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Quantcast replaced Discoverer, and boosted report development and deployment speed

About Quantcast

Quantcast is on a mission to radically simplifying advertising on the open internet with the power of AI, making every customer engagement smarter, faster and more relevant. Through a robust ecosystem with the world’s leading publishers, brands, and agencies, Quantcast integrates and automates key processes to enable real-time advertising and audience insights.

With over 700 employees in 20 offices across 10 countries, they have been an Oracle E-Business Suite user since 2013.

Bitz Report and Quantcast at a glance

  • The upgrade to Oracle EBS 12.2 meant replacing Oracle Discoverer

  • Developers experienced significant productivity improvements and end-users love the faster deployment and reporting speed

  • Blitz Report™ licensing was a great value and the Enginatics team delivered excellent support

The Challenge – Replace Discoverer and improve reporting speed

Starting in 2019, Quantcast underwent several internal changes, which required upgrading their Oracle EBS software to version 12.2. This upgrade project helped them recognize that the continued growth and success of the company was dependent on timely and accurate reporting. Unfortunately, the impending upgrade meant their primary reporting tool, Oracle Discoverer was no longer supported, so they began a search for a new enterprise-wide solution.

They evaluated and implemented a well-known dashboard, graphics, and reporting tool. While they were generally happy with the results, they found the solution performed poorly when processing large volumes of transactional data. They learned that the number one requirement of their users was the ability to quickly export live data to Excel. The majority of users did not require the extended analytics and complexity of this standalone tool and preferred a simpler and integrated solution.

“Reporting is a key tool that enables the success of Quantcast. We feel Blitz Report is the right solution to help us continue to grow and innovate.”

Stephen Harding, Sr. Accounting Manager

Why Blitz Report™?

Quantcast selected Blitz Report for several reasons:

  • A flexible migration tool for Discoverer worksheets, including reports to analyze the usage of their existing Discoverer workbooks. This analysis would allow them to migrate and convert only the Discoverer workbooks that were actively used.
  • The Blitz Report™ library offered a comprehensive selection of reports across all EBS modules, ready to run “out of the box” and easily customized to accommodate their unique organizational reporting structure.
  • Direct access to the Oracle EBS tables meant that they could improve reporting speed and flexibility for their business users. The seamless integration with Oracle EBS meant they could leverage the existing EBS security setup.
  • The Enginatics team had a solid understanding of their business and offered a comprehensive implementation plan and provided a “one team” support experience.
  • The simple licensing model was an excellent value.


After working through their Proof of Concept and launching Blitz Report™ in their production environment, Quantcast has been very pleased with their results.

  • The Discover migration tool helped Quantcast select and migrate their most important Discoverer workbooks.
  • Their development team uses Blitz Report’s rapid deployment features to quickly create and deploy new reports for their end-users.
  • Business users found that seamless integration with EBS improves their day to day experience in several ways:
    • Single mouse-click export to Excel and improved reporting speed has been very popular.
    • The template feature allows them to customize report output columns, to include only the information they need.
    • Reports can be run directly from an Oracle EBS standard form, saving the users time, keystrokes and mouse-clicks.
  • They enhanced their development and deployment procedures using the version control and change management features.

“We were able to run the GL Account Analysis on multiple ledgers and non-consecutive periods without any issues, just as predicted … you have a group of very happy customers here.”

Kirsten Koch, Sr. Manager Financial Applications
Quantcast Office
Text-based Report Search

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