FND Role Hierarchy
Categories: Enginatics
Repository: Github
Repository: Github
User Management (UMX) role hierarchy to manage role-based access control (RBAC).
When run for a specified role, the report shows all hierarchies that contain or lead to inheriting that role.
When run for a specified role, the report shows all hierarchies that contain or lead to inheriting that role.
select xxen_util.meaning(connect_by_root x.category_lookup_code,'UMX_CATEGORY_LOOKUP',0) category, lpad(' ',2*(level-1))||level level_, lpad(' ',2*(level-1))||wr.display_name role_name, lpad(' ',2*(level-1))||x.role role_code, fav.application_name application, xxen_util.meaning(connect_by_root x.category_lookup_code,'UMX_CATEGORY_LOOKUP',0)||sys_connect_by_path(x.role,' > ') role_path from ( select urcv.category_lookup_code, null parent_role, urcv.wf_role_name role from umx_role_categories_v urcv union all select null category_lookup_code, wrh.sub_name parent_role, wrh.super_name role from wf_role_hierarchies wrh where wrh.enabled_flag='Y' ) x, wf_roles wr, fnd_application_vl fav where x.role=wr.name and wr.owner_tag=fav.application_short_name(+) connect by prior x.role=x.parent_role start with 1=1 and x.parent_role is null order by role_path |
Parameter Name | SQL text | Validation | |
Role Name |
| LOV | |
Role Code |
| LOV |