DBA Result Cache Statistics
Categories: Enginatics
Repository: Github
Repository: Github
Result cache statistics with size values in MB.
If the 'Maximum Size' is big enough, 'Create Count Failure' should be zero or low, same as 'Delete Count Valid', which depicts the number of valid cache results flushed out.
'Find Count' shows the number of cached results used (instead of executing the underlying sql/plsql) and should hence be as high as possible for maximum performance imp ... more
If the 'Maximum Size' is big enough, 'Create Count Failure' should be zero or low, same as 'Delete Count Valid', which depicts the number of valid cache results flushed out.
'Find Count' shows the number of cached results used (instead of executing the underlying sql/plsql) and should hence be as high as possible for maximum performance imp ... more
select x.inst_id, decode(x.name, 'Block Count Maximum','Maximum Size', 'Block Count Current','Current Size', 'Result Size Maximum (Blocks)','Result Size Maximum', x.name) name, case when x.name like '%Block%' then round(x.block_size*x.value/1000000,2) else to_number(x.value) end value from ( select max(decode(grcs.name,'Block Size (Bytes)',grcs.value)) over () block_size, grcs.inst_id, grcs.id, grcs.name, grcs.value from gv$result_cache_statistics grcs where grcs.name not in ('Hash Chain Length') union all select distinct null block_size, grcs.inst_id, 8.5 id, 'Invalidation Percentage' name, to_char(round(100*max(decode(grcs.name,'Invalidation Count',grcs.value)) over (partition by grcs.inst_id)/xxen_util.zero_to_null(max(decode(grcs.name,'Find Count',grcs.value)) over (partition by grcs.inst_id)),2)) value from gv$result_cache_statistics grcs where grcs.name in ('Find Count','Invalidation Count') union all select distinct null block_size, grcs.inst_id, 5.5 id, 'Creation Percentage' name, to_char(round(100*max(decode(grcs.name,'Create Count Success',grcs.value)) over (partition by grcs.inst_id)/xxen_util.zero_to_null(max(decode(grcs.name,'Find Count',grcs.value)) over (partition by grcs.inst_id)),2)) value from gv$result_cache_statistics grcs where grcs.name in ('Create Count Success','Find Count') ) x where x.name not in ('Block Size (Bytes)') order by x.inst_id, x.id |