DBA AWR Latch by Time
Categories: Diagnostic Pack, Enginatics
Repository: Github
Repository: Github
Latch contention wait time history.
Each row shows the system-wide latch contention wait time per latch name of one AWR snapshot interval to identify high latch contention at specific times.
Each row shows the system-wide latch contention wait time per latch name of one AWR snapshot interval to identify high latch contention at specific times.
select x.day_of_week, x.end_interval_time, x.instance_number, &columns from ( select to_char(xxen_util.client_time(dhs.end_interval_time),'Day') day_of_week, xxen_util.client_time(dhs.end_interval_time) end_interval_time, dhs.instance_number, dhl.latch_name, case when dhl.time_delta<0 then dhl.wait_time else dhl.time_delta end/1000000 seconds from dba_hist_snapshot dhs, ( select dhl.wait_time-lag(dhl.wait_time) over (partition by dhl.dbid, dhl.instance_number, dhl.latch_name order by dhl.snap_id) time_delta, dhl.* from dba_hist_latch dhl ) dhl where 1=1 and dhs.dbid=dhl.dbid and dhs.instance_number=dhl.instance_number and dhs.snap_id=dhl.snap_id ) pivot ( sum(case when seconds>0 then seconds end) for latch_name in ( &pivot_columns ) ) x order by x.end_interval_time desc, x.instance_number |
Parameter Name | SQL text | Validation | |
Date From |
LOV | |
Date To |
LOV | |
Diagnostic Pack enabled |
LOV | |
Container Data |