EAM Extrait des ordres de travail

Auteur: Ion Yilmaz 13.mai 2019
This report extracts eAM work order details from the eAM Work Order View.
The particularity of this report is that it will also search for any valid attributes from the eAM asset activities view. For example, in this case the asset activity attribute2 is used to identify if the asset activity is an ''At Risk'' activity. This attribute is also extracted in thi ... 
Auteur: Ion Yilmaz 13.mai 2019
This report extracts eAM work order details from the eAM Work Order View.
The particularity of this report is that it will also search for any valid attributes from the eAM asset activities view. For example, in this case the asset activity attribute2 is used to identify if the asset activity is an ''At Risk'' activity. This attribute is also extracted in this report.
The cumulative total lead time, if present, of the activities is also output.
The primary usage of this report is in the tracking and planning of eAM maintenance work orders.
Revison 1 13.mai 2019 logic change to allow work orders without activities assigned to be included.
Revision 2 6.juin2020 Added disable date control for ''At Risk'' activities
License: Creative Commons CC with Attribution

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select distinct
          ecwo.asset_number "Equipement"
        , ecwo.asset_number_description "Equipement designation"
        , ecwo.area "Zone"
        , NVL(ecwo.asset_activity, 'NA') "Activité"
        , NVL(ecwo.asset_activity_description, ' ') "Activité designation"
        , ecwo.scheduled_start_date "Date de début programmé"
        , ecwo.wip_entity_name "Ordre de travail"
        , ecwo.system_status_disp "OT status"
        , NVL((select to_char(msib.cumulative_total_lead_time*24, '999.99') from dual,
          apps.mtl_system_items_b msib
          where ecwo.asset_activity_id = msib.inventory_item_id
          and     ecwo.organization_id = msib.organization_id)
          , ' ') "Temps prévu"
        , ecwo.activity_cause_disp "Cause d'activité" 
        , NVL((select distinct meaa.attribute2
               from apps.mtl_eam_asset_activities_v meaa
               where 1=1
               and ecwo.asset_activity_id = meaa.asset_activity_id
               and ecwo.organization_id = meaa.organization_id
               and NVL(end_date_active,sysdate + 1) > sysdate), ' ') "Activité à risque" -- Rev. 2      
        , ecwo.class_code "Classe en-cours"
        , ecwo.owning_department_code "Département"
        , ecwo.activity_type "Type d'activité"
        , ecwo.priority_disp "Priorité de travail"
        , ecwo.shutdown_type_disp "Arrêt"
from      apps.eam_cfr_work_order_v ecwo
where   1=1
order by 4, 6
Parameter Name SQL text Validation
LOV Oracle
Scheduled start from
Scheduled start to