Blitz Report Parameter Custom LOV Duplication Validation
Categories: Enginatics
Repository: Github
Repository: Github
Blitz report parameters using custom LOVs with the same query more than once so that they should be set up as a shared LOV instead
select x.* from ( select count(*) over (partition by dbms_lob.substr(xrpv.lov_query_dsp,4000,1)) dupl_count, count(nvl2(xrpv.lov_id,null,1)) over (partition by dbms_lob.substr(xrpv.lov_query_dsp,4000,1)) custom_count, xrpv.report_name, xrpv.category, xrpv.display_sequence, xrpv.parameter_name, xrpv.parameter_type_dsp, xrpv.lov_name, dbms_lob.substr(xrpv.lov_query_dsp,4000,1) lov_query_dsp from xxen_report_parameters_v xrpv where 1=1 and xrpv.parameter_type='LOV' ) x where x.dupl_count>1 and x.custom_count>0 order by x.dupl_count desc, x.lov_query_dsp |
Parameter Name | SQL text | Validation | |
Category |