CAC Item Cost & Routing

Categories: Enginatics
Repository: Github
Report to show detailed item costs for buy and make items for one or any two cost types. If you enter multiple cost types you will get a row-by-row comparison in detail.
Note: to find all the items with a specific Basis Type, such as Lot or Ttl value (Total value), use the Basis Type parameter.

Cost Type: enter the cost type(s) you wish to report (mandator ... 
Report to show detailed item costs for buy and make items for one or any two cost types. If you enter multiple cost types you will get a row-by-row comparison in detail.
Note: to find all the items with a specific Basis Type, such as Lot or Ttl value (Total value), use the Basis Type parameter.

Cost Type: enter the cost type(s) you wish to report (mandatory).
Category Set 1: the first item category set to report, typically the Cost or Product Line Category Set (optional).
Category Set 2: the second item category set to report, typically the Inventory Category Set (optional).
Make or Buy: enter Buy, Make or leave blank to get all items (optional).
Based on Rollup: enter Yes to get the rolled up items, No to get the non-rolled-up items (optional).
Basis Type: enter the basis type you wish to report, such as Item, Lot, Res Units, Res Value, or Ttl Value (optional).
Item Status to Exclude: enter the item number status you want to exclude. Defaulted to 'Inactive' (optional).
Item Number: enter the item numbers you wish to report (optional).
Organization Code: enter the specific inventory organization(s) you wish to report (optional).
Operating Unit: enter the specific operating unit(s) you wish to report (optional).
Ledger: enter the specific ledger(s) you wish to report (optional).

/* +=============================================================================+
-- | Copyright 2010 - 2023 Douglas Volz Consulting, Inc.
-- | All rights reserved.
-- | Permission to use this code is granted provided the original author is
-- | acknowledged. No warranties, express or otherwise is included in this permission.
-- +=============================================================================+
-- |
-- | Original Author: Douglas Volz ([email protected])
-- |
-- | Program Name: xxx_item_costs_routing_rept.sql
-- |
-- | Description:
-- | Report to show detailed items costs for buy and make items for any two cost types.
-- |
-- | Version Modified on Modified by Description
-- | ======= =========== ============== =========================================
-- | 1.0 06 Oct 2009 Douglas Volz Initial Coding
-- | 1.1 16 Mar 2010 Douglas Volz Updated with Make/Buy flags
-- | 1.2 26 Aug 2010 Douglas Volz Added two cost types and effectivity date
-- | parameters.
-- | 1.3 12 Oct 2010 Douglas Volz Added parameters for business objects
-- | 1.4 26 Oct 2010 Douglas Volz Added parameter for specific Item_Number
-- | 1.5 01 Feb 2017 Douglas Volz Added Resource Activity and Cost Category
-- | 1.6 22 May 2017 Douglas Volz Added inventory item category
-- | 1.7 27 Jan 2020 Douglas Volz Added Operating_Unit and Org_Code parameters
-- | 1.8 26 Apr 2020 Douglas Volz Changed to multi-language views for the item
-- | master, inventory orgs and operating units.
-- | 1.9 21 Oct 2020 Douglas Volz Added Category1, Category2, Cost Creation
-- | Date, Last Cost Update Date, screen out
-- | the item master orgs.
-- | 1.10 17 Mar 2021 Douglas Volz Add parameter for Inactive Items.
-- | 1.11 26 Oct 2023 Douglas Volz Added item master std lot size and defaulted
-- | columns, removed tabs, added Basis Type, Based on Rollup
-- | and Make/Buy parameters and org access controls.
-- | Removed Cost Type2, not needed with Multiple Value
-- | functionality.
-- | 1.12 07 Dec 2023 Douglas Volz Added G/L and Operating Unit security restrictions.
-- +=============================================================================+*/
select  costs.ledger Ledger,
        costs.operating_unit Operating_Unit,
        costs.organization_code Org_Code,
        costs.item Item_Number,
        costs.item_description Item_Description,
        costs.primary_uom_code UOM_Code,
        -- Revision for version 1.5
        -- End revision for version 1.6
        costs.item_type Item_Type,
        costs.inventory_item_status_code Item_Status,
        -- Revision for version 1.11
        costs.use_default_controls Use_Default_Controls,
        costs.based_on_rollup Based_on_Rollup,
        costs.planning_make_buy_code Make_Buy_Code,
        -- Revision for version 1.11
        costs.std_lot_size Std_Lot_Size,
        costs.department_code Department,
        costs.level_type Level_Type,
        costs.operation_seq_num Operation_Seq_Number,
        costs.resource_seq_num Resource_Seq_Number,
        costs.source_organization Source_Org,
        costs.allocation_percent Allocation_Percent,
        costs.cost_element Cost_Element,
        costs.resource_code Sub_Element,
        costs.res_unit_of_measure Sub_Element_UOM,
        -- Revision for version 1.5
        costs.activity Activity,
        costs.cost_type Cost_Type,
        costs.rollup_source_type Cost_Source,
        costs.cost_basis Basis_Type,
        costs.lot_size Costing_Lot_Size,
        costs.shrinkage_rate Shrinkage_Rate,
        costs.basis_factor Basis_Factor,
        costs.net_yield_or_shrinkage_factor Shrinkage_Factor,
        costs.resource_rate Resource_Rate,
        costs.usage_rate_or_amount Rate_or_Amount,
        costs.currency_code Currency_Code,
        costs.detailed_item_cost Detailed_Item_Cost,
        costs.total_item_cost Total_Item_Cost,
        -- Revision for version 1.9
        costs.cost_creation_date Cost_Creation_Date,
        costs.cost_last_update_date Cost_Last_Update_Date,
        costs.item_creation_date Item_Creation_Date,
        costs.item_last_update_date Item_Last_Update_Date
        -- End revision for version 1.9
from    (
         -- ===================================================
         -- Get the item costs from your buy and routing costs
         -- for your pending cost type
         -- ===================================================
         select nvl(gl.short_name, ledger,
                msiv.concatenated_segments item,
                msiv.description item_description,
                -- Revision for version 1.8
                muomv.uom_code primary_uom_code,
                fcl.meaning item_type,
                -- Revision for version 1.5 and 1.6
                -- End revision for version 1.5 and 1.6
                -- Revision for version 1.8
                -- Revision for version 1.11
                ml6.meaning use_default_controls,
                ml1.meaning based_on_rollup,
                ml2.meaning planning_make_buy_code,
                -- Revision for version 1.11
                ml3.meaning level_type,
                mp2.organization_code source_organization,
                br.unit_of_measure res_unit_of_measure,
                -- Revision for version 1.5
                nvl((select     ca.activity
                     from       cst_activities ca
                     where      ca.activity_id = br.default_activity_id),'') activity,
                -- End revision for version 1.5
                ml4.meaning rollup_source_type,
                ml5.meaning cost_basis,
                cic.shrinkage_rate shrinkage_rate,
                cicd.item_cost detailed_item_cost,
                nvl(cic.item_cost,0) total_item_cost,
                -- Revision for version 1.9
                cic.creation_date cost_creation_date,
                cic.last_update_date cost_last_update_date,
                msiv.creation_date item_creation_date,
                msiv.last_update_date item_last_update_date
                -- End revision for version 1.9
         from   cst_item_costs cic,
                cst_item_cost_details cicd,
                mtl_system_items_vl msiv,
                -- Revision for version 1.8
                mtl_item_status_vl misv,
                mtl_units_of_measure_vl muomv,
                -- End revision for version 1.8
                mtl_parameters mp,               -- target inventory org
                mtl_parameters mp2,              -- source inventory org
                cst_cost_elements cce,
                bom_resources br,
                bom_departments bd,
                cst_cost_types cct,
                mfg_lookups ml1, -- based on rollup, CST_BONROLLUP_VAL
                mfg_lookups ml2, -- planning make/buy code, MTL_PLANNING_MAKE_BUY
                mfg_lookups ml3, -- level_type, CST_LEVEL
                mfg_lookups ml4, -- rollup source type, CST_SOURCE_TYPE
                mfg_lookups ml5, -- basis_type, CST_BASIS_SHORT
                mfg_lookups ml6, -- defaulted_flag, SYS_YES_NO
                fnd_common_lookups fcl,
                hr_organization_information hoi,
                hr_all_organization_units_vl haou,  -- inv_organization_id
                hr_all_organization_units_vl haou2, -- operating unit
                gl_ledgers gl
         where  msiv.inventory_item_id          = cic.inventory_item_id
         -- Revision for version 1.8
         and    msiv.primary_uom_code           = muomv.uom_code
         and    msiv.inventory_item_status_code = misv.inventory_item_status_code
         -- End revision for version 1.8
         -- =============================
         -- Add parameter for version 1.4
         -- =============================
         and    1=1                             -- p_item_status_to_exclude, p_item_number, p_org_code, p_operating_unit, p_ledger
         and    2=2                             -- p_cost_type, p_based_on_rollup, p_basis_type
         and    mp.organization_id              = cic.organization_id
         and    cic.cost_type_id                = cct.cost_type_id
         and    msiv.organization_id            = mp.organization_id
         and    cicd.source_organization_id     = mp2.organization_id (+)
         and    cic.cost_type_id                = cicd.cost_type_id
         and    cic.organization_id             = cicd.organization_id
         and    cic.inventory_item_id           = cicd.inventory_item_id
         and    cicd.cost_element_id            = cce.cost_element_id
         and    cicd.resource_id                = br.resource_id (+)
         and    cicd.department_id              = bd.department_id (+)
         -- =======================================
         -- Lookup codes
         -- =======================================
         and    ml1.lookup_type                 = 'CST_BONROLLUP_VAL'
         and    ml1.lookup_code                 = cic.based_on_rollup_flag
         and    ml2.lookup_type                 = 'MTL_PLANNING_MAKE_BUY'
         and    ml2.lookup_code                 = msiv.planning_make_buy_code
         and    ml3.lookup_type                 = 'CST_LEVEL'
         and    ml3.lookup_code                 = cicd.level_type
         and    ml4.lookup_type                 = 'CST_SOURCE_TYPE'
         and    ml4.lookup_code                 = cicd.rollup_source_type
         and    ml5.lookup_type                 = 'CST_BASIS_SHORT'
         and    ml5.lookup_code                 = cicd.basis_type
         and    ml6.lookup_type                 = 'SYS_YES_NO'
         and    ml6.lookup_code                 = cic.defaulted_flag
         and    fcl.lookup_code (+)             = msiv.item_type
         and    fcl.lookup_type (+)             = 'ITEM_TYPE'
         -- =======================================
         -- using the base tables for organization
         --  and operating unit definitions.
         -- =======================================
         and    hoi.org_information_context     = 'Accounting Information'
         and    hoi.organization_id             = mp.organization_id
         and    hoi.organization_id             = haou.organization_id            -- this gets the organization name
         and    haou2.organization_id           = hoi.org_information3            -- this gets the operating unit id
         and    gl.ledger_id                    = to_number(hoi.org_information1) -- get the ledger_id
         -- Revision for version 1.11
         and     mp.organization_id in (select oav.organization_id from org_access_view oav where oav.resp_application_id=fnd_global.resp_appl_id and oav.responsibility_id=fnd_global.resp_id)
         -- Revision for version 1.12
         and     gl.ledger_id in (select nvl(glsnav.ledger_id,gasna.ledger_id) from gl_access_set_norm_assign gasna, gl_ledger_set_norm_assign_v glsnav where gasna.access_set_id=fnd_profile.value('GL_ACCESS_SET_ID') and gasna.ledger_id=glsnav.ledger_set_id(+))
         and     haou2.organization_id in (select mgoat.organization_id from mo_glob_org_access_tmp mgoat union select fnd_global.org_id from dual where fnd_release.major_version=11)
         -- End revision for version 1.12
         -- =======================================
         -- Screen out master and disabled inventory orgs
         -- =======================================
         and    mp.organization_id             <> mp.master_organization_id
         and    sysdate                        <  nvl(haou.date_to, sysdate +1)
         union all
         -- ===================================================
         -- Get the non-costed resources from the routing
         -- operations
         -- ===================================================
         select nvl(gl.short_name, ledger,
                msiv.concatenated_segments item,
                msiv.description item_description,
                -- Revision for version 1.8
                muomv.uom_code primary_uom_code,
                fcl.meaning item_type,
                -- Revision for version 1.5 and 1.6
                -- Revision for version 1.8
                -- Revision for version 1.11
                ml6.meaning use_default_controls,
                ml1.meaning based_on_rollup,
                ml2.meaning planning_make_buy_code,
                -- Revision for version 1.11
                null level_type,
                null source_organization,
                null allocation_percent,
                br.unit_of_measure res_unit_of_measure,
                -- Revision for version 1.5
                nvl((select      ca.activity
                     from        cst_activities ca
                     where       ca.activity_id = br.default_activity_id),'') activity,
                -- End revision for version 1.5
                null rollup_source_type,
                ml5.meaning cost_basis,
                cic.shrinkage_rate shrinkage_rate,
                null basis_factor,
                null net_yield_or_shrinkage_factor,
                null resource_rate,
                null detailed_item_cost,
                null total_item_cost,
                -- Revision for version 1.9
                cic.creation_date cost_creation_date,
                cic.last_update_date cost_last_update_date,
                msiv.creation_date item_creation_date,
                msiv.last_update_date item_last_update_date
         from   bom_operational_routings bor,
                bom_operation_sequences bos,
                bom_operation_resources bores,
                cst_item_costs cic,
                cst_cost_types cct,
                cst_cost_elements cce,
                bom_resources br,
                bom_departments bd,
                mtl_system_items_vl msiv,
                -- Revision for version 1.8
                mtl_item_status_vl misv,
                mtl_units_of_measure_vl muomv,
                -- End revision for version 1.8
                mtl_parameters mp,
                mfg_lookups ml1, -- based on rollup, CST_BONROLLUP_VAL
                mfg_lookups ml2, -- planning make/buy code, MTL_PLANNING_MAKE_BUY
                mfg_lookups ml5, -- basis_type, CST_BASIS_SHORT
                mfg_lookups ml6, -- defaulted_flag, SYS_YES_NO
                fnd_common_lookups fcl,
                hr_organization_information hoi,
                hr_all_organization_units_vl haou,  -- inv_organization_id
                hr_all_organization_units_vl haou2, -- operating unit
                gl_ledgers gl
         -- =========================================================
         -- Item and Bom Operational Routing Joins
         -- =========================================================
         where  msiv.inventory_item_id          = bor.assembly_item_id
         and    msiv.organization_id            = bor.organization_id
         -- Revision for version 1.8
         and    msiv.primary_uom_code           = muomv.uom_code
         and    msiv.inventory_item_status_code = misv.inventory_item_status_code
         -- End revision for version 1.8
         and    bor.alternate_routing_designator is null  -- get the primary routing only
         and    bor.routing_type                = 1       -- manufacturing routing
         and    bor.common_assembly_item_id is null       -- don't want common assemblies
         -- =========================================================
         -- Item, organization and cost joins
         -- =========================================================
         and    msiv.organization_id            = mp.organization_id
         and    msiv.inventory_item_id          = cic.inventory_item_id
         -- Revision for version 1.8
         and    msiv.primary_uom_code           = muomv.uom_code
         and    msiv.inventory_item_status_code = misv.inventory_item_status_code
         -- End revision for version 1.8
         -- Add parameters for version 1.4 and 1.11
         and    1=1                             -- p_make_buy_code, p_item_status_to_exclude, p_item_number, p_org_code, p_operating_unit, p_ledger
         and    2=2                             -- p_cost_type, p_based_on_rollup, p_basis_type
         and    3=3                             -- p_effectivity_dates, p_include_non_costed_resources
         and    msiv.organization_id            = cic.organization_id
         and    cic.cost_type_id                = cct.cost_type_id
         -- =========================================================
         -- Bom Operational Routing and Op Sequence and Resource Joins
         -- =========================================================
         and    bor.routing_sequence_id         = bos.routing_sequence_id
         and    bos.operation_sequence_id       = bores.operation_sequence_id
         and    bores.resource_id               = br.resource_id
         and    br.allow_costs_flag             = 2 -- No
         and    br.cost_element_id              = cce.cost_element_id
         and    bos.department_id               = bd.department_id
         -- =======================================
         -- Lookup codes
         -- =======================================
         and    ml1.lookup_type                 = 'CST_BONROLLUP_VAL'
         and    ml1.lookup_code                 = cic.based_on_rollup_flag
         and    ml2.lookup_type                 = 'MTL_PLANNING_MAKE_BUY'
         and    ml2.lookup_code                 = msiv.planning_make_buy_code
         and    ml5.lookup_type                 = 'CST_BASIS_SHORT'
         and    ml5.lookup_code                 = bores.basis_type
         and    ml6.lookup_type                 = 'SYS_YES_NO'
         and    ml6.lookup_code                 = cic.defaulted_flag
         and    fcl.lookup_code (+)             = msiv.item_type
         and    fcl.lookup_type (+)             = 'ITEM_TYPE'
         -- =======================================
         -- using the base tables for organization
         -- and operating unit definitions.
         -- =======================================
         and    hoi.org_information_context     = 'Accounting Information'
         and    hoi.organization_id             = mp.organization_id
         and    hoi.organization_id             = haou.organization_id            -- this gets the organization name
         and    haou2.organization_id           = hoi.org_information3            -- this gets the operating unit id
         and    gl.ledger_id                    = to_number(hoi.org_information1) -- get the ledger_id
         -- Revision for version 1.11
         and     mp.organization_id in (select oav.organization_id from org_access_view oav where oav.resp_application_id=fnd_global.resp_appl_id and oav.responsibility_id=fnd_global.resp_id)
         -- Revision for version 1.12
         and     gl.ledger_id in (select nvl(glsnav.ledger_id,gasna.ledger_id) from gl_access_set_norm_assign gasna, gl_ledger_set_norm_assign_v glsnav where gasna.access_set_id=fnd_profile.value('GL_ACCESS_SET_ID') and gasna.ledger_id=glsnav.ledger_set_id(+))
         and     haou2.organization_id in (select mgoat.organization_id from mo_glob_org_access_tmp mgoat union select fnd_global.org_id from dual where fnd_release.major_version=11)
         -- End revision for version 1.12
         -- =======================================
         -- Screen out master and disabled inventory orgs
         -- =======================================
         and    mp.organization_id             <> mp.master_organization_id
         and    sysdate                        <  nvl(haou.date_to, sysdate +1)
        ) costs
order by 
        costs.ledger, -- Ledger
        costs.operating_unit, -- Operating_Unit
        costs.organization_code, -- Org_Code
        costs.item, -- Item_Number
        costs.department_code, -- Dept
        costs.level_type, -- Level
        costs.cost_element, -- Cost_Element
        costs.operation_seq_num, -- Op_Seq Num
        costs.resource_seq_num, -- Res Seq Num
        costs.resource_code, -- Sub-Element
        costs.cost_type -- Cost_Type
Parameter Name SQL text Validation
Cost Type
cct.cost_type = :p_cost_type
Category Set 1
select xxen_util.item_category_columns(p_category_set_name=>'<parameter_value>', p_table_alias=>'costs') sql_text from dual
Category Set 2
select xxen_util.item_category_columns(p_category_set_name=>'<parameter_value>', p_table_alias=>'costs') sql_text from dual
Category Set 3
select xxen_util.item_category_columns(p_category_set_name=>'<parameter_value>', p_table_alias=>'costs') sql_text from dual
Make or Buy
 ml2.meaning = :p_make_buy
Based on Rollup
ml1.meaning = :p_based_on_rollup
Basis Type
ml5.meaning = :p_basis_type
Item Status to Exclude
msiv.inventory_item_status_code != 
(select misv.inventory_item_status_code from mtl_item_status_vl misv where misv.inventory_item_status_code_tl = :p_item_status_to_exclude)
Item Number
msiv.concatenated_segments = :p_item_number
Organization Code
mp.organization_code = :p_org_code
Operating Unit = :p_operating_unit
Ledger = :p_ledger
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