AR Customer Open Balances Period Lookback
Categories: Enginatics
Repository: Github
Repository: Github
Report: AR Customer Open Balances Period Lookback
Application: Receivables
Customer Open Balances summary showing
- Open Balances as of the specified 'As of Date' and as of periods prior to the 'As of Date' period.
- Maximum Open Balance in the prior periods prior to the 'As of Date' period
All balances are show in the functional currency.
Paramete ... more
Application: Receivables
Customer Open Balances summary showing
- Open Balances as of the specified 'As of Date' and as of
- Maximum Open Balance in the prior
All balances are show in the functional currency.
Paramete ...
select trx.legal_entity legal_entity , trx.legal_entity_identifier legal_entity_identifier , trx.ledger ledger , trx.ou_name operating_unit , trx.account_number customer_number , trx.customer_name customer_name , sum(trx.inv_amt_due_p0) "Open Amount Acctd Current" -- &lp_amt_due_max_col &lp_amt_due_cols1 &lp_reval_cols &lp_amt_due_max_col_reval &lp_amt_due_cols1_reval -- from ( select legal_entity , xep.legal_entity_identifier legal_entity_identifier , ledger , ou_name , rcta.invoice_currency_code currency_code , nvl(rcta.exchange_rate,1) orig_invoice_rate , hp.party_name customer_name , hca.account_number account_number , rcta.trx_number invoice_number , '' lookup_code , rcta.trx_date invoice_date , rcta.doc_sequence_value internal_invoice_no , rctt.type transaction_type , rcta.customer_trx_id cust_trx_id -- , rctlgd.amount invoice_entered_amt , nvl(rctlgd.acctd_amount,rctlgd.amount) invoice_entered_amt_acctd -- inv_amt_due_acctd , sum( case when aps.gl_date <= :p_as_of_date then 1 else 0 end * ((aps.amount_due_original * nvl(aps.exchange_rate,1)) - nvl( ( select sum(ara.acctd_amount_applied_to + nvl(ara.acctd_earned_discount_taken,0) + nvl(ara.acctd_unearned_discount_taken,0)) from ar_receivable_applications_all ara where ara.status = 'APP' and ara.applied_customer_trx_id = aps.customer_trx_id and ara.applied_payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and ara.org_id = aps.org_id and ara.gl_date <= :p_as_of_date ) , 0) + nvl( ( select sum(ara.acctd_amount_applied_from) from ar_receivable_applications_all ara where ara.status = 'APP' and ara.application_type != 'CASH' and rctt.type = 'CM' and ara.customer_trx_id = aps.customer_trx_id and ara.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and ara.org_id = aps.org_id and ara.gl_date <= :p_as_of_date ) , 0) + nvl( ( select sum(ara.acctd_amount) from ar_adjustments_all ara where ara.customer_trx_id = aps.customer_trx_id and ara.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and ara.org_id = aps.org_id and ara.gl_date <= :p_as_of_date ) , 0) ) ) inv_amt_due_p0 -- &lp_amt_due_cols2 -- , gl.currency_code ledger_currency , max(decode(gl.currency_code,:p_reval_currency,1,(select gdr.conversion_rate from gl_daily_conversion_types gdct, gl_daily_rates gdr where gl.currency_code=gdr.from_currency and gdr.to_currency=:p_reval_currency and :p_reval_conv_date=gdr.conversion_date and gdct.user_conversion_type=:p_reval_conv_type and gdct.conversion_type=gdr.conversion_type))) reval_conv_rate from hr_operating_units hou , gl_ledgers gl , ra_customer_trx_all rcta , ar_payment_schedules_all aps , ra_cust_trx_types_all rctt , ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all rctlgd , hz_cust_accounts hca , hz_parties hp , ar_system_parameters_all sp , xle_entity_profiles xep where hou.set_of_books_id = sp.set_of_books_id and gl.ledger_id = sp.set_of_books_id and rcta.customer_trx_id = aps.customer_trx_id and rcta.org_id = hou.organization_id and aps.org_id = rcta.org_id and rcta.cust_trx_type_id = rctt.cust_trx_type_id and rcta.org_id = rctt.org_id and rctlgd.org_id = rctt.org_id and aps.customer_trx_id = rctlgd.customer_trx_id and rctlgd.account_class = 'REC' and rctlgd.latest_rec_flag = 'Y' and rcta.bill_to_customer_id = hca.cust_account_id and hp.party_id = hca.party_id and xep.legal_entity_id (+) = rcta.legal_entity_id and sp.org_id = rcta.org_id and aps.gl_date_closed > :p_first_gl_date and aps.gl_date <= :p_as_of_date and 1=1 group by , xep.legal_entity_identifier , , gl.currency_code , , rcta.invoice_currency_code , nvl(rcta.exchange_rate,1) , rctlgd.amount , nvl(rctlgd.acctd_amount,rctlgd.amount) , hp.party_name , hca.account_number , rcta.trx_number , rcta.trx_date , rcta.doc_sequence_value , rcta.invoice_currency_code , rctt.type , hca.cust_account_id , rcta.customer_trx_id union select legal_entity , xep.legal_entity_identifier legal_entity_identifier , ledger , ou_name , substr(acr.currency_code,1,3) currency_code , nvl(acr.exchange_rate,1) orig_invoice_rate , hp.party_name customer_name , hca.account_number account_number , acr.receipt_number invoice_number , al.lookup_code lookup_code , acr.receipt_date invoice_date , acr.doc_sequence_value int_invoice_number , decode(ara.status,'ACC','*' || al.meaning) transaction_type , hca.cust_account_id cust_trx_id , acr.amount orig_amt , acr.amount * nvl(acr.exchange_rate,1) orig_amt_acctd , 0 - sum(case when ara.gl_date <= :p_as_of_date then nvl(ara.acctd_amount_applied_from,0) else 0 end) inv_amt_due_p0 -- &lp_amt_due_cols3 -- , gl.currency_code ledger_currency , max(decode(gl.currency_code,:p_reval_currency,1,(select gdr.conversion_rate from gl_daily_conversion_types gdct, gl_daily_rates gdr where gl.currency_code=gdr.from_currency and gdr.to_currency=:p_reval_currency and :p_reval_conv_date=gdr.conversion_date and gdct.user_conversion_type=:p_reval_conv_type and gdct.conversion_type=gdr.conversion_type))) reval_conv_rate from hr_operating_units hou , gl_ledgers gl , ar_receivable_applications_all ara , ar_lookups al , ar_cash_receipts_all acr , ar_cash_receipt_history_all acrh , ar_payment_schedules_all aps , hz_cust_accounts hca , hz_parties hp , ar_system_parameters_all sp , xle_entity_profiles xep where hou.set_of_books_id = sp.set_of_books_id and gl.ledger_id = sp.set_of_books_id and acr.org_id = hou.organization_id and acr.org_id = ara.org_id and hca.cust_account_id = acr.pay_from_customer and hca.party_id = hp.party_id and acr.cash_receipt_id = ara.cash_receipt_id and acrh.cash_receipt_id = ara.cash_receipt_id and ara.cash_receipt_history_id = acrh.cash_receipt_history_id and aps.cash_receipt_id = acr.cash_receipt_id and al.lookup_type = 'PAYMENT_TYPE' and ara.status = al.lookup_code and ara.status = 'ACC' and not exists ( select 'X' from ar_cash_receipt_history_all crhin where crhin.cash_receipt_id = acr.cash_receipt_id and crhin.org_id = acr.org_id and crhin.status = 'REVERSED' ) and nvl(ara.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y' and nvl(acr.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y' and xep.legal_entity_id (+) = acr.legal_entity_id and sp.org_id = acr.org_id and aps.gl_date_closed > :p_first_gl_date and aps.gl_date <= :p_as_of_date and 2=2 group by , xep.legal_entity_identifier , , gl.currency_code , , hca.cust_account_id , hp.party_name , hca.account_number , decode(ara.status,'ACC','*' || al.meaning) , acr.receipt_number , acr.doc_sequence_value , acr.receipt_date , al.lookup_code , acr.amount , nvl(acr.exchange_rate,1) , substr(acr.currency_code,1,3) , acr.currency_code union select legal_entity , xep.legal_entity_identifier legal_entity_identifier , ledger , ou_name , substr(acr.currency_code,1,3) currency_code , nvl(acr.exchange_rate,1) orig_invoice_rate , hp.party_name customer_name , hca.account_number account_number , acr.receipt_number invoice_number , al.lookup_code lookup_code , acr.receipt_date invoice_date , acr.doc_sequence_value int_invoice_number , decode(ara.status,'UNAPP','*' || al.meaning) transaction_type , hca.cust_account_id cust_trx_id , acr.amount orig_amt , acr.amount * nvl(acr.exchange_rate,1) orig_amt_acctd , 0 - sum(case when ara.gl_date <= :p_as_of_date then nvl(ara.acctd_amount_applied_from,0) else 0 end) inv_amt_due_p0 -- &lp_amt_due_cols3 -- , gl.currency_code ledger_currency , max(decode(gl.currency_code,:p_reval_currency,1,(select gdr.conversion_rate from gl_daily_conversion_types gdct, gl_daily_rates gdr where gl.currency_code=gdr.from_currency and gdr.to_currency=:p_reval_currency and :p_reval_conv_date=gdr.conversion_date and gdct.user_conversion_type=:p_reval_conv_type and gdct.conversion_type=gdr.conversion_type))) reval_conv_rate from hr_operating_units hou , gl_ledgers gl , ar_receivable_applications_all ara , ar_lookups al , ar_cash_receipts_all acr , ar_cash_receipt_history_all acrh , ar_payment_schedules_all aps , hz_cust_accounts hca , hz_parties hp , ar_system_parameters_all sp , xle_entity_profiles xep where hou.set_of_books_id = sp.set_of_books_id and gl.ledger_id = sp.set_of_books_id and acr.org_id = hou.organization_id and acr.org_id = ara.org_id and hca.cust_account_id = acr.pay_from_customer and hca.party_id = hp.party_id and acr.cash_receipt_id = ara.cash_receipt_id and acrh.cash_receipt_id = ara.cash_receipt_id and ara.cash_receipt_history_id = acrh.cash_receipt_history_id and aps.cash_receipt_id = acr.cash_receipt_id and al.lookup_type = 'PAYMENT_TYPE' and ara.status = al.lookup_code and ara.status = 'UNAPP' and not exists ( select 'X' from ar_cash_receipt_history_all crhin where crhin.cash_receipt_id = acr.cash_receipt_id and crhin.org_id = acr.org_id and crhin.status = 'REVERSED' ) and nvl(ara.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y' and nvl(acr.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y' and xep.legal_entity_id (+) = acr.legal_entity_id and sp.org_id = acr.org_id and aps.gl_date_closed > :p_first_gl_date and aps.gl_date <= :p_as_of_date and 2=2 group by , xep.legal_entity_identifier , , gl.currency_code , , hca.cust_account_id , hp.party_name , hca.account_number , decode(ara.status,'UNAPP','*' || al.meaning) , acr.receipt_number , acr.doc_sequence_value , acr.receipt_date , al.lookup_code , acr.amount , nvl(acr.exchange_rate,1) , substr(acr.currency_code,1,3) , acr.currency_code union select legal_entity , xep.legal_entity_identifier legal_entity_identifier , ledger , ou_name , substr(acr.currency_code,1,3) currency_code , nvl(acr.exchange_rate,1) orig_invoice_rate , hp.party_name customer_name , hca.account_number account_number , acr.receipt_number invoice_number , al.lookup_code lookup_code , acr.receipt_date invoice_date , acr.doc_sequence_value int_invoice_number , decode(ara.status,'OTHER ACC','*' || al.meaning) transaction_type , hca.cust_account_id cust_trx_id , acr.amount orig_amt , acr.amount * nvl(acr.exchange_rate,1) orig_amt_acctd , 0 - sum(case when ara.gl_date <= :p_as_of_date then nvl(ara.acctd_amount_applied_from,0) else 0 end) inv_amt_due_p0 -- &lp_amt_due_cols3 -- , gl.currency_code ledger_currency , max(decode(gl.currency_code,:p_reval_currency,1,(select gdr.conversion_rate from gl_daily_conversion_types gdct, gl_daily_rates gdr where gl.currency_code=gdr.from_currency and gdr.to_currency=:p_reval_currency and :p_reval_conv_date=gdr.conversion_date and gdct.user_conversion_type=:p_reval_conv_type and gdct.conversion_type=gdr.conversion_type))) reval_conv_rate from hr_operating_units hou , gl_ledgers gl , ar_receivable_applications_all ara , ar_lookups al , ar_cash_receipts_all acr , ar_cash_receipt_history_all acrh , ar_payment_schedules_all aps , hz_cust_accounts hca , hz_parties hp , ar_system_parameters_all sp , xle_entity_profiles xep where hou.set_of_books_id = sp.set_of_books_id and gl.ledger_id = sp.set_of_books_id and acr.org_id = hou.organization_id and acr.org_id = ara.org_id and hca.cust_account_id = acr.pay_from_customer and hca.party_id = hp.party_id and acr.cash_receipt_id = ara.cash_receipt_id and acrh.cash_receipt_id = ara.cash_receipt_id and ara.cash_receipt_history_id = acrh.cash_receipt_history_id and aps.cash_receipt_id = acr.cash_receipt_id and al.lookup_type = 'PAYMENT_TYPE' and ara.status = al.lookup_code and ara.status = 'OTHER ACC' and not exists ( select 'X' from ar_cash_receipt_history_all crhin where crhin.cash_receipt_id = acr.cash_receipt_id and crhin.status = 'REVERSED' and crhin.org_id = acr.org_id ) and nvl(ara.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y' and nvl(acr.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y' and xep.legal_entity_id (+) = acr.legal_entity_id and sp.org_id = acr.org_id and aps.gl_date_closed > :p_first_gl_date and aps.gl_date <= :p_as_of_date and 2=2 group by , xep.legal_entity_identifier , , gl.currency_code , , hca.cust_account_id , hp.party_name , hca.account_number , decode(ara.status,'OTHER ACC','*' || al.meaning) , acr.receipt_number , acr.doc_sequence_value , acr.receipt_date , al.lookup_code , acr.amount , nvl(acr.exchange_rate,1) , substr(acr.currency_code,1,3) , acr.currency_code ) trx where :p_periods_range = :p_periods_range and :p_max_open_periods_range = :p_max_open_periods_range group by trx.legal_entity , trx.legal_entity_identifier , trx.ledger , trx.ledger_currency , trx.reval_conv_rate , trx.ou_name , trx.customer_name , trx.account_number &lp_having_clause order by ledger , operating_unit , customer_number , customer_name |
Parameter Name | SQL text | Validation | |
Ledger |
| LOV | |
Operating Unit |
| LOV | |
Currency |
| LOV | |
Customer |
| LOV Oracle | |
As of Date | Date | ||
Look Back | Number | ||
Max Open over last | Number | ||
Revaluation Currency | LOV | ||
Revaluation Rate Type | LOV | ||
Revaluation Date | Date |