================================================================+
-- |
-- | Original Author: Douglas Volz ([email protected])
-- |
-- | Program Name: xxx_rcv_activity_rept.sql
-- |
-- | Parameters:
-- | p_trx_date_from -- starting transaction date for icp related transactions
-- | p_trx_date_to -- ending transaction date for icp related transactions
-- | p_org_code -- Specific inventory organization you wish to report (optional)
-- | p_operating_unit -- Operating_Unit you wish to report, leave blank for all
-- | operating units (optional)
-- | p_ledger -- general ledger you wish to report, leave blank for all
-- | ledgers (optional)
-- |
-- | Description:
-- | Report to figure out what is left in Receiving Inspection, by comparing
-- | the Purchasing Receipt transactions with the Purchasing Delivery
-- | transactions (for the purchasing receipts, material deliveries and WIP (OSP)
-- | deliveries).
-- |
-- | Version Modified on Modified by Description
-- | ======= =========== ============== =========================================
-- | 1.0 6 Jan 2010 Douglas Volz Initial Coding
-- | 1.1 05 Apr 2010 Douglas Volz Added PO number, PO Distribution id to query
-- | 1.2 25 Oct 2017 Douglas Volz Now use the receiving parameter Receiving ccid
-- | and added transaction source.
-- | 1.3 13 Mar 2018 Douglas Volz Added Ledger parameter
-- | 1.4 08 Jul 2022 Douglas Volz Multi-language tables for item master.
-- +=============================================================================+*/

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select rcv_sum. Destination_Type,
-- =============================================================
-- Get summary of net PO receiving activity by PO Distribution
-- =============================================================
 sum(rcv_sum.Amount) Amount
from gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc1,
 gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc2,
 -- =============================================================
 -- Get the Receipts into Receiving Inspection and the Deliveries
 -- out of Receiving Inspection from Purchasing
 -- =============================================================
 (select pod.destination_type_code Destination_Type,
  nvl(gl.short_name, Ledger, Operating_Unit,
  mp.organization_code Org_Code,
  oap.period_name Period_Name,
  -- Revision for version 1.2
  'RCV' Transaction_Source,
  rrsl.accounting_line_type Accounting_Line_Type,
  flv.meaning Transaction_Type,
  rt.transaction_id Transaction_Id,
  poh.segment1 PO_Number,
  pol.line_num PO_Line,
  pod.po_distribution_id PO_Distribution_Id,
  al.code_combination_id rcv_ccid,  -- gcc1
  pod.code_combination_id pod_ccid, -- gcc2
  nvl((select we.wip_entity_name
    from wip_entities we
    where we.wip_entity_id = pod.wip_entity_id),'') WIP_Job,
  msiv.concatenated_segments Item_Number,
  msiv.description Item_Description,
  xxen_util.meaning(msiv.item_type,'ITEM_TYPE',3) user_item_type,
  sum(nvl(al.accounted_dr,0) - nvl(al.accounted_cr,0)) Amount
  from rcv_receiving_sub_ledger rrsl,
  rcv_transactions rt,
  po_headers_all poh,
  po_lines_all pol,
  rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
  po_distributions_all pod,
  fnd_lookup_values flv,
  mtl_system_items_vl msiv,
  org_acct_periods oap,
  mtl_parameters mp, 
  hr_organization_information hoi,
  hr_all_organization_units_vl haou, -- inv_organization_id
  hr_all_organization_units_vl haou2, -- operating unit
  gl_ledgers gl,
  -- Revision for version 1.4, remove tables to increase performance
  -- xla_transaction_entities ent,
  -- xla_events xe,
  -- End revision for version 1.4
  xla_distribution_links xdl,
  xla_ae_headers ah,
  xla_ae_lines al
  -- ========================================================
  -- Material Transaction, org and item joins
  -- ========================================================
  where rrsl.rcv_transaction_id     = rt.transaction_id
  and rt.shipment_line_id         = rsl.shipment_line_id
  and rsl.item_id                 = msiv.inventory_item_id (+)
  and rsl.to_organization_id     = msiv.organization_id   (+)
  and mp.organization_id     = rt.organization_id
  -- RMAs and REQs are not accounted for by Purchasing
  and rt.source_document_code not in ('RMA', 'REQ')
  and pod.po_distribution_id      = rsl.po_distribution_id
  and pod.po_header_id            = poh.po_header_id
  and pod.po_line_id              = pol.po_line_id
  and rrsl.accounting_line_type  <> 'Accrual'
  -- ========================================================
  -- Inventory Org accounting period joins
  -- ========================================================
  and oap.period_name             = ah.period_name
  and oap.organization_id         = rt.organization_id
  -- ========================================================
  -- Version 1.3, added lookup values to see more detail
  -- ========================================================
  and flv.lookup_type             = 'RCV TRANSACTION TYPE'
  and flv.lookup_code             = rt.transaction_type
  -- Revision for version 1.2
  -- and source_lang                 = 'US'
  -- and language                    = 'US'
  and flv.language                = userenv('LANG')
  -- ========================================================
  -- using the base tables to avoid the performance issues
  -- with org_organization_definitions and hr_operating_units
  -- ========================================================
  and hoi.org_information_context = 'Accounting Information'
  and hoi.organization_id         = rt.organization_id
  and hoi.organization_id         = haou.organization_id   -- this gets the organization name
  and haou2.organization_id       = to_number(hoi.org_information3) -- this gets the operating unit id
  and gl.ledger_id                = to_number(hoi.org_information1) -- get the ledger_id
  and mp.organization_id in (select oav.organization_id from org_access_view oav where oav.resp_application_id=fnd_global.resp_appl_id and oav.responsibility_id=fnd_global.resp_id)
  and gl.ledger_id in (select nvl(glsnav.ledger_id,gasna.ledger_id) from gl_access_set_norm_assign gasna, gl_ledger_set_norm_assign_v glsnav where gasna.access_set_id=fnd_profile.value('GL_ACCESS_SET_ID') and gasna.ledger_id=glsnav.ledger_set_id(+))
and haou2.organization_id in (select mgoat.organization_id from mo_glob_org_access_tmp mgoat union select fnd_global.org_id from dual where fnd_release.major_version=11)
and 1=1                         -- p_trx_date_from, p_trx_date_to, p_org_code, p_operating_unit, p_ledger
  -- ========================================================
  -- SLA table joins to get the exact account numbers
  -- ========================================================
  -- Revision for version 1.4, performance improvements
  -- and ent.entity_code                  = 'RCV_ACCOUNTING_EVENTS'
  -- and ent.application_id               = 707
  -- and xe.application_id                = ent.application_id
  -- and xe.event_id                      = xdl.event_id
  -- and ah.entity_id                     = ent.entity_id
  -- and ah.ledger_id                     = ent.ledger_id
  -- and ah.event_id                      = xe.event_id
  -- and al.application_id                = ent.application_id
  -- and xdl.application_id               = ent.application_id
  and ah.ledger_id                     = gl.ledger_id
  -- End revisions for version 1.4
  and ah.application_id                = al.application_id
  and ah.application_id                = 707
  and ah.ae_header_id                  = al.ae_header_id
  and al.ledger_id                     = ah.ledger_id
  and al.ae_header_id                  = xdl.ae_header_id
  and al.ae_line_num                   = xdl.ae_line_num
  and xdl.application_id               = 707
  and xdl.source_distribution_type = 'RCV_RECEIVING_SUB_LEDGER'
  and xdl.source_distribution_id_num_1 = rrsl.rcv_sub_ledger_id
  -- Revision for version 1.4, outer join for CCIDs
  -- ========================================================
  -- Account code combination id joins
  -- ========================================================
  -- Revision for version 1.2
  -- and gcc1.segment3 = '1449'
  and rrsl.code_combination_id in
  (select rp.receiving_account_id
   from rcv_parameters rp
   where rp.organization_id      = mp.organization_id)
  -- Revision for version 1.4, outer join for CCIDs
  and rrsl.code_combination_id (+)    = al.code_combination_id
  -- ==========================================================
  group by pod.destination_type_code,
   -- Revision for version 1.2
  al.code_combination_id, -- rcv_ccid,  -- gcc1
  pod.code_combination_id, -- pod_ccid, -- gcc2
  -- =============================================================
  -- Get the Deliveries from Receiving Inspection to WIP for
  -- outside processing
  -- =============================================================
  union all
  select pod.destination_type_code Destination_Type,
  nvl(gl.short_name, Ledger, Operating_Unit,
  mp.organization_code Org_Code,
  oap.period_name Period_Name,
   -- Revision for version 1.2
  'WIP' Transaction_Source,
  ml.meaning Accounting_Line_Type,
  ml2.meaning Transaction_Type,
  wt.transaction_id Transaction_Id,
  poh.segment1 PO_Number,
  pol.line_num PO_Line,
  pod.po_distribution_id PO_Distribution_Id,
  al.code_combination_id rcv_ccid,  -- gcc1
  pod.code_combination_id pod_ccid, -- gcc2
  nvl((select we.wip_entity_name
    from wip_entities we
    where we.wip_entity_id = pod.wip_entity_id),'') WIP_Job,
  msiv.concatenated_segments Item_Number,
  msiv.description Item_Description,
  xxen_util.meaning(msiv.item_type,'ITEM_TYPE',3) user_item_type,
  sum(nvl(al.accounted_dr,0) - nvl(al.accounted_cr,0)) Amount
  from wip_transaction_accounts wta,
  wip_transactions wt,
  wip_accounting_classes wac,
  wip_discrete_jobs wdj,
  rcv_transactions rt,
  rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
  po_headers_all poh,
  po_lines_all pol,
  po_distributions_all pod,
  mfg_lookups ml2,
  mtl_system_items_vl msiv,
  org_acct_periods oap,
  mtl_parameters mp, 
  mfg_lookups ml, 
  hr_organization_information hoi,
  hr_all_organization_units_vl haou, -- inv_organization_id
  hr_all_organization_units_vl haou2, -- operating unit
  gl_ledgers gl,
  -- Revision for version 1.4, remove tables to increase performance
  -- xla_transaction_entities ent,
  -- xla_events xe,
  -- End revision for version 1.4
  xla_distribution_links xdl,
  xla_ae_headers ah,
  xla_ae_lines al
  -- ========================================================
  -- Material Transaction, org and item joins
  -- ========================================================
  where wta.transaction_id      = wt.transaction_id
  and wta.organization_id     = msiv.organization_id
  and mp.organization_id     = msiv.organization_id
  -- Oracle bug=> the accounting line type used is 4 (res absorption) and should be 5 (receiving)
  and wta.accounting_line_type   in (4,5)
  -- get all of them to see the offset accounts
  and wt.rcv_transaction_id     = rt.transaction_id
  and rt.shipment_line_id         = rsl.shipment_line_id
  and rsl.item_id                 = msiv.inventory_item_id (+)
  and rsl.to_organization_id     = msiv.organization_id   (+)
  and mp.organization_id     = rt.organization_id
  -- RMAs and REQs are not accounted for by Purchasing
  and rt.source_document_code not in ('RMA', 'REQ')
  and pod.po_distribution_id      = rsl.po_distribution_id
  and pod.po_header_id            = poh.po_header_id
  and pod.po_line_id              = pol.po_line_id
  -- ========================================================
  -- WIP class and WIP job joins
  -- ========================================================
  and wac.class_code              = wdj.class_code
  and wdj.wip_entity_id           = wt.wip_entity_id
  and wdj.organization_id         = wac.organization_id
  -- ========================================================
  -- Inventory Org accounting period joins
  -- ========================================================
  and oap.acct_period_id          = wt.acct_period_id
  and oap.organization_id         = wt.organization_id
  -- ========================================================
  -- Version 1.3, added lookup values to see more detail
  -- ========================================================
  and ml.lookup_type              = 'CST_ACCOUNTING_LINE_TYPE'
  and ml.lookup_code              = wta.accounting_line_type
  and ml2.lookup_type             = 'WIP_TRANSACTION_TYPE_SHORT'
  and ml2.lookup_code             = wt.transaction_type
  -- ========================================================
  -- using the base tables to avoid the performance issues
  -- with org_organization_definitions and hr_operating_units
  -- ========================================================
  and hoi.org_information_context = 'Accounting Information'
  and hoi.organization_id         = wta.organization_id
  and hoi.organization_id         = haou.organization_id   -- this gets the organization name
  and haou2.organization_id       = to_number(hoi.org_information3) -- this gets the operating unit id
  and gl.ledger_id                = to_number(hoi.org_information1) -- get the ledger_id
  and gl.ledger_id in (select nvl(glsnav.ledger_id,gasna.ledger_id) from gl_access_set_norm_assign gasna, gl_ledger_set_norm_assign_v glsnav where gasna.access_set_id=fnd_profile.value('GL_ACCESS_SET_ID') and gasna.ledger_id=glsnav.ledger_set_id(+))
and haou2.organization_id in (select mgoat.organization_id from mo_glob_org_access_tmp mgoat union select fnd_global.org_id from dual where fnd_release.major_version=11)
and 2=2                         -- p_trx_date_from, p_trx_date_to, p_org_code, p_operating_unit, p_ledger
  -- ========================================================
  -- SLA table joins to get the exact account numbers
  -- ========================================================
  -- Revision for version 1.4, performance improvements
  -- and ent.entity_code                  = 'WIP_ACCOUNTING_EVENTS'
  -- and ent.application_id               = 707
  -- and xe.application_id                = ent.application_id
  -- and xe.event_id                      = xdl.event_id
  -- and ah.entity_id                     = ent.entity_id
  -- and ah.ledger_id                     = ent.ledger_id
  -- and ah.event_id                      = xe.event_id
  -- and al.application_id                = ent.application_id
  -- and xdl.application_id               = ent.application_id
  and ah.ledger_id                     = gl.ledger_id
  -- End revisions for version 1.4
  and ah.application_id                = al.application_id
  and ah.application_id                = 707
  and ah.ae_header_id                  = al.ae_header_id
  and al.ledger_id                     = ah.ledger_id
  and al.ae_header_id                  = xdl.ae_header_id
  and al.ae_line_num                   = xdl.ae_line_num
  and xdl.application_id               = 707
  and xdl.source_distribution_type     = 'WIP_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS'
  and xdl.source_distribution_id_num_1 = wta.wip_sub_ledger_id
  and wta.reference_account in
  (select rp.receiving_account_id
   from rcv_parameters rp
   where mp.organization_id       = mp.organization_id)
  -- Revision for version 1.4, outer join for CCIDs
  and wta.reference_account (+)        = al.code_combination_id
  -- ==========================================================
  group by 
  -- Revision for version 1.2
  al.code_combination_id, -- rcv_ccid,  -- gcc1
  pod.code_combination_id, -- pod_ccid, -- gcc2
  -- =============================================================
  -- Get the Deliveries from Receiving Inspection to Stores
  -- inventory for purchase order receipt transactions
  -- =============================================================
  union all
  select pod.destination_type_code Destination_Type,
  nvl(gl.short_name, Ledger, Operating_Unit,
  mp.organization_code Org_Code,
  oap.period_name Period_Name,
  -- Revision for version 1.2
  'INV' Transaction_Source,
  ml.meaning Accounting_Line_Type,
  mtt.transaction_type_name Transaction_Type,
  mmt.transaction_id Transaction_Id,
  poh.segment1 PO_Number,
  pol.line_num PO_Line,
  pod.po_distribution_id PO_Distribution_Id,
  al.code_combination_id rcv_ccid,  -- gcc1
  pod.code_combination_id pod_ccid, -- gcc2
  nvl((select we.wip_entity_name
    from wip_entities we
    where we.wip_entity_id = pod.wip_entity_id),'') WIP_Job,
  msiv.concatenated_segments Item_Number,
  msiv.description Item_Description,
  xxen_util.meaning(msiv.item_type,'ITEM_TYPE',3) user_item_type,
  sum(nvl(al.accounted_dr,0) - nvl(al.accounted_cr,0)) Amount
  from mtl_transaction_accounts mta,
  mtl_material_transactions mmt,
  rcv_transactions rt,
  rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
  po_headers_all poh,
  po_lines_all pol,
  po_distributions_all pod,
  mtl_transaction_types mtt,
  mtl_system_items_vl msiv,
  org_acct_periods oap,
  mtl_parameters mp, 
  mfg_lookups ml, 
  hr_organization_information hoi,
  hr_all_organization_units_vl haou, -- inv_organization_id
  hr_all_organization_units_vl haou2, -- operating unit
  gl_ledgers gl,
  -- Revision for version 1.4, remove tables to increase performance
  -- xla_transaction_entities ent,
  -- xla_events xe,
  -- End revision for version 1.4
  xla_distribution_links xdl,
  xla_ae_headers ah,
  xla_ae_lines al
  -- ========================================================
  -- Material Transaction, org and item joins
  -- ========================================================
  where mta.transaction_id      = mmt.transaction_id
  and mmt.transaction_type_id     = mtt.transaction_type_id
  and mta.organization_id     = msiv.organization_id
  and mta.inventory_item_id     = msiv.inventory_item_id
  and mp.organization_id     = msiv.organization_id
  and mmt.transaction_source_type_id = 1 -- Purchasing
  and mta.accounting_line_type    = 5
  and mmt.rcv_transaction_id      = rt.transaction_id
  and rt.shipment_line_id         = rsl.shipment_line_id
  and rsl.item_id                 = msiv.inventory_item_id (+)
  and rsl.to_organization_id      = msiv.organization_id   (+)
  -- RMAs and REQs are not accounted for by Purchasing
  and rt.source_document_code not in ('RMA', 'REQ')
  and pod.po_distribution_id      = rsl.po_distribution_id
  and pod.po_header_id            = poh.po_header_id
  and pod.po_line_id              = pol.po_line_id
  -- ========================================================
  -- Inventory Org accounting period joins
  -- ========================================================
  and oap.period_name             = ah.period_name
  and oap.organization_id         = mta.organization_id
  -- ========================================================
  -- Version 1.3, added lookup values to see more detail
  -- ========================================================
  and ml.lookup_type              = 'CST_ACCOUNTING_LINE_TYPE'
  and ml.lookup_code              = mta.accounting_line_type
  -- ========================================================
  -- using the base tables to avoid the performance issues
  -- with org_organization_definitions and hr_operating_units
  -- ========================================================
  and hoi.org_information_context = 'Accounting Information'
  and hoi.organization_id         = mta.organization_id
  and hoi.organization_id         = haou.organization_id   -- this gets the organization name
  and haou2.organization_id       = to_number(hoi.org_information3) -- this gets the operating unit id
  and gl.ledger_id                = to_number(hoi.org_information1) -- get the ledger_id
  and gl.ledger_id in (select nvl(glsnav.ledger_id,gasna.ledger_id) from gl_access_set_norm_assign gasna, gl_ledger_set_norm_assign_v glsnav where gasna.access_set_id=fnd_profile.value('GL_ACCESS_SET_ID') and gasna.ledger_id=glsnav.ledger_set_id(+))
and haou2.organization_id in (select mgoat.organization_id from mo_glob_org_access_tmp mgoat union select fnd_global.org_id from dual where fnd_release.major_version=11)
and 3=3                         -- p_trx_date_from, p_trx_date_to, p_org_code, p_operating_unit, p_ledger
  -- ========================================================
  -- SLA table joins to get the exact account numbers
  -- ========================================================
  -- Revision for version 1.23, performance improvements
  -- and ent.entity_code                  = 'MTL_ACCOUNTING_EVENTS'
  -- and ent.application_id               = 707
  -- and xe.application_id                = ent.application_id
  -- and xe.event_id                      = xdl.event_id
  -- and ah.entity_id                     = ent.entity_id
  -- and ah.ledger_id                     = ent.ledger_id
  -- and ah.event_id                      = xe.event_id
  -- and al.application_id                = ent.application_id
  -- and xdl.application_id               = ent.application_id
  and ah.ledger_id                     = gl.ledger_id
  -- End revisions for version 1.23
  and ah.application_id                = al.application_id
  and ah.application_id                = 707
  and ah.ae_header_id                  = al.ae_header_id
  and al.ledger_id                     = ah.ledger_id
  and al.ae_header_id                  = xdl.ae_header_id
  and al.ae_line_num                   = xdl.ae_line_num
  and xdl.application_id               = 707
  and xdl.source_distribution_type     = 'MTL_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS'
  and xdl.source_distribution_id_num_1 = mta.inv_sub_ledger_id
  -- Revision for version 1.4, for performance improvements
  and mta.reference_account in
  (select rp.receiving_account_id
   from rcv_parameters rp
   where rp.organization_id       = mp.organization_id)
  -- Revision for version 1.4, outer join for CCIDs
  and mta.reference_account (+)        = al.code_combination_id
  -- ==========================================================
  group by 
  -- Revision for version 1.2
  al.code_combination_id, -- rcv_ccid,  -- gcc1
  pod.code_combination_id, -- pod_ccid, -- gcc2
 ) rcv_sum
-- Revision for version 1.4, outer join for CCIDs
where gcc1.code_combination_id (+)     = rcv_sum.rcv_ccid
and gcc2.code_combination_id (+)     = rcv_sum.pod_ccid
group by
having  round(sum(rcv_sum.Amount),3)    <> 0
order by 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9
Parameter Name SQL text Validation
Organization Code
mp.organization_code = :p_org_code
Operating Unit = :p_operating_unit
Ledger = :p_ledger
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