select fav.application_name Functional_Area,
-- =====================================================================
-- Inventory Calendar Periods which are open or closed
-- =====================================================================
oap.period_name Period_Name,
nvl(gl.short_name, Ledger, Operating_Unit,
mp.organization_code Org_Code, Organization_Name,
-- Revision for version 1.7
ml.meaning Period_Status,
fl2.meaning Summarized_Flag,
-- Revision for version 1.1
opm_status.period_status_tl OPM_Period_Status,
(select max(hoh.organization_hierarchy_name) organization_hierarchy_name
from hrfv_organization_hierarchies hoh
where hoh.organization_hierarchy_name= '&p_hierarchy_name'
and (mp.organization_id = hoh.child_organization_id or mp.organization_id = hoh.parent_organization_id)
(select max(hoh.organization_hierarchy_name) organization_hierarchy_name
from hrfv_organization_hierarchies hoh
where regexp_like(hoh.organization_hierarchy_name,'&p_name_open|&p_name_close|&p_name_period','i')
and (mp.organization_id = hoh.child_organization_id or mp.organization_id = hoh.parent_organization_id)
) hierarchy_name,
-- Revision for version 1.12
xxen_util.user_name(oap.created_by) created_by,
xxen_util.client_time(oap.creation_date) creation_date,
xxen_util.user_name(oap.last_updated_by) last_updated_by,
xxen_util.client_time(oap.last_update_date) last_update_date
-- End revision for version 1.12
from org_acct_periods oap,
mtl_parameters mp,
hr_organization_information hoi,
hr_all_organization_units_vl haou,
hr_all_organization_units_vl haou2,
gl_ledgers gl,
-- Revision for version 1.7
mfg_lookups ml,
fnd_application_vl fav,
-- Revision for version 1.8
fnd_product_installations fpi,
fnd_lookups fl2,
-- Revision for version 1.10
(select flvv.lookup_code,
from fnd_lookup_values_vl flvv
where flvv.lookup_type = 'CLOSING_STATUS'
and flvv.lookup_code in ('C','N','O')
and flvv.view_application_id = 101
select flvv2.lookup_code,
from fnd_lookup_values_vl flvv2
where flvv2.lookup_type = 'AUTHORIZATION STATUS'
and flvv2.lookup_code = 'ALL'
and flvv2.view_application_id = 201
) period_status,
(select hoi.organization_id,
flvv.meaning period_status_tl
from mtl_parameters mp2,
gmf_fiscal_policies gfp,
gmf_period_statuses gps,
-- Revision for version 1.7 and 1.10
fnd_lookup_values_vl flvv,
hr_organization_information hoi,
hr_all_organization_units haou -- inv_organization_id
where hoi.org_information_context = 'Accounting Information'
and hoi.organization_id = haou.organization_id -- this gets the organization name
and gfp.legal_entity_id = to_number(hoi.org_information2)
and gps.legal_entity_id = gfp.legal_entity_id
and gps.cost_type_id = gfp.cost_type_id
and hoi.organization_id = mp2.organization_id
and flvv.lookup_type = 'CLOSING_STATUS'
and flvv.view_application_id = 101 -- don't want duplicate rows
and flvv.lookup_code = gps.period_status
and mp2.process_enabled_flag = 'Y') opm_status
where mp.organization_id = oap.organization_id
-- Revision for version 1.7
and fav.application_id = 401 -- Inventory
-- Revision for version 1.8, only report installed applications
and fav.application_id = fpi.application_id
and fpi.status <> 'N' -- Inactive
-- ===================================================================
-- Lookup values
-- ===================================================================
and 5=5 -- p_report_period_option
and fl2.lookup_type = 'YES_NO'
and fl2.lookup_code = nvl(oap.summarized_flag, 'N')
and ml.lookup_type = 'MTL_ACCT_PERIOD_STATUS'
and ml.lookup_code =
'N'||'-'||'N', 65, -- Closed not Summarized
'N'||'-'||'Y', 66, -- Closed
'P'||'-'||'N', 2, -- Processing
'P'||'-'||'Y', 2, -- Processing
'Y'||'-'||'N', 3, -- Open
'Y'||'-'||'Y', 3, -- Open
'N'||'-'||'E', 4, -- Error
'Y'||'-'||'E', 4, -- Error
-- ===================================================================
-- Using the base tables to avoid org_organization_definitions
-- and hr_operating_units
-- ===================================================================
and hoi.org_information_context = 'Accounting Information'
and hoi.organization_id = mp.organization_id
and hoi.organization_id = haou.organization_id -- this gets the organization name
-- avoid selecting disabled inventory organizations
and sysdate < nvl(haou.date_to, sysdate + 1)
-- avoid selecting item master orgs
and mp.master_organization_id <> mp.organization_id
and haou2.organization_id = to_number(hoi.org_information3) -- this gets the operating unit id
and gl.ledger_id = to_number(hoi.org_information1) -- this gets the ledger id
and 1=1 -- p_ledger, p_operating_unit, p_functional_area, p_period_name
and oap.organization_id = opm_status.organization_id(+)
and oap.period_start_date = opm_status.start_date(+)
--Report Option Logic
-- Revision for version 1.10
and ((oap.open_flag = decode(period_status.lookup_code,
'O', 'Y',
'C', 'N',
'N', 'X',
(nvl(opm_status.period_status, 'Z') = decode(period_status.lookup_code,
'O', 'Y',
'C', 'C',
'N', 'X',
(nvl(opm_status.period_status, 'Z') = decode(period_status.lookup_code,
'O', 'F',
-- Revision for version 1.4
(nvl(oap.summarized_flag,'N') = decode(period_status.lookup_code,
'O', 'N',
'C', 'Y',
'N', 'X',
-- Period Statuses
-- 0 - Open
-- C - Closed
-- N - Never Opened
-- ALL - All Period Statuses
-- =====================================================================
-- Show accounting periods which should be open but was never opened.
-- If an inventory accounting period was never opened it will not exist
-- in the inventory period calendar, will not be in org_acct_periods.
-- =====================================================================
union all
select fav.application_name Functional_Area,
gp.period_name Period_Name,
nvl(gl.short_name, Ledger, Operating_Unit,
mp.organization_code Org_Code, Organization_Name,
-- Revision for version 1.7
flvv.meaning Period_Status, -- 'Never Opened'
'' Summarized_Flag,
-- Revision for version 1.1
'' OPM_Period_Status,
(select max(hoh.organization_hierarchy_name) organization_hierarchy_name
from hrfv_organization_hierarchies hoh
where hoh.organization_hierarchy_name= '&p_hierarchy_name'
and (mp.organization_id = hoh.child_organization_id or mp.organization_id = hoh.parent_organization_id)
(select max(hoh.organization_hierarchy_name) organization_hierarchy_name
from hrfv_organization_hierarchies hoh
where regexp_like(hoh.organization_hierarchy_name,'&p_name_open|&p_name_close|&p_name_period','i')
and (mp.organization_id = hoh.child_organization_id or mp.organization_id = hoh.parent_organization_id)
) hierarchy_name,
-- Revision for version 1.12
to_number(null) created_by,
to_date(null) creation_date,
to_number(null) last_updated_by,
to_date(null) last_update_date
-- End revision for version 1.12
from gl_periods gp,
mtl_parameters mp,
hr_organization_information hoi,
hr_all_organization_units_vl haou,
hr_all_organization_units_vl haou2,
gl_ledgers gl,
-- Revision for version 1.7 and 1.10
fnd_lookup_values_vl flvv,
(select flvv.lookup_code,
from fnd_lookup_values_vl flvv
where flvv.lookup_type = 'CLOSING_STATUS'
and flvv.lookup_code in ('C','N','O')
and flvv.view_application_id = 101
select flvv2.lookup_code,
from fnd_lookup_values_vl flvv2
where flvv2.lookup_type = 'AUTHORIZATION STATUS'
and flvv2.lookup_code = 'ALL'
and flvv2.view_application_id = 201
) period_status,
fnd_application_vl fav,
-- Revision for version 1.8
fnd_product_installations fpi
where gp.period_set_name = gl.period_set_name
-- Revision for version 1.7
and fav.application_id = 401 -- Inventory
-- Revision for version 1.8, only report installed applications
and fav.application_id = fpi.application_id
and fpi.status <> 'N' -- Inactive
-- ===================================================================
-- Using base tables to avoid org_organization_definitions
-- and hr_operating_units
-- ===================================================================
and hoi.org_information_context = 'Accounting Information'
and hoi.organization_id = mp.organization_id
and hoi.organization_id = haou.organization_id -- this gets the organization name
-- avoid selecting disabled inventory organizations
and sysdate < nvl(haou.date_to, sysdate + 1)
-- avoid selecting item master orgs
and mp.master_organization_id <> mp.organization_id
-- avoid selecting inventory orgs created after the period end date
-- for reporting against prior accounting periods
and gp.end_date >= mp.creation_date
and haou2.organization_id = to_number(hoi.org_information3) -- this gets the operating unit id
and gl.ledger_id = to_number(hoi.org_information1) -- this gets the ledger id
and 2=2 -- p_ledger, p_operating_unit, p_functional_area, p_period_name
-- ===================================================================
-- Lookup values
-- ===================================================================
and 5=5 -- p_report_period_option
and flvv.lookup_type = 'CLOSING_STATUS'
and flvv.view_application_id = 101 -- don't want duplicate rows
and flvv.lookup_code = 'N' -- Never Opened
-- ===================================================================
-- Check to see if the accounting period already exists in the
-- inventory calendar, in org_acct_periods
-- ===================================================================
and not exists
(select 'x'
from org_acct_periods oap
where oap.organization_id = mp.organization_id
and 3=3) -- p_period_name
--Report Option Logic
-- Revision for version 1.10
and 'Y' = decode(period_status.lookup_code, 'N','Y','ALL','Y','N')
-- Period Statuses
-- 0 - Open
-- C - Closed
-- N - Never Opened
-- ALL - All Period Statuses
-- =====================================================================
-- General Ledger, Lease Management, Payables, Projects, Purchasing, Receivables
-- =====================================================================
union all
select fav.application_name Functional_Area,
gps.period_name Period_Name,
nvl(gl.short_name, Ledger, Operating_Unit,
'' Org_Code,
'' Organization_Name,
-- Revision for version 1.7
flvv.meaning Period_Status,
'' Summarized_Flag,
-- Revision for version 1.1
'' OPM_Period_Status,
'' Hierarchy_Name,
-- Revision for version 1.12
case when gps.closing_status = 'N' then null else xxen_util.user_name(gps.created_by) end created_by,
case when gps.closing_status = 'N' then null else xxen_util.client_time(gps.creation_date) end creation_date,
case when gps.closing_status = 'N' then null else xxen_util.user_name(gps.last_updated_by) end last_updated_by,
case when gps.closing_status = 'N' then null else xxen_util.client_time(gps.last_update_date) end last_update_date
-- End revision for version 1.12
from gl_period_statuses gps,
-- Revision for version 1.7 and 1.10
fnd_lookup_values_vl flvv,
(select flvv.lookup_code,
from fnd_lookup_values_vl flvv
where flvv.lookup_type = 'CLOSING_STATUS'
and flvv.lookup_code in ('C','N','O')
and flvv.view_application_id = 101
select flvv2.lookup_code,
from fnd_lookup_values_vl flvv2
where flvv2.lookup_type = 'AUTHORIZATION STATUS'
and flvv2.lookup_code = 'ALL'
and flvv2.view_application_id = 201
) period_status,
fnd_application_vl fav,
-- Revision for version 1.8
fnd_product_installations fpi,
hr_organization_information hoi,
hr_all_organization_units_vl haou,
gl_ledgers gl
where gps.application_id = fav.application_id
and fav.application_short_name in ('SQLAP','SQLGL','AR','OKL','PO','PA')
-- Revision for version 1.8, only report installed applications
and fav.application_id = fpi.application_id
and fpi.status <> 'N' -- Inactive
-- ===================================================================
-- Lookup values
-- ===================================================================
and 5=5 -- p_report_period_option
and flvv.lookup_type = 'CLOSING_STATUS'
and flvv.lookup_code = gps.closing_status
and flvv.view_application_id = 101 -- don't want duplicate rows
-- ===================================================================
-- Using the base hr organization tables
-- ===================================================================
and gl.ledger_id = gps.ledger_id
and hoi.org_information_context = 'Operating Unit Information'
and hoi.organization_id = haou.organization_id -- this gets the operating unit id
and gl.ledger_id = to_number(hoi.org_information3) -- this joins OU to GL
and 4=4 -- p_ledger, p_operating_unit, p_functional_area, p_period_name
--Report Option Logic
-- Revision for version 1.10
and gps.closing_status = decode(period_status.lookup_code,
'O', 'O',
'C', 'C',
'N', 'N',
'ALL', gps.closing_status,
-- order by Functional_Area, Period, Ledger, Operating_Unit, Org_Code
order by 1,2,3,4,5 |