EAM Analyse criticité

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            mean.area "Zone"
          , mean.instance_number "Equipement"
          , mean.descriptive_text "Désignation"
          , meav.c_attribute10 "Criticité"
          , (select
             NVL(sum((ecwo.shutdown_end_date - ecwo.shutdown_start_date)*24),'0')
             from      apps.eam_cfr_work_order_v ecwo
             where 1=1
             and ecwo.organization_id = (select organization_id
                           from apps.mtl_parameters
                           where organization_code =:P_Organization)
             and ecwo.asset_number = mean.instance_number
             and     ecwo.date_released >= :Startdate
             and     ecwo.date_completed <= :Enddate) T1sum
          , (select
             NVL(count((ecwo.shutdown_end_date - ecwo.shutdown_start_date)*24),'0')  
             from      apps.eam_cfr_work_order_v ecwo
             where 1=1
             and ecwo.organization_id = (select organization_id
                           from apps.mtl_parameters
                           where organization_code = :P_Organization)
             and ecwo.asset_number = mean.instance_number
             and     ecwo.date_released >= :Startdate
             and     ecwo.date_completed <= :Enddate) T1cnt
        apps.mtl_eam_asset_numbers_all_v mean
        ,apps.MTL_EAM_ASSET_ATTR_VALUES_V meav
where   1=1
and     meav.instance_number = mean.instance_number
--and     meav.attribute_category = 'Le Locle Attributes'
and mean.inv_organization_code = :P_Organization
and mean.maintenance_object_type = 3
order by mean.area, mean.instance_number
Parameter Name SQL text Validation
mean.inv_organization_id = :P_Organization