CAC Category Accounts Setup

Categories: Enginatics
Repository: Github
Report to show the category accounts in use. If category accounts have been set up with your Subledger Accounting Rules, the Inventory Cost Processor can use them and bypass the organization accounts (Average, LIFO, FIFO Costing) or the subinventory accounts (Standard Costing).

/* +=============================================================================+
-- | Copyright 2021 Dougla ... 
Report to show the category accounts in use. If category accounts have been set up with your Subledger Accounting Rules, the Inventory Cost Processor can use them and bypass the organization accounts (Average, LIFO, FIFO Costing) or the subinventory accounts (Standard Costing).

/* +=============================================================================+
-- | Copyright 2021 Douglas Volz Consulting, Inc. |
-- | All rights reserved. |
-- | Permission to use this code is granted provided the original author is |
-- | acknowledged. No warranties, express or otherwise is included in this |
-- | permission. |
-- +=============================================================================+
-- |
-- | Original Author: Douglas Volz ([email protected])
-- |
-- | Program Name: xxx_category_setup_accts_rept.sql
-- |
-- | Parameters:
-- | p_org_code -- Specific inventory organization you wish to report (optional)
-- | p_operating_unit -- Operating_Unit you wish to report, leave blank for all
-- | operating units (optional)
-- | p_ledger -- general ledger you wish to report, leave blank for all
-- | ledgers (optional)
-- |
-- | Description:
-- | Report to show accounts used for the subinventories
-- |
-- | Version Modified on Modified by Description
-- | ======= =========== ============== =========================================
-- | 1.0 16 Aug 2021 Douglas Volz Initial Coding
-- +=============================================================================+*/

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select nvl(gl.short_name, Ledger,
-- Get the Material Account Operating_Unit,
 mp.organization_code Org_Code, Organization_Name,
 mc.category_concat_segs Category,
 (select ccg.cost_group
  from cst_cost_groups ccg
  where ccg.cost_group_id  = mca.cost_group_id) Cost_Group,
 mca.subinventory_code Subinventory,
 (select ml.meaning
  from mfg_lookups ml,
  mtl_secondary_inventories msub
  where msub.secondary_inventory_name = mca.subinventory_code
  and msub.organization_id          = mca.organization_id
  and ml.lookup_type                = 'SYS_YES_NO'
  and ml.lookup_code                = msub.asset_inventory) Inventory_Asset,
 'Material Account' Account_Type,
 mca.creation_date Creation_Date,
 mca.last_update_date Last_Update_Date,
 fu1.user_name Created_By,
 fu2.user_name Last_Updated_By
from mtl_category_accounts mca,
 mtl_categories_v mc,
 mtl_parameters mp,
 gl_code_combinations gcc,
 hr_organization_information hoi,
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou,
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou2,
 gl_ledgers gl,
 fnd_user fu1,
 fnd_user fu2
where mca.category_id                = mc.category_id
and mp.organization_id             = mca.organization_id
and mca.material_account           = gcc.code_combination_id (+)
-- ===========================================
-- Organization joins to the HR org model
-- ===========================================
and hoi.org_information_context    = 'Accounting Information'
and hoi.organization_id            = mp.organization_id
and hoi.organization_id            = haou.organization_id -- this gets the organization name
and haou2.organization_id          = to_number(hoi.org_information3) -- this gets the operating unit id
and gl.ledger_id                   = to_number(hoi.org_information1) -- get the ledger_id
-- Avoid selecting disabled inventory organizations
and sysdate < nvl(haou.date_to, sysdate + 1)
and fu1.user_id                    = mca.created_by
and fu2.user_id                    = mca.last_updated_by
and gl.ledger_id in (select nvl(glsnav.ledger_id,gasna.ledger_id) from gl_access_set_norm_assign gasna, gl_ledger_set_norm_assign_v glsnav where gasna.access_set_id=fnd_profile.value('GL_ACCESS_SET_ID') and gasna.ledger_id=glsnav.ledger_set_id(+))
and haou2.organization_id in (select mgoat.organization_id from mo_glob_org_access_tmp mgoat union select fnd_global.org_id from dual where fnd_release.major_version=11)
and 1=1                            -- p_org_code, p_operating_unit, p_ledger
union all
-- Get the Material Overhead Account
select nvl(gl.short_name, Ledger, Operating_Unit,
 mp.organization_code Org_Code, Organization_Name,
 mc.category_concat_segs Category,
 (select ccg.cost_group
  from cst_cost_groups ccg
  where ccg.cost_group_id  = mca.cost_group_id) Cost_Group,
 mca.subinventory_code Subinventory,
 (select ml.meaning
  from mfg_lookups ml,
  mtl_secondary_inventories msub
  where msub.secondary_inventory_name = mca.subinventory_code
  and msub.organization_id          = mca.organization_id
  and ml.lookup_type                = 'SYS_YES_NO'
  and ml.lookup_code                = msub.asset_inventory) Inventory_Asset,
 'Material Overhead Account' Account_Type,
 mca.creation_date Creation_Date,
 mca.last_update_date Last_Update_Date,
 fu1.user_name Created_By,
 fu2.user_name Last_Updated_By
from mtl_category_accounts mca,
 mtl_categories_v mc,
 mtl_parameters mp,
 gl_code_combinations gcc,
 hr_organization_information hoi,
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou,
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou2,
 gl_ledgers gl,
 fnd_user fu1,
 fnd_user fu2
where mca.category_id                = mc.category_id
and mp.organization_id             = mca.organization_id
and mca.material_overhead_account  = gcc.code_combination_id (+)
-- ===========================================
-- Organization joins to the HR org model
-- ===========================================
and hoi.org_information_context    = 'Accounting Information'
and hoi.organization_id            = mp.organization_id
and hoi.organization_id            = haou.organization_id -- this gets the organization name
and haou2.organization_id          = to_number(hoi.org_information3) -- this gets the operating unit id
and gl.ledger_id                   = to_number(hoi.org_information1) -- get the ledger_id
-- Avoid selecting disabled inventory organizations
and sysdate < nvl(haou.date_to, sysdate + 1)
and fu1.user_id                    = mca.created_by
and fu2.user_id                    = mca.last_updated_by
and gl.ledger_id in (select nvl(glsnav.ledger_id,gasna.ledger_id) from gl_access_set_norm_assign gasna, gl_ledger_set_norm_assign_v glsnav where gasna.access_set_id=fnd_profile.value('GL_ACCESS_SET_ID') and gasna.ledger_id=glsnav.ledger_set_id(+))
and haou2.organization_id in (select mgoat.organization_id from mo_glob_org_access_tmp mgoat union select fnd_global.org_id from dual where fnd_release.major_version=11)
and 1=1                            -- p_org_code, p_operating_unit, p_ledger
union all
-- Get the Resource Account
select nvl(gl.short_name, Ledger, Operating_Unit,
 mp.organization_code Org_Code, Organization_Name,
 mc.category_concat_segs Category,
 (select ccg.cost_group
  from cst_cost_groups ccg
  where ccg.cost_group_id  = mca.cost_group_id) Cost_Group,
 mca.subinventory_code Subinventory,
 (select ml.meaning
  from mfg_lookups ml,
  mtl_secondary_inventories msub
  where msub.secondary_inventory_name = mca.subinventory_code
  and msub.organization_id          = mca.organization_id
  and ml.lookup_type                = 'SYS_YES_NO'
  and ml.lookup_code                = msub.asset_inventory) Inventory_Asset,
 'Resource Account' Account_Type,
 mca.creation_date Creation_Date,
 mca.last_update_date Last_Update_Date,
 fu1.user_name Created_By,
 fu2.user_name Last_Updated_By
from mtl_category_accounts mca,
 mtl_categories_v mc,
 mtl_parameters mp,
 gl_code_combinations gcc,
 hr_organization_information hoi,
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou,
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou2,
 gl_ledgers gl,
 fnd_user fu1,
 fnd_user fu2
where mca.category_id                = mc.category_id
and mp.organization_id             = mca.organization_id
and mca.resource_account           = gcc.code_combination_id (+)
-- ===========================================
-- Organization joins to the HR org model
-- ===========================================
and hoi.org_information_context    = 'Accounting Information'
and hoi.organization_id            = mp.organization_id
and hoi.organization_id            = haou.organization_id -- this gets the organization name
and haou2.organization_id          = to_number(hoi.org_information3) -- this gets the operating unit id
and gl.ledger_id                   = to_number(hoi.org_information1) -- get the ledger_id
-- Avoid selecting disabled inventory organizations
and sysdate < nvl(haou.date_to, sysdate + 1)
and fu1.user_id                    = mca.created_by
and fu2.user_id                    = mca.last_updated_by
and gl.ledger_id in (select nvl(glsnav.ledger_id,gasna.ledger_id) from gl_access_set_norm_assign gasna, gl_ledger_set_norm_assign_v glsnav where gasna.access_set_id=fnd_profile.value('GL_ACCESS_SET_ID') and gasna.ledger_id=glsnav.ledger_set_id(+))
and haou2.organization_id in (select mgoat.organization_id from mo_glob_org_access_tmp mgoat union select fnd_global.org_id from dual where fnd_release.major_version=11)
and 1=1                            -- p_org_code, p_operating_unit, p_ledger
union all
-- Get the Outside Processing Account
select nvl(gl.short_name, Ledger, Operating_Unit,
 mp.organization_code Org_Code, Organization_Name,
 mc.category_concat_segs Category,
 (select ccg.cost_group
  from cst_cost_groups ccg
  where ccg.cost_group_id  = mca.cost_group_id) Cost_Group,
 mca.subinventory_code Subinventory,
 (select ml.meaning
  from mfg_lookups ml,
  mtl_secondary_inventories msub
  where msub.secondary_inventory_name = mca.subinventory_code
  and msub.organization_id          = mca.organization_id
  and ml.lookup_type                = 'SYS_YES_NO'
  and ml.lookup_code                = msub.asset_inventory) Inventory_Asset,
 'Outside Processing Account' Account_Type,
 mca.creation_date Creation_Date,
 mca.last_update_date Last_Update_Date,
 fu1.user_name Created_By,
 fu2.user_name Last_Updated_By
from mtl_category_accounts mca,
 mtl_categories_v mc,
 mtl_parameters mp,
 gl_code_combinations gcc,
 hr_organization_information hoi,
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou,
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou2,
 gl_ledgers gl,
 fnd_user fu1,
 fnd_user fu2
where mca.category_id                = mc.category_id
and mp.organization_id             = mca.organization_id
and mca.outside_processing_account = gcc.code_combination_id (+)
-- ===========================================
-- Organization joins to the HR org model
-- ===========================================
and hoi.org_information_context    = 'Accounting Information'
and hoi.organization_id            = mp.organization_id
and hoi.organization_id            = haou.organization_id -- this gets the organization name
and haou2.organization_id          = to_number(hoi.org_information3) -- this gets the operating unit id
and gl.ledger_id                   = to_number(hoi.org_information1) -- get the ledger_id
-- Avoid selecting disabled inventory organizations
and sysdate < nvl(haou.date_to, sysdate + 1)
and fu1.user_id                    = mca.created_by
and fu2.user_id                    = mca.last_updated_by
and gl.ledger_id in (select nvl(glsnav.ledger_id,gasna.ledger_id) from gl_access_set_norm_assign gasna, gl_ledger_set_norm_assign_v glsnav where gasna.access_set_id=fnd_profile.value('GL_ACCESS_SET_ID') and gasna.ledger_id=glsnav.ledger_set_id(+))
and haou2.organization_id in (select mgoat.organization_id from mo_glob_org_access_tmp mgoat union select fnd_global.org_id from dual where fnd_release.major_version=11)
and 1=1                            -- p_org_code, p_operating_unit, p_ledger
union all
-- Get the Overhead Account
select nvl(gl.short_name, Ledger, Operating_Unit,
 mp.organization_code Org_Code, Organization_Name,
 mc.category_concat_segs Category,
 (select ccg.cost_group
  from cst_cost_groups ccg
  where ccg.cost_group_id  = mca.cost_group_id) Cost_Group,
 mca.subinventory_code Subinventory,
 (select ml.meaning
  from mfg_lookups ml,
  mtl_secondary_inventories msub
  where msub.secondary_inventory_name = mca.subinventory_code
  and msub.organization_id          = mca.organization_id
  and ml.lookup_type                = 'SYS_YES_NO'
  and ml.lookup_code                = msub.asset_inventory) Inventory_Asset,
 'Overhead Account' Account_Type,
 mca.creation_date Creation_Date,
 mca.last_update_date Last_Update_Date,
 fu1.user_name Created_By,
 fu2.user_name Last_Updated_By
from mtl_category_accounts mca,
 mtl_categories_v mc,
 mtl_parameters mp,
 gl_code_combinations gcc,
 hr_organization_information hoi,
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou,
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou2,
 gl_ledgers gl,
 fnd_user fu1,
 fnd_user fu2
where mca.category_id                = mc.category_id
and mp.organization_id             = mca.organization_id
and mca.overhead_account           = gcc.code_combination_id (+)
-- ===========================================
-- Organization joins to the HR org model
-- ===========================================
and hoi.org_information_context    = 'Accounting Information'
and hoi.organization_id            = mp.organization_id
and hoi.organization_id            = haou.organization_id -- this gets the organization name
and haou2.organization_id          = to_number(hoi.org_information3) -- this gets the operating unit id
and gl.ledger_id                   = to_number(hoi.org_information1) -- get the ledger_id
-- Avoid selecting disabled inventory organizations
and sysdate < nvl(haou.date_to, sysdate + 1)
and fu1.user_id                    = mca.created_by
and fu2.user_id                    = mca.last_updated_by
and gl.ledger_id in (select nvl(glsnav.ledger_id,gasna.ledger_id) from gl_access_set_norm_assign gasna, gl_ledger_set_norm_assign_v glsnav where gasna.access_set_id=fnd_profile.value('GL_ACCESS_SET_ID') and gasna.ledger_id=glsnav.ledger_set_id(+))
and haou2.organization_id in (select mgoat.organization_id from mo_glob_org_access_tmp mgoat union select fnd_global.org_id from dual where fnd_release.major_version=11)
and 1=1                            -- p_org_code, p_operating_unit, p_ledger
union all
-- Get the Expense Account
select nvl(gl.short_name, Ledger, Operating_Unit,
 mp.organization_code Org_Code, Organization_Name,
 mc.category_concat_segs Category,
 (select ccg.cost_group
  from cst_cost_groups ccg
  where ccg.cost_group_id  = mca.cost_group_id) Cost_Group,
 mca.subinventory_code Subinventory,
 (select ml.meaning
  from mfg_lookups ml,
  mtl_secondary_inventories msub
  where msub.secondary_inventory_name = mca.subinventory_code
  and msub.organization_id          = mca.organization_id
  and ml.lookup_type                = 'SYS_YES_NO'
  and ml.lookup_code                = msub.asset_inventory) Inventory_Asset,
 'Expense Account' Account_Type,
 mca.creation_date Creation_Date,
 mca.last_update_date Last_Update_Date,
 fu1.user_name Created_By,
 fu2.user_name Last_Updated_By
from mtl_category_accounts mca,
 mtl_categories_v mc,
 mtl_parameters mp,
 gl_code_combinations gcc,
 hr_organization_information hoi,
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou,
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou2,
 gl_ledgers gl,
 fnd_user fu1,
 fnd_user fu2
where mca.category_id                = mc.category_id
and mp.organization_id             = mca.organization_id
and mca.expense_account            = gcc.code_combination_id (+)
-- ===========================================
-- Organization joins to the HR org model
-- ===========================================
and hoi.org_information_context    = 'Accounting Information'
and hoi.organization_id            = mp.organization_id
and hoi.organization_id            = haou.organization_id -- this gets the organization name
and haou2.organization_id          = to_number(hoi.org_information3) -- this gets the operating unit id
and gl.ledger_id                   = to_number(hoi.org_information1) -- get the ledger_id
-- Avoid selecting disabled inventory organizations
and sysdate < nvl(haou.date_to, sysdate + 1)
and fu1.user_id                    = mca.created_by
and fu2.user_id                    = mca.last_updated_by
and gl.ledger_id in (select nvl(glsnav.ledger_id,gasna.ledger_id) from gl_access_set_norm_assign gasna, gl_ledger_set_norm_assign_v glsnav where gasna.access_set_id=fnd_profile.value('GL_ACCESS_SET_ID') and gasna.ledger_id=glsnav.ledger_set_id(+))
and haou2.organization_id in (select mgoat.organization_id from mo_glob_org_access_tmp mgoat union select fnd_global.org_id from dual where fnd_release.major_version=11)
and 1=1                            -- p_org_code, p_operating_unit, p_ledger
union all
-- Get the Encumbrance Account
select nvl(gl.short_name, Ledger, Operating_Unit,
 mp.organization_code Org_Code, Organization_Name,
 mc.category_concat_segs Category,
 (select ccg.cost_group
  from cst_cost_groups ccg
  where ccg.cost_group_id  = mca.cost_group_id) Cost_Group,
 mca.subinventory_code Subinventory,
 (select ml.meaning
  from mfg_lookups ml,
  mtl_secondary_inventories msub
  where msub.secondary_inventory_name = mca.subinventory_code
  and msub.organization_id          = mca.organization_id
  and ml.lookup_type                = 'SYS_YES_NO'
  and ml.lookup_code                = msub.asset_inventory) Inventory_Asset,
 'Encumbrance Account' Account_Type,
 mca.creation_date Creation_Date,
 mca.last_update_date Last_Update_Date,
 fu1.user_name Created_By,
 fu2.user_name Last_Updated_By
from mtl_category_accounts mca,
 mtl_categories_v mc,
 mtl_parameters mp,
 gl_code_combinations gcc,
 hr_organization_information hoi,
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou,
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou2,
 gl_ledgers gl,
 fnd_user fu1,
 fnd_user fu2
where mca.category_id                = mc.category_id
and mp.organization_id             = mca.organization_id
and mca.encumbrance_account        = gcc.code_combination_id (+)
and mca.encumbrance_account is not null
-- ===========================================
-- Organization joins to the HR org model
-- ===========================================
and hoi.org_information_context    = 'Accounting Information'
and hoi.organization_id            = mp.organization_id
and hoi.organization_id            = haou.organization_id -- this gets the organization name
and haou2.organization_id          = to_number(hoi.org_information3) -- this gets the operating unit id
and gl.ledger_id                   = to_number(hoi.org_information1) -- get the ledger_id
-- Avoid selecting disabled inventory organizations
and sysdate < nvl(haou.date_to, sysdate + 1)
and fu1.user_id                    = mca.created_by
and fu2.user_id                    = mca.last_updated_by
and gl.ledger_id in (select nvl(glsnav.ledger_id,gasna.ledger_id) from gl_access_set_norm_assign gasna, gl_ledger_set_norm_assign_v glsnav where gasna.access_set_id=fnd_profile.value('GL_ACCESS_SET_ID') and gasna.ledger_id=glsnav.ledger_set_id(+))
and haou2.organization_id in (select mgoat.organization_id from mo_glob_org_access_tmp mgoat union select fnd_global.org_id from dual where fnd_release.major_version=11)
and 1=1                            -- p_org_code, p_operating_unit, p_ledger
union all
-- Get the Bridging Account
select nvl(gl.short_name, Ledger, Operating_Unit,
 mp.organization_code Org_Code, Organization_Name,
 mc.category_concat_segs Category,
 (select ccg.cost_group
  from cst_cost_groups ccg
  where ccg.cost_group_id  = mca.cost_group_id) Cost_Group,
 mca.subinventory_code Subinventory,
 (select ml.meaning
  from mfg_lookups ml,
  mtl_secondary_inventories msub
  where msub.secondary_inventory_name = mca.subinventory_code
  and msub.organization_id          = mca.organization_id
  and ml.lookup_type                = 'SYS_YES_NO'
  and ml.lookup_code                = msub.asset_inventory) Inventory_Asset,
 'Bridging Account' Account_Type,
 mca.creation_date Creation_Date,
 mca.last_update_date Last_Update_Date,
 fu1.user_name Created_By,
 fu2.user_name Last_Updated_By
from mtl_category_accounts mca,
 mtl_categories_v mc,
 mtl_parameters mp,
 gl_code_combinations gcc,
 hr_organization_information hoi,
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou,
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou2,
 gl_ledgers gl,
 fnd_user fu1,
 fnd_user fu2
where mca.category_id                = mc.category_id
and mp.organization_id             = mca.organization_id
and mca.bridging_account           = gcc.code_combination_id (+)
and mca.bridging_account is not null
-- ===========================================
-- Organization joins to the HR org model
-- ===========================================
and hoi.org_information_context    = 'Accounting Information'
and hoi.organization_id            = mp.organization_id
and hoi.organization_id            = haou.organization_id -- this gets the organization name
and haou2.organization_id          = to_number(hoi.org_information3) -- this gets the operating unit id
and gl.ledger_id                   = to_number(hoi.org_information1) -- get the ledger_id
-- Avoid selecting disabled inventory organizations
and sysdate < nvl(haou.date_to, sysdate + 1)
and fu1.user_id                    = mca.created_by
and fu2.user_id                    = mca.last_updated_by
and gl.ledger_id in (select nvl(glsnav.ledger_id,gasna.ledger_id) from gl_access_set_norm_assign gasna, gl_ledger_set_norm_assign_v glsnav where gasna.access_set_id=fnd_profile.value('GL_ACCESS_SET_ID') and gasna.ledger_id=glsnav.ledger_set_id(+))
and haou2.organization_id in (select mgoat.organization_id from mo_glob_org_access_tmp mgoat union select fnd_global.org_id from dual where fnd_release.major_version=11)
and 1=1                            -- p_org_code, p_operating_unit, p_ledger
-- Order by Status, Ledger, Operating_Unit, Org_Code, Category, Subinventory, Account Type
order by 1,2,3,5,7,9
Parameter Name SQL text Validation
Organization Code
mp.organization_code = :p_org_code
Operating Unit = :p_operating_unit
Ledger = :p_ledger
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