CAC Item Cost Comparison

Categories: Enginatics
Repository: Github
Report to compare the item costs from two cost types in any two inventory orgs, converting the Org Code 1 (Source Org) into the currency of Org Code 2 (To Org). Put the smallest cost type into Cost Type 1, as the values for cost type 1 are always reported even if not in cost type 2. Note that the Source Org and the Compared To Org default from the inventory organization as set for your session.< ...  Report to compare the item costs from two cost types in any two inventory orgs, converting the Org Code 1 (Source Org) into the currency of Org Code 2 (To Org). Put the smallest cost type into Cost Type 1, as the values for cost type 1 are always reported even if not in cost type 2. Note that the Source Org and the Compared To Org default from the inventory organization as set for your session.

/* +=============================================================================+
-- | Copyright 2006 - 2020 Douglas Volz Consulting, Inc. |
-- | All rights reserved. |
-- +=============================================================================+
-- |
-- | Original Author: Douglas Volz ([email protected])
-- |
-- | Parameters:
-- | p_org_code1 -- The inventory organization that is the source
-- | p_org_code2 -- The inventory organization that is the target
-- | p_cost_type1 -- The source comparison cost type
-- | p_cost_type2 -- The target comparison cost type
-- | p_curr_conv_type -- Conversion conversion type, to convert the Source
-- | org, org_code1, into the currency of the To_Org,
-- | org_code2
-- | p_curr_conv_date -- The currency conversion date, typically a month-end
-- | date
-- | p_min_cost_diff -- Minimum material cost diff. to show on the report
-- | p_category_set1 -- The first item category set to report, typically the
-- | Cost or Product Line Category Set
-- | p_category_set2 -- The second item category set to report, typically the
-- | Inventory Category Set
-- |
-- | Description:
-- | Report to compare the item costs from two cost types in any two inventory orgs,
-- | converting the Org_Code 1 (Source_Org) into the currency of Org_Code 2 (To_Org).
-- |
-- | Version Modified on Modified by Description
-- | ======= =========== ============== =========================================
-- | 1.0 02 APR 2006 Douglas Volz Initial Coding
-- | 1.1 14 Apr 2006 Douglas Volz Final Coding for client
-- | 1.4 13 JUN 2006 Douglas Volz Added nvl to all material costs columns
-- | 1.5 02 NOV 2009 Douglas Volz Changed to compare the item costs for two orgs
-- | across different currencies
-- | 1.6 21 Nov 2016 Douglas Volz Take out currencies, allow comparison within
-- | the same inventory org but using different
-- | cost types
-- | 1.7 18 Dec 2018 Douglas Volz Add currencies back in
-- | 1.8 30 Aug 2019 Douglas Volz Add cost and inventory item categories,
-- | item type and item status.
-- | 1.9 01 Sep 2020 Douglas Volz Added costs by cost element.
-- | 1.10 11 Sep 2020 Douglas Volz Added ability to report cost type1 even when
-- | the item is not in cost type1. Made cic2 a
-- | table select to avoid sql outer join errors.
-- | 1.11 24 Oct 2020 Douglas Volz Fix bug to convert into any currency, not just USD.
-- | 1.12 02 Nov 2020 Douglas Volz Again, fix to report cost type 1 even when the
-- | item is not in cost type 2.
-- | 1.13 05 Jan 2022 Douglas Volz Add lot size, shrinkage rate, based on rollup
-- | flags. Change calc. for percent difference.


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 nvl(gl.short_name, Ledger, Operating_Unit,
 msiv.concatenated_segments Item_Number,
 msiv.description Item_Description,
 -- Revision for version 1.8
 muomv.uom_code UOM_Code,
 fcl.meaning Item_Type,
 misv.inventory_item_status_code Item_Status,
 -- End of revision for version 1.8
 -- Revision for version 1.13
 ml1.meaning Make_Buy_Code,
 msiv.std_lot_size Std_Lot_Size,
 -- End revision for version 1.13
 mp.organization_code Org1,
 cct1.cost_type Cost_Type1,
 -- Revision for version 1.13
 ml2.meaning Org1_Inventory_Asset,
 ml3.meaning Org1_Based_on_Rollup,
 cic1.lot_size Org1_Lot_Size,
 cic1.shrinkage_rate Org1_Shrinkage_Rate,
 -- End revision for version 1.13
 gl.currency_code Currency_Code,
 -- Revision for version 1.9
 round(nvl(cic1.material_cost,0),5) Org1_Material_Cost,
 round(nvl(cic1.material_overhead_cost,0),5) Org1_Material_Overhead_Cost,
 round(nvl(cic1.resource_cost,0),5) Org1_Resource_Cost,
 round(nvl(cic1.outside_processing_cost,0),5) Org1_Outside_Processing_Cost,
 round(nvl(cic1.overhead_cost,0),5) Org1_Overhead_Cost,
 -- End of revision for version 1.9
 round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0),5) Org1_Item_Cost,
 cic1.conversion_rate Currency_Conversion_Rate,
 round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) * cic1.conversion_rate ,5) Converted_Org1_Cost,
 -- Revision for version 1.13
 cic2.ledger Ledger2,
 cic2.operating_unit Operating_Unit2,
 -- End revision for version 1.13
 -- Revision for version 1.10
 cic2.organization_code Org2,
 cic2.cost_type Cost_Type2,
 -- Revision for version 1.13
 ml4.meaning Org2_Inventory_Asset,
 ml5.meaning Org2_Based_on_Rollup,
 cic2.lot_size Org2_Lot_Size,
 cic2.shrinkage_rate Org2_Shrinkage_Rate,
 cic2.currency_code Org2_Currency_Code,
 -- End revision for version 1.13
 -- Revision for version 1.9
 round(nvl(cic2.material_cost,0),5) Org2_Material_Cost,
 round(nvl(cic2.material_overhead_cost,0),5) Org2_Material_Overhead_Cost,
 round(nvl(cic2.resource_cost,0),5) Org2_Resource_Cost,
 round(nvl(cic2.outside_processing_cost,0),5) Org2_Outside_Processing_Cost,
 round(nvl(cic2.overhead_cost,0),5) Org2_Overhead_Cost,
 -- End of revision for version 1.9
 round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5) Org2_Item_Cost,
 -- Revision for version 1.13
 cic1.conversion_rate Currency_Conversion_Rate,
 -- Revision for version 1.9
 round((nvl(cic1.material_cost,0) * cic1.conversion_rate) - nvl(cic2.material_cost,0),5) Material_Difference,
 round((nvl(cic1.material_overhead_cost,0) * cic1.conversion_rate) - nvl(cic2.material_overhead_cost,0),5) Material_Overhead_Difference,
 round((nvl(cic1.resource_cost,0) * cic1.conversion_rate) - nvl(cic2.resource_cost,0),5) Resource_Difference,
 round((nvl(cic1.outside_processing_cost,0) * cic1.conversion_rate) - nvl(cic2.outside_processing_cost,0),5) Outside_Processing_Difference,
 round((nvl(cic1.overhead_cost,0) * cic1.conversion_rate) - nvl(cic2.overhead_cost,0),5) Overhead_Difference,
 -- End of revision for version 1.9
 round((nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) * cic1.conversion_rate) - nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5) Item_Cost_Difference,
 -- Revision for version 1.13
   -- round(round((nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) * cic1.conversion_rate) - nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5)
 -- / decode((nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) * cic1.conversion_rate),0,1, (nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) * cic1.conversion_rate)) * 100,1) Percent
 --  Case
 --  when difference = 0 then 0
 --  when difference = org2 then 100%
 --  when difference = org1 then -100%
 --  else org2 - org1 / org1
    when round((nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) * cic1.conversion_rate) - nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5) = 0 then 0
    when round((nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) * cic1.conversion_rate) - nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5) = round(nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) * cic1.conversion_rate,5) then 100
    when round((nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) * cic1.conversion_rate) - nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5) = round(nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5) then -100
    else round(round((nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) * cic1.conversion_rate) - nvl(cic2.item_cost,0),5)
  / decode((nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) * cic1.conversion_rate),0,1, (nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) * cic1.conversion_rate)) * 100,1)
 end Percent
 -- End revision for version 1.13
case when gl1.currency_code=gl2.currency_code then 1 else (
gl_daily_rates gdr,
gl_daily_conversion_types gdct
gl1.currency_code=gdr.from_currency and
gl2.currency_code=gdr.to_currency and
gdr.conversion_date=:conversion_date and
gdct.user_conversion_type=:user_conversion_type and
) end conversion_rate,
cst_item_costs cic,
org_organization_definitions ood1,
org_organization_definitions ood2,
gl_ledgers gl1,
gl_ledgers gl2
cic.organization_id=ood1.organization_id and
ood2.organization_code=:p_org_code2 and
ood1.set_of_books_id=gl1.ledger_id and
) cic1, -- source item costs
 cst_cost_types cct1, -- source cost type
 mtl_system_items_vl msiv,
 -- Revision for version 1.8
 mtl_item_status_vl misv,
 mtl_units_of_measure_vl muomv,
 -- End revision for version 1.8
 mtl_parameters mp,   -- just the inventory cost type org
 -- Revision for version 1.10
 -- mtl_parameters mp2,  -- all inventory orgs
 -- Revision for version 1.7
 fnd_common_lookups fcl,
 -- Revision for version 1.13
 mfg_lookups ml1, -- planning make/buy code, MTL_PLANNING_MAKE_BUY
 mfg_lookups ml2, -- inventory_asset_flag, SYS_YES_NO
 mfg_lookups ml3, -- based on rollup, CST_BONROLLUP_VAL
 mfg_lookups ml4, -- inventory_asset_flag, SYS_YES_NO
 mfg_lookups ml5, -- based on rollup, CST_BONROLLUP_VAL
 -- End revision for version 1.13
 -- Revision for version 1.10
 -- cst_item_costs cic2, -- target item costs
 -- cst_cost_types cct2, -- target cost type
 (select cic2.cost_type_id,
  -- Revision for version 1.11
  -- Revision for version 1.13
  nvl(gl.short_name, ledger, operating_unit,
  -- End revision for version 1.13
  from cst_item_costs cic2,  -- target item costs
  cst_cost_types cct2,  -- target cost type
  -- Revision for version 1.11
  mtl_system_items_vl msiv,
  mtl_parameters mp2,
  hr_organization_information hoi,
  hr_all_organization_units_vl haou, -- inv_organization_id
  hr_all_organization_units_vl haou2,  -- operating unit
  gl_ledgers gl
  -- End revision for version 1.11 and 1.13
  where cct2.cost_type_id      = cic2.cost_type_id
  and mp2.organization_id    = cic2.organization_id
  and msiv.inventory_item_id = cic2.inventory_item_id
  and msiv.organization_id   = cic2.organization_id
  -- Revision for version 1.11 and 1.13
  and hoi.org_information_context     = 'Accounting Information'
  and hoi.organization_id             = mp2.organization_id
  and hoi.organization_id             = haou.organization_id   -- this gets the organization name
  and haou2.organization_id           = to_number(hoi.org_information3) -- this gets the operating unit id
  and gl.ledger_id                    = to_number(hoi.org_information1) -- get the ledger_id
  -- End revision for version 1.13
  and 4=4                             -- p_org_code2 and p_cost_type2
  and 5=5                             -- p_item_number
 ) cic2,
 hr_organization_information hoi,
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou, -- inv_organization_id
 hr_all_organization_units_vl haou2,  -- operating unit
 gl_ledgers gl
where msiv.inventory_item_id          = cic1.inventory_item_id
and msiv.organization_id            = cic1.organization_id
-- Revision for version 1.8
and msiv.primary_uom_code           = muomv.uom_code
and msiv.inventory_item_status_code = misv.inventory_item_status_code
-- End revision for version 1.8
and mp.organization_id              = cic1.organization_id
and cct1.cost_type_id               = cic1.cost_type_id
and 1=1                             -- p_org_code1, p_cost_type1, p_min_cost_diff
and 5=5                             -- p_item_number
and msiv.inventory_item_id          = cic2.inventory_item_id (+)
-- ===================================================================
-- Lookup codes
-- ===================================================================
-- Revision for version 1.7
and fcl.lookup_code (+)             = msiv.item_type
and fcl.lookup_type (+)             = 'ITEM_TYPE'
-- End revision for version 1.7
-- Revision for version 1.13
and ml1.lookup_type                 = 'MTL_PLANNING_MAKE_BUY'
and ml1.lookup_code                 = msiv.planning_make_buy_code
and ml2.lookup_type                 = 'SYS_YES_NO'
and ml2.lookup_code                 = to_char(cic1.inventory_asset_flag)
and ml3.lookup_type                 = 'CST_BONROLLUP_VAL'
and ml3.lookup_code                 = cic1.based_on_rollup_flag
and ml4.lookup_type                 = 'SYS_YES_NO'
and ml4.lookup_code                 = to_char(cic2.inventory_asset_flag)
and ml5.lookup_type                 = 'CST_BONROLLUP_VAL'
and ml5.lookup_code                 = cic2.based_on_rollup_flag
-- ===================================================================
-- using the base tables for HR organizations
-- ===================================================================
and hoi.org_information_context     = 'Accounting Information'
and hoi.organization_id             = mp.organization_id
and hoi.organization_id             = haou.organization_id   -- this gets the organization name
and haou2.organization_id           = hoi.org_information3   -- this gets the operating unit id
and gl.ledger_id                    = to_number(hoi.org_information1) -- get the ledger_id
-- avoid selecting disabled inventory organizations
and sysdate < nvl(haou.date_to, sysdate + 1)
order by
 nvl(gl.short_name,, -- Ledger, -- Operating_Unit
 cct1.cost_type, --  Cost_Type1
 msiv.concatenated_segments, -- Item
 mp.organization_code -- Org1
Parameter Name SQL text Validation
Cost Type 1
cct1.cost_type = :p_cost_type1
Compared to Cost Type 2
cct2.cost_type = :p_cost_type2
Source Org (Org Code 1)
mp.organization_code = :p_org_code1
Compared to Org (Org Code 2)
mp2.organization_code = :p_org_code2
Minimum Cost Difference
abs((nvl(cic1.item_cost,0) * cic1.conversion_rate - nvl(cic2.item_cost,0))) >= :p_min_cost_diff
Currency Conversion Type
Currency Conversion Date
Category Set 1
select x.* from (
'(select min(mcb.'||lower(fifsv.application_column_name)||') keep (dense_rank first order by mic.category_id) from mtl_item_categories mic, mtl_categories_b mcb where mic.category_set_id='||mcsv.category_set_id||' and msiv.organization_id=mic.organization_id and msiv.inventory_item_id=mic.inventory_item_id and mic.category_id=mcb.category_id) "'||substrb(fifsv.form_left_prompt_,1,xxen_report.max_column_length)||'",' sql_text
mtl_category_sets_vl mcsv,
(select xxen_util.init_cap(fifsv.form_left_prompt) form_left_prompt_, fifsv.* from fnd_id_flex_segments_vl fifsv) fifsv
mcsv.category_set_name=:category_set_name1 and
mcsv.structure_id=fifsv.id_flex_num and
fifsv.application_id=401 and
fifsv.id_flex_code='MCAT' and
order by
) x
union all
'(select min(mct.description) keep (dense_rank first order by mic.category_id) from mtl_item_categories mic, mtl_categories_tl mct where mic.category_set_id='||mcsv.category_set_id||' and msiv.organization_id=mic.organization_id and msiv.inventory_item_id=mic.inventory_item_id and mic.category_id=mct.category_id and mct.language=userenv(''lang'')) "'||substrb(mcsv.category_set_name||' Description',1,xxen_report.max_column_length)||'",' sql_text
mtl_category_sets_vl mcsv
Category Set 2
select x.* from (
'(select min(mcb.'||lower(fifsv.application_column_name)||') keep (dense_rank first order by mic.category_id) from mtl_item_categories mic, mtl_categories_b mcb where mic.category_set_id='||mcsv.category_set_id||' and msiv.organization_id=mic.organization_id and msiv.inventory_item_id=mic.inventory_item_id and mic.category_id=mcb.category_id) "'||substrb(fifsv.form_left_prompt_,1,xxen_report.max_column_length)||'",' sql_text
mtl_category_sets_vl mcsv,
(select xxen_util.init_cap(fifsv.form_left_prompt) form_left_prompt_, fifsv.* from fnd_id_flex_segments_vl fifsv) fifsv
mcsv.category_set_name=:category_set_name2 and
mcsv.structure_id=fifsv.id_flex_num and
fifsv.application_id=401 and
fifsv.id_flex_code='MCAT' and
order by
) x
union all
'(select min(mct.description) keep (dense_rank first order by mic.category_id) from mtl_item_categories mic, mtl_categories_tl mct where mic.category_set_id='||mcsv.category_set_id||' and msiv.organization_id=mic.organization_id and msiv.inventory_item_id=mic.inventory_item_id and mic.category_id=mct.category_id and mct.language=userenv(''lang'')) "'||substrb(mcsv.category_set_name||' Description',1,xxen_report.max_column_length)||'",' sql_text
mtl_category_sets_vl mcsv
Item Number
msiv.concatenated_segments = :p_item_number
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