
Parker Hannifin shifts to Blitz Report™ and boosts reporting productivity

About Parker Hannifin

Parker Hannifin is a leading American corporation specializing in motion control technologies. With over 100 years of experience in the industry, the company offers a wide range of products, including aerospace, climate control, electromechanical, filtration, fluid and gas handling, hydraulics, pneumatics, process control, and sealing and shielding.

The Challenge: Improve reporting and productivity

Parker Hannifin had been satisfied using GL Wand for their finance reporting and initially did not plan to explore other options. However, they faced technical challenges that made it necessary to reconsider their current tool and examine alternative solutions. They were looking for something integrated with their EBS environment which would also be cost-effective, easy to install and use.

Raiffeisen Bank International phase out their dependency on Oracle Discoverer with Blitz Report™

Why Blitz Report?

Blitz Report was a game-changer for Parker Hannifin. With its ability to quickly create reports by copying and pasting existing SQLs, Parker’s functional users were finally able to get Oracle reports that were easy to read and analyze. Additionally, the easy setup of the reports and the ability to combine them into nice dashboards using Power BI made Blitz Report™ the perfect solution for the company.

“When I first tried Blitz I was amazed at how much faster I could extract the same amount of information, as the same account information in Blitz could be extracted 4 to 5 times as fast as a GL Wand drill down.”

Jeff Henry, IT Manager, Parker Hannifin

The Results

Thanks to Blitz Report™’s superior speed and functionality, users were finally able to get Oracle reports that were easy to read and analyze. This also expanded their use of Power BI dashboards, given the ease of publishing the Excel files directly to a network folder in a ready to use format.

Overall, the switch to using Blitz Report has been a huge benefit for Parker Hannifin, with every functional area having benefitted from this product.

For more information or to further explore enhancements to your Oracle EBS systems, please contact us for a live demo tailored to your needs.

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