ECC Project Manufacturing, Procurement Activities, SQL1
Categories: Enterprise Command Center
Imported from Enterprise Command Center
Description: Project Manufacturing Procurement Details
Dataset Key: pjm-procurement
Security Procedure: PJM_ECC_DATASECURITY_PKG_PUB.GetFilterAttributeValues
Description: Project Manufacturing Procurement Details
Dataset Key: pjm-procurement
Security Procedure: PJM_ECC_DATASECURITY_PKG_PUB.GetFilterAttributeValues
select x.* from ( select * from ( SELECT /* PO */ 'PROJ_PO' || '-' || dist.project_id || '-' || NVL( TO_CHAR(dist.task_id), 'NO_TASK' ) || '-' || poh.po_header_id || '-' || pol.po_line_id || '-' || poll.line_location_id || '-' || dist.po_distribution_id AS ecc_spec_id, 'PROJ_PO' AS record_type, t.language AS LANGUAGE, GREATEST( NVL( pp.last_update_date, to_date('01-01-1990', 'DD-MM-YYYY')) , NVL( pt.last_update_date, to_date('01-01-1990', 'DD-MM-YYYY')) , NVL( poh.last_update_date, to_date('01-01-1990', 'DD-MM-YYYY')) , NVL( pol.last_update_date, to_date('01-01-1990', 'DD-MM-YYYY')) , NVL( poll.last_update_date, to_date('01-01-1990', 'DD-MM-YYYY')) , NVL( dist.last_update_date, to_date('01-01-1990', 'DD-MM-YYYY')) ) AS ecc_last_update_date, pp.project_id AS project_id, pp.segment1 AS project_number, pp.org_id AS org_id, pt.task_id AS TASK_id, pt.task_number AS task_number, poh.po_header_id AS po_header_id, poh.segment1 AS po_number, TO_CHAR(poh.po_header_id) AS ACTIVITY_ID, t.type_name AS po_document_type, poh.revision_num AS po_revision_number, poh.revised_date AS po_revised_date, poh.creation_date AS po_creation_date, postatus_lkup.meaning AS po_status, poh.vendor_id AS supplier_id, pv.vendor_name AS supplier_name, poh.vendor_site_id AS supplier_site_id, pvs.vendor_site_code AS supplier_site_name, poh.ship_to_location_id AS ship_to_location_id, hrl2.location_code AS ship_to_location_name, shipvia_lkup.freight_code_tl AS ship_via, freight_lkup.meaning AS freight_term, fob_lkup.meaning AS fob, poh.agent_id AS po_agent_id, peo.full_name AS po_agent_name, poh.bill_to_location_id AS bill_to_location_id, hrl3.location_code AS bill_to_location_name, poh.terms_id AS terms_id, AS payment_term, poh.currency_code AS currency, pol.po_line_id AS po_line_id, pol.line_num AS po_line_number, plt.line_type AS po_line_type, AS po_purchasing_org, SUBSTR( msi.segment1, 1, 40 ) AS item_number, pol.item_revision AS item_revision, NVL( msitl.description, pol.item_description ) AS item_description, lineuom.unit_of_measure_tl AS po_line_uom, pol.quantity AS po_line_quantity, pol.unit_price AS po_line_price, poll.line_location_id AS po_shipment_id, poll.shipment_num AS po_shipment_number, ood.organization_code AS po_shipment_org, hrl.location_code AS po_shipment_location, shipmentuom.unit_of_measure_tl AS po_shipment_uom, poll.quantity AS po_shipment_quantity, poll.quantity_received AS po_shipment_quantity_received, poll.quantity_accepted AS po_shipment_quantity_accepted, poll.quantity_rejected AS po_shipment_quantity_rejected, poll.quantity_billed AS po_shipment_quantity_billed, poll.quantity_cancelled AS po_shipment_quantity_cancelled, poll.promised_date AS po_shipment_promised_date, poll.need_by_date AS po_shipment_need_by_date, dist.po_distribution_id AS po_distribution_id, dist.distribution_num AS po_distribution_number, dist.quantity_ordered AS po_distribution_quantity, dist.end_item_unit_number AS end_item_unit_number, DECODE( pol.matching_basis, 'QUANTITY', dist.quantity_ordered * poll.price_override, 'AMOUNT', dist.amount_ordered ) AS po_dist_amount, dist.destination_organization_id AS po_dist_dest_organization_id, AS po_dist_dest_org_name FROM pa_projects_all pp, pa_tasks pt, po_headers_all poh, po_lines_all pol, po_line_locations_all poll, po_distributions_all dist, po_line_types_tl plt, hr_all_organization_units_tl hou2, hr_all_organization_units_tl hou3, org_organization_definitions ood, hr_locations_all_tl hrl, mtl_system_items_b msi, mtl_system_items_tl msitl, po_document_types_all_tl t, fnd_lookup_values postatus_lkup, po_vendors pv, po_vendor_sites_all pvs, hr_locations_all_tl hrl2, fnd_lookup_values freight_lkup, fnd_lookup_values fob_lkup, hr_locations_all_tl hrl3, ap_terms_tl term, org_freight_tl shipvia_lkup, per_all_people_f peo, mtl_units_of_measure_tl lineuom, mtl_units_of_measure_tl shipmentuom ,(select distinct project_id from pjm_project_parameters ) p3 WHERE pp.start_date >= NVL(to_date('2021/12/12','RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'), pp.start_date) and pp.project_id = p3.project_id AND pp.project_type <> 'AWARD_PROJECT' AND pp.template_flag = 'N' AND pp.project_id = dist.project_id AND pt.task_id(+) = dist.task_id AND poh.type_lookup_code = 'STANDARD' AND poh.approved_flag IN ('Y') AND pol.po_line_id = dist.po_line_id AND poh.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id AND dist.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id AND pol.po_line_id = poll.po_line_id AND plt.line_type_id(+) = pol.line_type_id AND hou2.organization_id(+) = poh.org_id AND hou3.organization_id(+) = dist.destination_organization_id AND ood.organization_id(+) = poll.ship_to_organization_id AND hrl.location_id(+) = poll.ship_to_location_id AND msi.inventory_item_id(+) = pol.item_id AND NVL( msi.organization_id, dist.destination_organization_id ) = dist.destination_organization_id AND msitl.inventory_item_id(+) = msi.inventory_item_id AND msitl.organization_id(+) = msi.organization_id AND t.document_type_code IN ('PO', 'PA') AND t.document_subtype = 'STANDARD' AND t.org_id = poh.org_id AND postatus_lkup.lookup_type = 'AUTHORIZATION STATUS' AND postatus_lkup.lookup_code = nvl(poh.authorization_status, 'INCOMPLETE') AND postatus_lkup.view_application_id = 201 AND postatus_lkup.security_group_id = 0 AND dist.project_id IS NOT NULL AND pv.vendor_id = poh.vendor_id AND pvs.vendor_id = poh.vendor_id AND pvs.vendor_site_id = poh.vendor_site_id AND hrl2.location_id = poh.ship_to_location_id AND freight_lkup.lookup_type( + ) = 'FREIGHT TERMS' AND freight_lkup.lookup_code( + ) = poh.freight_terms_lookup_code AND freight_lkup.view_application_id( + ) = 201 AND freight_lkup.security_group_id( + ) = 0 AND fob_lkup.lookup_type( + ) = 'FOB' AND fob_lkup.lookup_code( + ) = poh.fob_lookup_code AND fob_lkup.view_application_id( + ) = 201 AND fob_lkup.security_group_id( + ) = 0 AND shipvia_lkup.organization_id( + ) = poh.org_id AND shipvia_lkup.freight_code( + ) = poh.ship_via_lookup_code AND peo.person_id = poh.agent_id AND (trunc(SYSDATE) BETWEEN peo.effective_start_date AND peo.effective_end_date) AND hrl3.location_id = poh.bill_to_location_id AND term.term_id = poh.terms_id AND lineuom.unit_of_measure( + ) = pol.unit_meas_lookup_code AND shipmentuom.unit_of_measure( + ) = pol.unit_meas_lookup_code AND t.language = term.language AND term.language = hrl2.language AND hrl2.language = hrl3.language AND hrl3.language = NVL( hrl.language, hrl3.language ) AND term.language = NVL( hou3.language, term.language ) AND hrl2.language = NVL( hou2.language, hrl2.language ) AND t.language = nvl(msitl.language, t.language) AND t.language = postatus_lkup.language AND t.language = nvl(freight_lkup.language, t.language) AND t.language = nvl(fob_lkup.language, t.language) AND t.language = nvl(shipvia_lkup.language, t.language) AND t.language = nvl(lineuom.language, t.language) AND t.language = nvl(shipmentuom.language, t.language) AND t.language = nvl(plt.language, t.language) AND t.language IN ('US') AND hrl.language (+) IN ('US') AND hou3.language (+) IN ('US') AND hou2.language (+) IN ('US') AND msitl.language (+) IN ('US') AND postatus_lkup.language IN ('US') AND freight_lkup.language( + ) IN ('US') AND fob_lkup.language( + ) IN ('US') AND shipvia_lkup.language( + ) IN ('US') AND lineuom.language( + ) IN ('US') AND shipmentuom.language( + ) IN ('US') AND plt.language( + ) IN ('US') ) PIVOT(MAX(po_purchasing_org) AS po_purchasing_org, MAX(po_dist_dest_org_name) AS po_dist_dest_org_name, MAX(po_shipment_location) AS po_shipment_location, MAX(po_document_type) AS po_document_type, MAX(ship_to_location_name) AS ship_to_location_name, MAX(bill_to_location_name) AS bill_to_location_name, MAX(payment_term) AS payment_term, MAX(item_description) AS item_description, MAX (po_status) AS po_status, MAX (freight_term) AS freight_term, MAX (fob) AS fob, MAX (ship_via) AS ship_via, MAX (po_line_uom) AS po_line_uom, MAX (po_shipment_uom) AS po_shipment_uom, MAX (po_line_type) AS po_line_type FOR LANGUAGE IN ('US' "US")) ) x where 2=2 |
Parameter Name | SQL text | Validation | |
Operating Unit |