CAC Receiving Account Detail

Categories: Enginatics
Repository: Github
Report to get the receiving accounting distributions, in detail, by item, purchase order, purchase order line, release, project number, transaction date, creation date, created by and transaction identifier. With the Show SLA Accounting parameter you can choose to use the Release 12 Subledger Accounting (Create Accounting) account setups by selecting Yes. And if you have not modified your SLA ac ...  Report to get the receiving accounting distributions, in detail, by item, purchase order, purchase order line, release, project number, transaction date, creation date, created by and transaction identifier. With the Show SLA Accounting parameter you can choose to use the Release 12 Subledger Accounting (Create Accounting) account setups by selecting Yes. And if you have not modified your SLA accounting rules, select No to allow this report to run a bit faster. With Show WIP Outside Processing parameter to display or not display WIP outside processing information (WIP job and OSP resource code) and Show Project Information to display or not display the project, project name and task. And if you accrue expense receipts at time of receipt, for expense destinations when there is no item number, this report will get the expense category information and put it into the columns for the first category.

(Note: this report has not been tested with encumbrance entries.)

Transaction Date From: enter the starting transaction date (mandatory).
Transaction Date To: enter the ending transaction date (mandatory).
Show SLA Accounting: enter Yes to use the Subledger Accounting rules for your accounting information. If you choose No the report uses the pre-Create Accounting entries.
Show Projects: display the project, project name and task. Enter Yes or No, use to limit the reported columns (mandatory).
Show WIP Outside Processing: display the WIP job and outside processing resource. Enter Yes or No, use to limit the reported columns (mandatory).
Category Set 1: any item category you wish, typically the Cost or Product Line category set (optional).
Category Set 2: any item category you wish, typically the Inventory category set (optional).
Transaction Type: enter the transaction type to report (optional).
Minimum Absolute Amount: enter the minimum debit or credit to report (optional). To see all accounting entries, enter zero (0) and leave the other parameters blank.
Supplier Name: enter the specific supplier you wish to report (optional).
PO Number: enter the specific purchase order number you wish to report (optional).
Destination Code: enter the purchase order destination type you wish to report (optional). You can choose Inventory, Expense or Shop Floor (WIP outside processing).
Item Number: enter the specific item number(s) you wish to report (optional).
Organization Code: enter the specific inventory organization(s) you wish to report (optional).
Operating Unit: enter the specific operating unit(s) you wish to report (optional).
Ledger: enter the specific ledger(s) you wish to report (optional).

/* +=============================================================================+
-- | Copyright 2010 - 2022 Douglas Volz Consulting, Inc.
-- | Permission to use this code is granted provided the original author is
-- | acknowledged. No warranties, express or otherwise is included in this
-- | permission.
-- +=============================================================================+
-- |
-- | Original Author: Douglas Volz ([email protected])
-- |
-- | Program Name: xxx_rcv_dist_xla_detail_rept.sql
-- |
-- | Version Modified on Modified by Description
-- | ======= =========== ============== =========================================
-- | 1.0 05 Apr 2010 Douglas Volz Initial Coding based on XXX_RCV_DIST_XLA_SUM_REPT.sql
-- | 1.18 21 Aug 2022 Douglas Volz Streamline dynamic SQL code.
-- | 1.19 03 Sep 2022 Douglas Volz Add Accounting Line Type, Transaction Type and Minimum Amount parameters.
-- | And language translations for Accounting Line Types.
-- | 1.20 08 Oct 2022 Douglas Volz Add project task information.
-- +=============================================================================+*/

select nvl(gl.short_name, Ledger, Operating_Unit,
 acct_dist.organization_code Org_Code,
 oap.period_name Period_Name,
 acct_dist.item_number Item_Number,
 acct_dist.item_description Item_Description,
 -- Revision for version 1.13
 acct_dist.item_type Item_Type,
        -- Revision for version 1.17
 -- If the item does not exist, get the expense category information
 -- Revision for version 1.19
 nvl(flv2.meaning, acct_dist.accounting_line_type) Accounting_Line_Type,
 flv1.meaning Transaction_Type,
 -- End revision for version 1.19
 -- Revision for version 1.16
 acct_dist.transaction_id Transaction_Id,
 acct_dist.transaction_date Transaction_Date,
 -- Revision for version 1.17
 acct_dist.creation_date Creation_Date,
 fu.user_name Created_By,
 -- End revision for version 1.17
 acct_dist.vendor_name Supplier_Name,
 -- End revision for version 1.15
 pl.displayed_field Destination_Type,
 -- Revision for version 1.18
 acct_dist.po_num PO_Number,
 acct_dist.po_line PO_Line,
 (select pr.release_num
  from po_releases_all pr
  where pr.po_release_id  = acct_dist.po_release_id) Release_Number,
 -- End revision for version 1.18
 -- Fix for version 1.9 and 1.17
 -- Revision for version 1.17, preventing Expense Receipts to be reported
 -- acct_dist.primary_uom_code UOM_Code,
 (select muomv.uom_code
  from mtl_units_of_measure_vl muomv
  where muomv.uom_code    = acct_dist.primary_uom_code) UOM_Code,
 -- End revision for version 1.17
 acct_dist.primary_quantity Quantity,
 gl.currency_code Currency_Code,
 -- Revision for version 1.16
 acct_dist.unit_price Unit_Price,
 acct_dist.amount Amount
from org_acct_periods oap,
 gl_code_combinations gcc,
 -- Revision for version 1.19
 fnd_lookup_values flv1,
 fnd_lookup_values flv2,
 -- End revision for version 1.19
 hr_organization_information hoi,
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou, -- inv_organization_id
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou2, -- operating unit
 gl_ledgers gl,
 po_lookup_codes pl,
 -- Revision for version 1.17
 fnd_user fu,
 -- Revision for version 1.18
 -- Revision for version 1.17
 -- ==========================================================================
 -- Use this inline table to fetch the receiving transactions
 -- ==========================================================================
 (select mp.organization_code organization_code,
  rt.organization_id organization_id,
  rrsl.period_name period_name,
  rrsl.code_combination_id code_combination_id,
  rrsl.rcv_sub_ledger_id rcv_sub_ledger_id,
  msiv.concatenated_segments item_number,
  msiv.description item_description,
  -- Revision for version 1.13
  fcl.meaning item_type,
  -- Revision for version 1.17
  -- End revision for version 1.17
  rrsl.accounting_line_type accounting_line_type,
  rt.transaction_type transaction_type,
  -- Revision for version 1.16
  -- Revision for version 1.17
  -- End revision for version 1.16
  pod.destination_type_code destination_type_code,
  -- Fix for version 1.18
  poh.segment1 po_num,
  pol.line_num po_line,
  -- End fix for version 1.18
  -- Revision for version 1.18
  -- End fix for version 1.18
  -- Revision for version 1.14 and 1.17, preventing Expense Receipts to be reported
  -- muomv.uom_code primary_uom_code,
  msiv.primary_uom_code primary_uom_code,
  -- End revision for version 1.17
  decode(sign(nvl(rrsl.accounted_dr,0) - nvl(rrsl.accounted_cr,0)),
  -- Fix for version 1.8, sign of qty incorrect on CORRECTION transactions
  --   1, rt.primary_quantity, 
  --  -1, -1 * rt.primary_quantity,
     1,  1 * abs(rt.primary_quantity), 
    -1, -1 * abs(rt.primary_quantity),
  -- End fix for version 1.8
     ) primary_quantity,
  -- Revision for version 1.16
  nvl(rrsl.accounted_dr,0) - nvl(rrsl.accounted_cr,0) amount
  from rcv_receiving_sub_ledger rrsl,
  -- Fix for version 1.10
  rcv_accounting_events rae,
  rcv_transactions rt,
  rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
  -- Fix for version 1.9
  po_headers_all poh,
  po_lines_all pol,
  -- Fix for version 1.9
  po_distributions_all pod,
  mtl_system_items_vl msiv,
  -- Revision for version 1.17, preventing Expense Receipts to be reported
  -- mtl_units_of_measure_vl muomv,
  mtl_parameters mp,
  -- Revision for version 1.13
  fnd_common_lookups fcl,
  -- Revision for version 1.16
  po_vendors pov
  -- ========================================================
  -- Material Transaction, org and item joins
  -- ========================================================
  where rrsl.rcv_transaction_id = rt.transaction_id
 -- Fix for version 1.10
  and rae.accounting_event_id = rrsl.accounting_event_id
  and rae.rcv_transaction_id  = rt.transaction_id
 -- End fix for version 1.10
  and rt.shipment_line_id     = rsl.shipment_line_id
  -- Expense destinations may not always have an item_id
  and rsl.item_id             = msiv.inventory_item_id (+) 
  and rsl.to_organization_id  = msiv.organization_id (+)
  -- Revision for version 1.17, preventing Expense Receipts to be reported
  -- and muomv.uom_code          = nvl(msiv.primary_uom_code, rt.uom_code)
  and pod.po_distribution_id  = nvl(rt.po_distribution_id, to_number(rrsl.reference3))
  and mp.organization_id      = rt.organization_id
  and rt.po_header_id         = poh.po_header_id
  and rt.po_line_id           = pol.po_line_id
  -- Receiving Transaction date joins
  -- Fix for version 1.7 and 1.10
  and mp.organization_id in (select oav.organization_id from org_access_view oav where oav.resp_application_id=fnd_global.resp_appl_id and oav.responsibility_id=fnd_global.resp_id)
  and 4=4                       -- p_trx_date_from, p_trx_date_to, p_dest_type_code, p_item_number, p_po_number, p_org_code
  -- For Item_Type, revision for version 1.13
  and fcl.lookup_code  (+)    = msiv.item_type
  and fcl.lookup_type  (+)    = 'ITEM_TYPE'
  -- Revision for version 1.16
  and pov.vendor_id           = poh.vendor_id
 ) acct_dist
-- ========================================================
-- Inventory Org accounting period joins
-- ========================================================
-- Revision for version 1.13
where oap.period_name                 = acct_dist.period_name
and oap.organization_id             = acct_dist.organization_id
-- ========================================================
-- Version 1.3, added lookup values to see more detail
-- ========================================================
-- Revision for version 1.19
and flv1.lookup_type                = 'RCV TRANSACTION TYPE'
and flv1.lookup_code                = acct_dist.transaction_type
and flv1.language                   = userenv('lang')
and flv2.lookup_type (+)            = 'XLA_ACCOUNTING_CLASSES'
and flv2.lookup_code (+)            = acct_dist.accounting_line_type
and flv2.language (+)               = userenv('lang')
-- End revision for version 1.19
and pl.lookup_type                  = 'DESTINATION TYPE'
and pl.lookup_code                  = acct_dist.destination_type_code
-- Revision for version 1.17
and acct_dist.created_by (+)        = fu.user_id
-- ========================================================
-- Dynamic SQL joins
-- ========================================================
-- ========================================================
-- using the base tables to avoid using
-- org_organization_definitions and hr_operating_units
-- ========================================================
and hoi.org_information_context     = 'Accounting Information'
and hoi.organization_id             = acct_dist.organization_id
and hoi.organization_id             = haou.organization_id   -- this gets the organization name
and haou2.organization_id           = to_number(hoi.org_information3) -- this gets the operating unit id
and gl.ledger_id                    = to_number(hoi.org_information1) -- get the ledger_id
and gl.ledger_id in (select nvl(glsnav.ledger_id,gasna.ledger_id) from gl_access_set_norm_assign gasna, gl_ledger_set_norm_assign_v glsnav where gasna.access_set_id=fnd_profile.value('GL_ACCESS_SET_ID') and gasna.ledger_id=glsnav.ledger_set_id(+))
and haou2.organization_id in (select mgoat.organization_id from mo_glob_org_access_tmp mgoat union select fnd_global.org_id from dual where fnd_release.major_version=11)
and 1=1                             -- p_dest_type_code, p_operating_unit, p_ledger
-- ========================================================
-- Revision for version 1.17, SLA and Non-SLA joins.
-- ========================================================
-- ==========================================================
order by
 nvl(gl.short_name,, -- Ledger, -- Operating_Unit
 acct_dist.organization_code, -- Org_Code
 oap.period_name, -- Period_Name
 acct_dist.item_number, -- Item_Number
 -- Revision for version 1.15
 acct_dist.transaction_date, -- Transaction_Date
 acct_dist.transaction_id, -- Transaction_Id
 -- End Revision for version 1.15
 -- Revision for version 1.19
 nvl(flv2.meaning, acct_dist.accounting_line_type), -- Accounting Line Type
 flv1.meaning, -- Transaction Type
 -- End revision for version 1.19
 pl.displayed_field, -- Destination Type
 acct_dist.po_num, -- PO_Number
 acct_dist.po_line, -- PO_Line
 (select pr.release_num
  from po_releases_all pr
  where pr.po_release_id  = acct_dist.po_release_id) -- Release_Number
Parameter Name SQL text Validation
Transaction Date From
rae.transaction_date >= :p_trx_date_from and
rrsl.transaction_date >= :p_trx_date_from
Transaction Date To
rae.transaction_date < :p_trx_date_to + 1 and
rrsl.transaction_date < :p_trx_date_to + 1
Show SLA Accounting
xla_distribution_links xdl,
 xla_ae_headers ah,
 xla_ae_lines al,
LOV Oracle
Show Project Information
pp.segment1 Project_Number, Project_Name,
 pt.task_number Task_Number,
 pt.task_name Project_Task,
 pt.wbs_level WBS_Level,
 pt.description Task_Description,
LOV Oracle
Show WIP Outside Processing
we.wip_entity_name WIP_Job,
 br.resource_code Resource_Code,
LOV Oracle
Category Set 1
select x.* from (
'(select min(mcb.'||lower(fifsv.application_column_name)||') keep (dense_rank first order by mcb.category_id) from mtl_item_categories mic, mtl_categories_b mcb where 
  ((mic.category_set_id='||mcsv.category_set_id||' and acct_dist.to_organization_id=mic.organization_id and acct_dist.item_id=mic.inventory_item_id and mic.category_id=mcb.category_id)
   (acct_dist.category_id=mcb.category_id and acct_dist.item_id is null)
 ) "'||substrb(fifsv.form_left_prompt_,1,xxen_report.max_column_length)||'",' sql_text
mtl_category_sets_vl mcsv,
(select xxen_util.init_cap(fifsv.form_left_prompt) form_left_prompt_, fifsv.* from fnd_id_flex_segments_vl fifsv) fifsv
mcsv.category_set_name=:category_set_name1 and
mcsv.structure_id=fifsv.id_flex_num and
fifsv.application_id=401 and
fifsv.id_flex_code='MCAT' and
order by
) x
union all
'(select min(mct.description) keep (dense_rank first order by mct.category_id) from mtl_item_categories mic, mtl_categories_tl mct where 
  ((mic.category_set_id='||mcsv.category_set_id||' and acct_dist.to_organization_id=mic.organization_id and acct_dist.item_id=mic.inventory_item_id and mic.category_id=mct.category_id and mct.language=userenv(''lang''))
   (acct_dist.category_id=mct.category_id and mct.language=userenv(''lang'')and acct_dist.item_id is null)
) "'||substrb(mcsv.category_set_name||' Description',1,xxen_report.max_column_length)||'",' sql_text
mtl_category_sets_vl mcsv
Category Set 2
select xxen_util.item_category_columns(p_category_set_name=>'<parameter_value>', p_table_alias=>'acct_dist', p_item_id_column=>'item_id', p_org_id_column=>'to_organization_id') sql_text from dual
Category Set 3
select xxen_util.item_category_columns(p_category_set_name=>'<parameter_value>', p_table_alias=>'acct_dist', p_item_id_column=>'item_id', p_org_id_column=>'to_organization_id') sql_text from dual
Transaction Type
flv1.meaning = :p_transaction_type
Minimum Absolute Amount
abs(nvl(rrsl.accounted_dr,0) - nvl(rrsl.accounted_cr,0)) >= :p_minimum_amount
Supplier Name
pov.vendor_name = :p_supplier_name
PO Number
poh.segment1 = :p_po_number
Destination Code
pl.displayed_field = :p_dest_type_code
Item Number
msiv.concatenated_segments = :p_item_number
Organization Code
mp.organization_code = :p_org_code
Operating Unit = :p_operating_unit
Ledger = :p_ledger
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