DBA SGA Buffer Cache Object Usage
Categories: Enginatics
Repository: Github
Repository: Github
SGA buffer cache space usage by object names (in MB).
'Object Percentage' shows how much of one particular object is currently stored in the buffer cache.
100% means that the object is completely in the buffer cache.
Current SGA memory usage is also listed in views:
select * from v$sga
select * from v$sgainfo
select * from v$sga_dynamic_components
Arup Nanda gives a good explanation on how the buffer cache works:
http://arup.blogspot.ch/2014/11/cache-buffer-chains-demystified.html ... more
'Object Percentage' shows how much of one particular object is currently stored in the buffer cache.
100% means that the object is completely in the buffer cache.
Current SGA memory usage is also listed in views:
select * from v$sga
select * from v$sgainfo
select * from v$sga_dynamic_components
Arup Nanda gives a good explanation on how the buffer cache works:
http://arup.blogspot.ch/2014/11/cache-buffer-chains-demystified.html ... more
with gb as ( select /*+ materialize*/ distinct gb.inst_id, gb.objd, count(*) over (partition by gb.inst_id, gb.objd, gb.status, gb.status_code, gb.dirty, gb.temp) blocks, count(*) over (partition by gb.inst_id, gb.objd) object_blocks, count(*) over (partition by gb.inst_id) total_blocks, gb.status, gb.status_code, gb.dirty, gb.temp from ( select gb.inst_id, gb.status status_code, decode(gb.status, 'free','Not currently in use', 'xcur','Exclusive', 'scur','Shared current', 'cr','Consistent read', 'read','Being read from disk', 'mrec','In media recovery mode', 'irec','In instance recovery mode') status, decode(gb.dirty,'Y','Y') dirty, decode(gb.temp,'Y','Y') temp, decode(gb.status,'free',null,gb.objd) objd from gv$bh gb ) gb ), do as ( select /*+ materialize*/ distinct do.data_object_id, min(do.owner) keep (dense_rank first order by do.object_id) over (partition by do.data_object_id) owner, min(do.object_type) keep (dense_rank first order by do.object_id) over (partition by do.data_object_id) object_type, listagg(do.object_name,', ') within group (order by do.object_name) over (partition by do.data_object_id) object_name from dba_objects do where do.data_object_id>0 ), ds as ( select /*+ materialize*/ ds.owner, ds.segment_type, ds.segment_name, sum(ds.blocks) blocks from dba_segments ds group by ds.owner, ds.segment_type, ds.segment_name ) select x.inst_id, x.blocks/x.total_blocks*100 percentage, x.owner, x.object_type, x.object_name, x.blocks*vp.value/1000000 buffer_size, x.blocks/ds.blocks*100 object_percentage &columns2 from ( select distinct gb.inst_id, do.owner, do.object_type, nvl(do.object_name,'------free------') object_name, sum(gb.blocks) over (partition by gb.inst_id, do.owner, do.object_type, do.object_name &partition_by) blocks, sum(gb.object_blocks) over (partition by gb.inst_id, do.owner, do.object_type, do.object_name) object_blocks, gb.total_blocks &columns1 from gb, do where gb.objd=do.data_object_id(+) ) x, ds, (select vp.value from v$parameter vp where vp.name like 'db_block_size') vp where x.owner=ds.owner(+) and x.object_type=ds.segment_type(+) and x.object_name=ds.segment_name(+) order by x.inst_id, x.object_blocks desc, x.blocks desc |
Parameter Name | SQL text | Validation | |
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| LOV |