CAC Accounting Period Status

Categories: Enginatics
Repository: Github
Report to show the accounting period status for General Ledger, Inventory, Lease Management, Payables, Projects, Purchasing and Receivables. You can choose All Statuses (open or closed or never opened), Closed, Open or Never Opened periods. And this report will also display the process manufacturing cost calendar status.
Note: this report automatically looks for hierarchies which might be us ... 
Report to show the accounting period status for General Ledger, Inventory, Lease Management, Payables, Projects, Purchasing and Receivables. You can choose All Statuses (open or closed or never opened), Closed, Open or Never Opened periods. And this report will also display the process manufacturing cost calendar status.
Note: this report automatically looks for hierarchies which might be used with the Open Period Control and the Close Period Control Oracle programs. Looking for the translated values of "Close", "Open" and "Period" in the Hierarchy Name.

/* +=============================================================================+
-- | SQL Code Copyright 2011-2020 Douglas Volz Consulting, Inc. |
-- | All rights reserved. |
-- | Permission to use this code is granted provided the original author is |
-- | acknowledged. No warranties, express or otherwise is included in this |
-- | permission. |
-- +=============================================================================+
-- |
-- | Original Author: Douglas Volz ([email protected])
-- |
-- | Program Name: xxx_period_status_rept.sql
-- |
-- | Parameters:
-- | p_functional_area -- functional area you wish to report, works with null,
-- | or valid functional areas. The names of the
-- | functional areas are: General Ledger, Inventory, Lease
-- | Management, Payables, Projects, Purchasing and Receivables.
-- | p_operating_unit -- Operating Unit you wish to report, leave blank for all
-- | operating units (optional)
-- | p_ledger -- general ledger you wish to report, leave blank for all
-- | ledgers (optional)
-- | p_period_name -- The desired accounting period you wish to report
-- | p_report_period_option -- Parameter used to combine the Period Open and Period Close
-- | reports. For English, the list of value choices are:
-- | Closed, Open, Never Opened or All Statuses
-- | Version Modified on Modified by Description
-- | ======= =========== =============== =========================================
-- | 1.0 19 Jan 2015 Douglas Volz Combined the xxx_period_open_status_rept.sql
-- | Apps Associates and xxx_period_close_status_rept.sql into
-- | one report. Originally written in 2006 and 2011.
-- | 1.7 10 Apr 2020 Douglas Volz Made the following multi-language changes:
-- | Changed fnd_application to fnd_application_vl
-- | Changed hr_all_organization_units to hr_all_organization_units_vl
-- | 1.8 7 May 2020 Douglas Volz Added fnd_product_installations to only report
-- | installed applications.
-- | 1.9 26 May 2020 Douglas Volz Added lookup values and parameters for the
-- | organization_hierarchy_name subquery.
-- | 1.10 28 May 2020 Douglas Volz For language translation, replaced custom Report
-- | Options LOV with compound Oracle lookup values.
-- | 1.11 21 Jun 2020 Douglas Volz Added Organization Hierarchy as a separate parameter
-- | 1.12 07 Feb 2022 Eric Clegg Added who columns using xxen_util functions.
-- | 1.13 13 Mar 2022 Douglas Volz Modified for financial apps, to show blank who
-- | column values if status = Never Opened.
-- +=============================================================================+*/


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select fav.application_name Functional_Area,
-- =====================================================================
-- Inventory Calendar Periods which are open or closed
-- =====================================================================
 oap.period_name Period_Name,
 nvl(gl.short_name, Ledger, Operating_Unit,
 mp.organization_code Org_Code, Organization_Name,
 -- Revision for version 1.7
 ml.meaning Period_Status,
 fl2.meaning Summarized_Flag,
 -- Revision for version 1.1
 opm_status.period_status_tl OPM_Period_Status,
 (select max(hoh.organization_hierarchy_name) organization_hierarchy_name
  from hrfv_organization_hierarchies hoh
  where hoh.organization_hierarchy_name= '&p_hierarchy_name'
  and (mp.organization_id = hoh.child_organization_id or mp.organization_id = hoh.parent_organization_id)
 (select max(hoh.organization_hierarchy_name) organization_hierarchy_name
  from hrfv_organization_hierarchies hoh
  where regexp_like(hoh.organization_hierarchy_name,'&p_name_open|&p_name_close|&p_name_period','i')
  and (mp.organization_id = hoh.child_organization_id or mp.organization_id = hoh.parent_organization_id)
  ) hierarchy_name,
 -- Revision for version 1.12
 xxen_util.user_name(oap.created_by) created_by,
 xxen_util.client_time(oap.creation_date) creation_date,
 xxen_util.user_name(oap.last_updated_by) last_updated_by,
 xxen_util.client_time(oap.last_update_date) last_update_date
 -- End revision for version 1.12
from org_acct_periods oap,
 mtl_parameters mp,
 hr_organization_information hoi,
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou,
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou2,
 gl_ledgers gl,
 -- Revision for version 1.7
 mfg_lookups ml,
 fnd_application_vl fav,
 -- Revision for version 1.8
 fnd_product_installations fpi,
 fnd_lookups fl2,
 -- Revision for version 1.10
 (select flvv.lookup_code,
  from fnd_lookup_values_vl flvv
  where flvv.lookup_type  = 'CLOSING_STATUS'
  and flvv.lookup_code in ('C','N','O')
  and flvv.view_application_id = 101
  select flvv2.lookup_code,
  from fnd_lookup_values_vl flvv2
  where flvv2.lookup_type  = 'AUTHORIZATION STATUS'
  and flvv2.lookup_code  = 'ALL'
  and flvv2.view_application_id = 201
 ) period_status,
 (select hoi.organization_id,
  flvv.meaning period_status_tl
  from mtl_parameters mp2,
  gmf_fiscal_policies gfp,
  gmf_period_statuses gps,
  -- Revision for version 1.7 and 1.10
  fnd_lookup_values_vl flvv,
  hr_organization_information hoi,
  hr_all_organization_units haou        -- inv_organization_id
  where hoi.org_information_context = 'Accounting Information'
  and hoi.organization_id         = haou.organization_id -- this gets the organization name
  and gfp.legal_entity_id         = to_number(hoi.org_information2)
  and gps.legal_entity_id         = gfp.legal_entity_id
  and gps.cost_type_id            = gfp.cost_type_id
  and hoi.organization_id         = mp2.organization_id
  and flvv.lookup_type             = 'CLOSING_STATUS'
  and flvv.view_application_id     = 101 -- don't want duplicate rows
  and flvv.lookup_code             = gps.period_status
  and mp2.process_enabled_flag = 'Y') opm_status
where mp.organization_id          = oap.organization_id            -- p_period_name
-- Revision for version 1.7
and fav.application_id          = 401 -- Inventory
-- Revision for version 1.8, only report installed applications
and fav.application_id          = fpi.application_id
and fpi.status                 <> 'N' -- Inactive
-- ===================================================================
-- Lookup values
-- ===================================================================
and 5=5   -- p_report_period_option
and fl2.lookup_type             = 'YES_NO'
and fl2.lookup_code             = nvl(oap.summarized_flag, 'N')
and ml.lookup_type              = 'MTL_ACCT_PERIOD_STATUS'
and ml.lookup_code              = 
   'N'||'-'||'N', 65, -- Closed not Summarized
   'N'||'-'||'Y', 66, -- Closed
   'P'||'-'||'N',  2, -- Processing
   'P'||'-'||'Y',  2, -- Processing
   'Y'||'-'||'N',  3, -- Open
   'Y'||'-'||'Y',  3, -- Open
   'N'||'-'||'E',  4, -- Error
   'Y'||'-'||'E',  4, -- Error
-- ===================================================================
-- Using the base tables to avoid org_organization_definitions
-- and hr_operating_units
-- ===================================================================
and hoi.org_information_context = 'Accounting Information'
and hoi.organization_id         = mp.organization_id
and hoi.organization_id         = haou.organization_id -- this gets the organization name
-- avoid selecting disabled inventory organizations
and sysdate < nvl(haou.date_to, sysdate + 1)
-- avoid selecting item master orgs
and mp.master_organization_id  <> mp.organization_id
and haou2.organization_id       = to_number(hoi.org_information3) -- this gets the operating unit id
and gl.ledger_id                = to_number(hoi.org_information1) -- this gets the ledger id
and 1=1    -- p_ledger, p_operating_unit, p_functional_area, p_period_name
and oap.organization_id         = opm_status.organization_id(+)
and oap.period_start_date       = opm_status.start_date(+)
--Report Option Logic
-- Revision for version 1.10
and ((oap.open_flag                      = decode(period_status.lookup_code,
      'O', 'Y',
      'C', 'N',
      'N', 'X',
  (nvl(opm_status.period_status, 'Z') = decode(period_status.lookup_code,
      'O', 'Y',
      'C', 'C',
      'N', 'X',
  (nvl(opm_status.period_status, 'Z') = decode(period_status.lookup_code,
      'O', 'F',
   -- Revision for version 1.4
  (nvl(oap.summarized_flag,'N')       = decode(period_status.lookup_code,
      'O', 'N',
      'C', 'Y',
      'N', 'X',
 -- Period Statuses
 -- 0   - Open
 -- C   - Closed
 -- N   - Never Opened
 -- ALL - All Period Statuses
-- =====================================================================
-- Show accounting periods which should be open but was never opened.
-- If an inventory accounting period was never opened it will not exist
-- in the inventory period calendar, will not be in org_acct_periods.
-- =====================================================================
union all
select fav.application_name Functional_Area,
 gp.period_name Period_Name,
 nvl(gl.short_name, Ledger, Operating_Unit,
 mp.organization_code Org_Code, Organization_Name,
 -- Revision for version 1.7
 flvv.meaning Period_Status, -- 'Never Opened'
 '' Summarized_Flag, 
 -- Revision for version 1.1
 '' OPM_Period_Status,
 (select max(hoh.organization_hierarchy_name) organization_hierarchy_name
  from hrfv_organization_hierarchies hoh
  where hoh.organization_hierarchy_name= '&p_hierarchy_name'
  and (mp.organization_id = hoh.child_organization_id or mp.organization_id = hoh.parent_organization_id)
 (select max(hoh.organization_hierarchy_name) organization_hierarchy_name
  from hrfv_organization_hierarchies hoh
  where regexp_like(hoh.organization_hierarchy_name,'&p_name_open|&p_name_close|&p_name_period','i')
  and (mp.organization_id = hoh.child_organization_id or mp.organization_id = hoh.parent_organization_id)
  ) hierarchy_name,
 -- Revision for version 1.12
 to_number(null) created_by,
 to_date(null) creation_date,
 to_number(null) last_updated_by,
 to_date(null) last_update_date
 -- End revision for version 1.12
from gl.gl_periods gp,
 mtl_parameters mp,
 hr_organization_information hoi,
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou,
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou2,
 gl_ledgers gl,
 -- Revision for version 1.7 and 1.10
 fnd_lookup_values_vl flvv,
 (select flvv.lookup_code,
  from fnd_lookup_values_vl flvv
  where flvv.lookup_type  = 'CLOSING_STATUS'
  and flvv.lookup_code in ('C','N','O')
  and flvv.view_application_id = 101
  select flvv2.lookup_code,
  from fnd_lookup_values_vl flvv2
  where flvv2.lookup_type  = 'AUTHORIZATION STATUS'
  and flvv2.lookup_code  = 'ALL'
  and flvv2.view_application_id = 201
 ) period_status,
 fnd_application_vl fav,
 -- Revision for version 1.8
 fnd_product_installations fpi
where gp.period_set_name          = gl.period_set_name
-- Revision for version 1.7
and fav.application_id          = 401 -- Inventory
-- Revision for version 1.8, only report installed applications
and fav.application_id          = fpi.application_id
and fpi.status                 <> 'N' -- Inactive
-- ===================================================================
-- Using base tables to avoid org_organization_definitions
-- and hr_operating_units
-- ===================================================================
and hoi.org_information_context = 'Accounting Information'
and hoi.organization_id         = mp.organization_id
and hoi.organization_id         = haou.organization_id -- this gets the organization name
-- avoid selecting disabled inventory organizations
and sysdate < nvl(haou.date_to, sysdate + 1)
-- avoid selecting item master orgs
and mp.master_organization_id  <> mp.organization_id
-- avoid selecting inventory orgs created after the period end date
-- for reporting against prior accounting periods
and gp.end_date                >= mp.creation_date
and haou2.organization_id       = to_number(hoi.org_information3) -- this gets the operating unit id
and gl.ledger_id                = to_number(hoi.org_information1) -- this gets the ledger id
and 2=2                         -- p_ledger, p_operating_unit, p_functional_area, p_period_name
-- ===================================================================
-- Lookup values
-- ===================================================================
and 5=5   -- p_report_period_option
and flvv.lookup_type            = 'CLOSING_STATUS'
and flvv.view_application_id    = 101 -- don't want duplicate rows
and flvv.lookup_code            = 'N' -- Never Opened
-- ===================================================================
-- Check to see if the accounting period already exists in the
-- inventory calendar, in org_acct_periods
-- ===================================================================
and not exists
 (select 'x'
  from org_acct_periods oap
  where oap.organization_id = mp.organization_id
  and 3=3) -- p_period_name
--Report Option Logic
-- Revision for version 1.10
and 'Y'                         = decode(period_status.lookup_code, 'N','Y','ALL','Y','N')
 -- Period Statuses
 -- 0   - Open
 -- C   - Closed
 -- N   - Never Opened
 -- ALL - All Period Statuses
-- =====================================================================
-- General Ledger, Lease Management, Payables, Projects, Purchasing, Receivables 
-- =====================================================================
union all
select fav.application_name Functional_Area,
 gps.period_name Period_Name,
 nvl(gl.short_name, Ledger, Operating_Unit,
 '' Org_Code,
 '' Organization_Name,
 -- Revision for version 1.7
 flvv.meaning Period_Status, 
 '' Summarized_Flag,
 -- Revision for version 1.1
 '' OPM_Period_Status,
 '' Hierarchy_Name,
 -- Revision for version 1.12
 case when gps.closing_status = 'N' then null else xxen_util.user_name(gps.created_by) end created_by,
 case when gps.closing_status = 'N' then null else xxen_util.client_time(gps.creation_date) end creation_date,
 case when gps.closing_status = 'N' then null else xxen_util.user_name(gps.last_updated_by) end last_updated_by,
 case when gps.closing_status = 'N' then null else xxen_util.client_time(gps.last_update_date) end last_update_date
 -- End revision for version 1.12
from gl_period_statuses gps,
 -- Revision for version 1.7 and 1.10
 fnd_lookup_values_vl flvv,
 (select flvv.lookup_code,
  from fnd_lookup_values_vl flvv
  where flvv.lookup_type  = 'CLOSING_STATUS'
  and flvv.lookup_code in ('C','N','O')
  and flvv.view_application_id = 101
  select flvv2.lookup_code,
  from fnd_lookup_values_vl flvv2
  where flvv2.lookup_type  = 'AUTHORIZATION STATUS'
  and flvv2.lookup_code  = 'ALL'
  and flvv2.view_application_id = 201
 ) period_status,
 fnd_application_vl fav,
 -- Revision for version 1.8
 fnd_product_installations fpi,
 hr_organization_information hoi,
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou,
 gl_ledgers gl
where gps.application_id          = fav.application_id
and fav.application_short_name in ('SQLAP','SQLGL','AR','OKL','PO','PA')
-- Revision for version 1.8, only report installed applications
and fav.application_id          = fpi.application_id
and fpi.status                 <> 'N' -- Inactive
-- ===================================================================
-- Lookup values
-- ===================================================================
and 5=5   -- p_report_period_option
and flvv.lookup_type            = 'CLOSING_STATUS'
and flvv.lookup_code            = gps.closing_status
and flvv.view_application_id    = 101 -- don't want duplicate rows
-- ===================================================================
-- Using the base hr organization tables
-- ===================================================================
and gl.ledger_id                = gps.ledger_id
and hoi.org_information_context = 'Operating Unit Information'
and hoi.organization_id         = haou.organization_id -- this gets the operating unit id
and gl.ledger_id                = to_number(hoi.org_information3) -- this joins OU to GL
and 4=4                         -- p_ledger, p_operating_unit, p_functional_area, p_period_name
--Report Option Logic
-- Revision for version 1.10
and gps.closing_status = decode(period_status.lookup_code,
     'O', 'O',
     'C', 'C',
     'N', 'N',
     'ALL', gps.closing_status,
-- order by Functional_Area, Period, Ledger, Operating_Unit, Org_Code
order by 1,2,3,4,5