PA Costs ALL Projects

Collect all project costs

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SELECT pcera.amount total_revenue ,pdra.project_id , pdri.task_id ,pdra.gl_date,pdra.org_id
   FROM  pa.pa_draft_revenues_all  pdra
    , pa.pa_draft_revenue_items  pdri
    , pa.pa_cust_event_rdl_all pcera
    , pa.pa_events pe
    , xla.xla_ae_headers xah
    , xla.xla_ae_lines xal 
    , gl.gl_import_references gir
    , gl.gl_je_headers gjh 
    , pa.pa_implementations_all pia
       , gl.gl_periods gp
   WHERE  pdra.project_id =  pdri.project_id
   AND pdra.draft_revenue_num = pdri.draft_revenue_num
   AND pdri.project_id = pcera.project_id
   AND pdri.draft_revenue_num = pcera.draft_revenue_num
   AND pcera.draft_revenue_item_line_num = pdri.line_num
   AND pcera.event_num = pe.event_num
   AND pdra.transfer_status_code = 'A'
   AND pe.project_id = pcera.project_id
   AND pcera.task_id = pe.task_id
   AND xah.event_id = pdra.event_id
   AND xal.ae_header_id = xah.ae_header_id
   AND xal.ae_line_num = 1
   AND xal.gl_sl_link_id = gir.gl_sl_link_id
   AND gjh.je_header_id = gir.je_header_id
   AND gjh.status = 'P'
   AND pdri.task_id = pdri.task_id
         --   AND ((SYSDATE-100000) between gp.start_date AND gp.end_date)
   AND (gjh.posted_date between gp.start_date AND gp.end_date)
   AND gp.period_set_name=pia.period_set_name
   AND pia.org_id  =pdra.org_id