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It’s fast, It’s simple and Blitz Report™ will change your EBS experience

Blitz Report is the world’s fastest EBS reporting solution.  Did you know it will also increase the efficiency of your entire team?

Learn why Blitz Report’s unique design and seamless integration with Oracle EBS means that developers, analysts, and business users can develop and deploy operational reports faster than ever before.

Presentation highlights;

  • A new approach that provides easier, faster, more efficient access to data in an instantly usable format – very popular with business users.
  • How to automatically migrate reports from existing, aging, and inefficient EBS reporting tools like Discoverer, Polaris, Report Wands, and BI Publisher.
  • Ability to export over one million transactions in less than 10 seconds, and with our unlimited data output – which is a feature that users of large volumes of data need to see to believe!
  • Working with Enterprise Command Centers and why this is a game-changer for EBS teams.



Wed Mar 17, 2021 – 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM PT


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