CAC Standard Cost Update Submissions
Categories: Enginatics
Repository: Github
Repository: Github
Report to show the Standard Cost Update submissions, by Cost Update Date. Including the parameters used and the overall inventory and WIP adjustment values.
Cost Update Date From: starting cost update date, based on standard cost submission history (required).
Cost Update Date To: ending cost update date, based on standard cost submission history (required).
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Cost Update Date From: starting cost update date, based on standard cost submission history (required).
Cost Update Date To: ending cost update date, based on standard cost submission history (required).
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select nvl(gl.short_name, Ledger, Operating_Unit, ccu.organization_code Org_Code, ccu.update_date Cost_Update_Date, ccu.cost_update_id Cost_Update_Id, fu.user_name Cost_Update_Created_By, ccu.request_id Cost_Update_Request_Id, ccu.cost_type From_Cost_Type, ccu.description Cost_Update_Description, ml1.meaning Cost_Update_Status, ml2.meaning Cost_Update_Range, ccu.concatenated_segments Specific_Item_Number, ccu.item_description Specific_Item_Description, ccu.item_range_low Item_Range_Low, ccu.item_range_high Item_Range_High, (select mcsv.category_set_name from mtl_category_sets_vl mcsv where mcsv.category_set_id = ccu.category_set_id and ccu.category_set_id is not null ) Category_Set, (select mcv.category_concat_segs from mtl_categories_v mcv where mcv.category_id = ccu.category_id and ccu.category_id is not null ) Category_Name, gl.currency_code Currency_Code, ccu.inventory_adjustment_value Total_Onhand_Adjustments, ccu.intransit_adjustment_value Total_Intransit_Adjustments, ccu.wip_adjustment_value Total_WIP_Adjustments, ccu.scrap_adjustment_value Total_Scrap_Adjustments, ml3.meaning Details_Saved, ml4.meaning Updated_Resources_Overheads, ml5.meaning Updated_Activity_Costs, &segment_columns gcc.concatenated_segments Adjustment_Account from (select ccu.cost_update_id, ccu.last_update_date, ccu.last_updated_by, ccu.creation_date, ccu.last_update_login, ccu.created_by, ccu.status, ccu.organization_id, ccu.cost_type_id, ccu.update_date, ccu.description, ccu.range_option, ccu.update_resource_ovhd_flag, ccu.update_activity_flag, ccu.snapshot_saved_flag, ccu.inv_adjustment_account, ccu.single_item, ccu.category_set_id, ccu.category_id, ccu.item_range_low, ccu.item_range_high, ccu.inventory_adjustment_value, ccu.intransit_adjustment_value, ccu.wip_adjustment_value, ccu.scrap_adjustment_value, ccu.request_id, mp.organization_code, cct.cost_type, msiv.inventory_item_id, msiv.concatenated_segments, msiv.description item_description from cst_cost_updates ccu, cst_cost_types cct, mtl_system_items_vl msiv, mtl_parameters mp where ccu.organization_id = mp.organization_id and ccu.cost_type_id = cct.cost_type_id and ccu.single_item = msiv.inventory_item_id (+) and ccu.organization_id = msiv.organization_id (+) and 2=2 -- p_cost_update_date_from, p_cost_update_date_to, p_org_code, p_cost_type and mp.organization_code in (select oav.organization_code from org_access_view oav where oav.resp_application_id=fnd_global.resp_appl_id and oav.responsibility_id=fnd_global.resp_id) ) ccu, mfg_lookups ml1, -- cost update status mfg_lookups ml2, -- cost update submission range mfg_lookups ml3, -- snapshot saved, YES_NO mfg_lookups ml4, -- update resource overheads, YES_NO mfg_lookups ml5, -- activity costs saved, YES_NO fnd_user fu, gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc, gl_ledgers gl, hr_organization_information hoi, hr_all_organization_units_vl haou, -- inv_organization_id hr_all_organization_units_vl haou2 -- operating unit where gcc.code_combination_id (+) = ccu.inv_adjustment_account and fu.user_id = ccu.created_by -- =================================================================== -- Lookup codes -- =================================================================== and ml1.lookup_type = 'CST_COST_UPDATE_STATUS' and ml1.lookup_code = ccu.status and ml2.lookup_type = 'CST_ITEM_RANGE' and ml2.lookup_code = ccu.range_option and ml3.lookup_type = 'SYS_YES_NO' and ml3.lookup_code = ccu.snapshot_saved_flag and ml3.lookup_type = 'SYS_YES_NO' and ml4.lookup_code = ccu.update_resource_ovhd_flag and ml4.lookup_type = 'SYS_YES_NO' and ml5.lookup_code = ccu.update_activity_flag and ml5.lookup_type = 'SYS_YES_NO' -- =================================================================== -- Using the base tables to avoid using org_organization_definitions -- and hr_operating_units -- =================================================================== and hoi.org_information_context = 'Accounting Information' and hoi.organization_id = ccu.organization_id and hoi.organization_id = haou.organization_id -- this gets the organization name and haou2.organization_id = to_number(hoi.org_information3) -- this gets the operating unit id and gl.ledger_id = to_number(hoi.org_information1) -- get the ledger_id and gl.ledger_id in (select nvl(glsnav.ledger_id,gasna.ledger_id) from gl_access_set_norm_assign gasna, gl_ledger_set_norm_assign_v glsnav where gasna.access_set_id=fnd_profile.value('GL_ACCESS_SET_ID') and gasna.ledger_id=glsnav.ledger_set_id(+)) and haou2.organization_id in (select mgoat.organization_id from mo_glob_org_access_tmp mgoat union select fnd_global.org_id from dual where fnd_release.major_version=11) and 1=1 -- p_operating_unit, p_ledger order by nvl(gl.short_name,, -- Ledger, -- Operating Unit ccu.organization_code, -- Org Code ccu.update_date, ccu.cost_update_id |
Parameter Name | SQL text | Validation | |
Cost Update Date From |
| Date | |
Cost Update Date To |
| Date | |
From Cost Type |
| LOV | |
Organization Code |
| LOV | |
Operating Unit |
| LOV | |
Ledger |
| LOV |