CST Uninvoiced Receipts
Categories: Enginatics
Repository: Github
Repository: Github
Application: Bills of Material
Description: Uninvoiced Receipts Report
Templates: Select a template to show Accruals summarized by
- PO/Release Distributions (Default)
- PO/Release Shipments
- PO/Release Lines
Each template includes a Pivot summarizing the accruals by Accrual Account and the Pivot/Sort Parameter Value (Vendor, Category, PO/Release Number)
Source: Unin ... more
Description: Uninvoiced Receipts Report
Templates: Select a template to show Accruals summarized by
- PO/Release Distributions (Default)
- PO/Release Shipments
- PO/Release Lines
Each template includes a Pivot summarizing the accruals by Accrual Account and the Pivot/Sort Parameter Value (Vendor, Category, PO/Release Number)
Source: Unin ... more
select :p_ledger ledger, :p_operating_unit operating_unit, :p_period_name period, q.po_number, q.po_release_number, q.line_num, q.line_type, q.item_name, q.user_item_type, q.category, q.item_description, q.vendor_name, case when q.line_qty_accrued > 0 then round(q.line_accrual_amt / q.line_qty_accrued,q.po_precision) when q.line_qty_accrued = 0 then round(q.po_unit_price,q.po_precision) end line_po_unit_price, case when q.line_qty_accrued > 0 then round(q.line_func_accrual_amt / q.line_qty_accrued,q.po_func_precision) when q.line_qty_accrued = 0 then round(q.func_unit_price,q.po_func_precision) end line_functional_unit_price, q.line_bill_of_lading, -- shipment q.shipment_num, case when q.ship_qty_accrued > 0 then round(q.ship_accrual_amt / q.ship_qty_accrued,q.po_precision) when q.ship_qty_accrued = 0 then round(q.po_unit_price,q.po_precision) end ship_po_unit_price, case when q.ship_qty_accrued > 0 then round(q.ship_func_accrual_amt / q.ship_qty_accrued,q.po_func_precision) when q.ship_qty_accrued = 0 then round(q.func_unit_price,q.po_func_precision) end ship_functional_unit_price, q.bill_of_lading, q.receipt_num, q.receipt_date, -- distribution q.distribution_num, q.uom_code, q.quantity_received, q.quantity_billed, q.quantity_accrued, q.po_currency_code, q.po_unit_price dist_po_unit_price, q.accrual_amount accrual_amount, q.accrual_currency_code, q.func_unit_price dist_functional_unit_price, q.func_accrual_amount functional_accrual_amount, q.age_in_days, q.charge_account, q.accrual_account, -- q.pivot_sort_value, q.po_num_po_release_num "PO (Release) Number" from ( select x.*, decode(:p_orderby, 'Category', x.category, 'Vendor', x.vendor_name,x.po_num_po_release_num) pivot_sort_value, dense_rank() over (partition by x.po_line_id order by x.shipment_num) line_rank, sum(x.quantity_accrued) over (partition by x.po_line_id) line_qty_accrued, sum(x.accrual_amount) over (partition by x.po_line_id) line_accrual_amt, sum(x.func_accrual_amount) over (partition by x.po_line_id) line_func_accrual_amt, dense_rank() over (partition by x.po_shipment_id order by x.distribution_num) ship_rank, sum(x.quantity_accrued) over (partition by x.po_shipment_id) ship_qty_accrued, sum(x.accrual_amount) over (partition by x.po_shipment_id) ship_accrual_amt, sum(x.func_accrual_amount) over (partition by x.po_shipment_id) ship_func_accrual_amt, listagg(x.bill_of_lading,',') within group (order by x.bill_of_lading) over (partition by x.po_header_id,x.po_line_id,x.po_release_number) line_bill_of_lading from ( select nvl( poh.clm_document_number, poh.segment1) po_number, porl.release_num po_release_number, nvl( poh.clm_document_number, poh.segment1) || nvl2(porl.release_num,' (' || lpad(porl.release_num,6,' ') || ')',null) po_num_po_release_num, poh.po_header_id po_header_id, pol.po_line_id po_line_id, cpea.shipment_id po_shipment_id, cpea.distribution_id po_distribution_id, plt.line_type line_type, nvl( pol.line_num_display, to_char(pol.line_num)) line_num, msi.concatenated_segments item_name, xxen_util.meaning(msi.item_type,'ITEM_TYPE',3) user_item_type, mca.concatenated_segments category, pol.item_description item_description, pov.vendor_name vendor_name, fnc2.currency_code accrual_currency_code, poll.shipment_num shipment_num, poll.unit_meas_lookup_code uom_code, pod.distribution_num distribution_num, round( nvl(cpea.quantity_received, 0), :p_qty_precision) quantity_received, round( nvl(cpea.quantity_billed, 0), :p_qty_precision) quantity_billed, round( nvl(cpea.accrual_quantity, 0), :p_qty_precision) quantity_accrued, round( cpea.unit_price, nvl(fnc2.extended_precision, 2)) po_unit_price, cpea.currency_code po_currency_code, round( decode( nvl(fnc1.minimum_accountable_unit, 0), 0, cpea.unit_price * cpea.currency_conversion_rate, (cpea.unit_price / fnc1.minimum_accountable_unit) * cpea.currency_conversion_rate * fnc1.minimum_accountable_unit ), nvl(fnc1.extended_precision, 2)) func_unit_price, gcc1.concatenated_segments charge_account, gcc2.concatenated_segments accrual_account, cpea.accrual_amount accrual_amount, round( decode( nvl(fnc1.minimum_accountable_unit, 0), 0, cpea.accrual_amount * cpea.currency_conversion_rate, (cpea.accrual_amount / fnc1.minimum_accountable_unit) * cpea.currency_conversion_rate * fnc1.minimum_accountable_unit), nvl(fnc2.precision, 2)) func_accrual_amount, nvl(fnc2.extended_precision,2) po_precision, nvl(fnc1.extended_precision,2) po_func_precision, nvl(fnc2.precision,2) accr_precision, ( select trunc(sysdate - max(rt.transaction_date)) from rcv_transactions rt where rt.po_line_location_id = cpea.shipment_id and rt.transaction_type IN ('RECEIVE','MATCH') and rt.transaction_date <= :p_end_date ) age_in_days, ( select trunc(max(rt.transaction_date)) from rcv_transactions rt where rt.po_line_location_id = cpea.shipment_id and rt.transaction_type IN ('RECEIVE','MATCH') and rt.transaction_date <= :p_end_date ) receipt_date, ( select listagg(rsh.bill_of_lading,',') within group (order by rsh.bill_of_lading) from ( select distinct rt.po_line_location_id, rsh.bill_of_lading from rcv_transactions rt, rcv_shipment_headers rsh where rsh.shipment_header_id = rt.shipment_header_id and rt.transaction_type IN ('RECEIVE','MATCH') and rt.transaction_date <= :p_end_date and rsh.bill_of_lading is not null ) rsh where rsh.po_line_location_id = poll.line_location_id ) bill_of_lading, ( select listagg(rsh.receipt_num,',') within group (order by rsh.shipment_header_id) from ( select distinct rt.po_line_location_id, rsh.receipt_num, rsh.shipment_header_id from rcv_transactions rt, rcv_shipment_headers rsh where rsh.shipment_header_id = rt.shipment_header_id and rt.transaction_type IN ('RECEIVE','MATCH') and rt.transaction_date <= :p_end_date and rsh.receipt_num is not null ) rsh where rsh.po_line_location_id = poll.line_location_id ) receipt_num from cst_per_end_accruals_temp cpea, po_headers_all poh, po_lines_all pol, po_line_locations_all poll, po_distributions_all pod, po_vendors pov, po_line_types plt, po_releases_all porl, mtl_system_items_b_kfv msi, fnd_currencies fnc1, fnd_currencies fnc2, mtl_categories_kfv mca, gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc1, gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc2, gl_sets_of_books sob where pod.po_distribution_id = cpea.distribution_id and poh.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id and pol.po_line_id = poll.po_line_id and poll.line_location_id = pod.line_location_id and pol.line_type_id = plt.line_type_id and porl.po_release_id (+) = poll.po_release_id and poh.vendor_id = pov.vendor_id and msi.inventory_item_id (+) = pol.item_id and ( msi.organization_id is null or (msi.organization_id = poll.ship_to_organization_id and msi.organization_id is not null) ) and fnc1.currency_code = cpea.currency_code and fnc2.currency_code = sob.currency_code and cpea.category_id = mca.category_id(+) and gcc1.code_combination_id = pod.code_combination_id and gcc2.code_combination_id = pod.accrual_account_id and sob.set_of_books_id = :p_ledger_id ) x ) q order by decode(:p_orderby, 'Category' , q.category, 'Vendor' , q.vendor_name,null), q.po_number, q.po_release_number, q.line_num, q.shipment_num, q.distribution_num |
Parameter Name | SQL text | Validation | |
Operating Unit | LOV | ||
Accrued Receipts | LOV Oracle | ||
Include Online Accruals | LOV Oracle | ||
Include Closed POs | LOV Oracle | ||
Categories From | LOV | ||
Categories To | LOV | ||
Minimum Accrual Amount | Number | ||
Period Name | LOV | ||
Vendors From | LOV Oracle | ||
Vendors To | LOV Oracle | ||
Sort/Pivot By | LOV | ||
Dynamic Precision Option | LOV Oracle |